Okay, so this is it. Last little bit of this story and I can't even begin to tell you how terribly sad and happy and relieved I am.

It's been brilliant, at least for me, and I just hope you enjoyed reading it half as much as I enjoyed writing it. And so in the last author's , note I'd like to thank theghostinside and superioritycomplex144 as always, as well as Lady Constance Malfoy Hummel, Fantony, the14th, vampire5596, Insomiak, Anakaraya Ravenclaw, hoperocks98, RoibenJazz, gbheart, trish, Injury13 and ryohei-nya for the wonderful comments and support and everyone else for reading this. You've got all my love.

Waking up in the living room was strange and it took Harry's eyes a few moments to adjust to the bright light flooding through the windows. It had to be quite late already, around noon, for the little patch of the world he could see from his current location was sunny and cheery, which suited his mood somehow, although he couldn't quite remember why yet. There just was a lightness in his chest, a constant, bubbling joy which made him want to hug the whole world and take it out for ice cream. He wanted to smile, but when he tried to, he found that he already was, lips stretched out so wide it should have hurt.

After a second he tried to move his head, but the motion caused a sharp flare of pain shooting up his neck. Obviously ling half-propped up on one's sofa wasn't the best way to spend the night; his arm had gone numb too, where it had been pinned into the cushions by his body weight. Again, moved his head, but this time it actually worked and he faced the reason for the unexplained happiness which filled him since he had woken up.

For there, carelessly wrapped around him, was Draco Malfoy, still facts asleep

'So you'll come back to visit me from time to time?', Harry asked, his hand still cupping the other's face. He probably should have let go ages ago, but Draco hadn't said anything and so he let his hand stay where it was, his thumb tracing patterns over milky skin. Staying like this made every word, every breath feel important, almost like a promise; it was intimate, but still the situation didn't feel suffocating like it sometimes had with Ginny. It was perfect.

'If you want me to, of course', there was a sparkle in Draco's eyes he had never seen before, and his voice was soft and playful, so Harry knew that the other already knew the answer.

'Of course I do', he said, 'As often as possible. And then some.'

He grinned and kissed Draco, short and sweet, and when he pulled back, a playful grin had appeared on the other's lips.

'Oh, I think that should be possible. I'll just go and tell them, 'Sorry, I can't come in tomorrow, The Boy Who Lived has requested my presence for a heated make out session.' I'm sure they'll understand.'

Harry let out a small laugh, 'Oh, they better will. After all, I'm the hero of the Wizarding World. And if I want to snog you into oblivion, I'll do exactly that!'

''I'm not going to protest there', Draco replied with a chuckle, 'Although it kind of does make me sound like a…concubine or something.'

'Concubine? Oh, I don't think I like that word. Doesn't sound very fitting, does it?', he smiled.

'I'm glad we agree on that. But speaking of that, what would you prefer?'

It was strange how quickly playful banter could turn into something much more serious, Harry thought.

'I…' he paused for a second to collect his thoughts. What did he want? Of course all of this came terribly soon after the break up with Ginny, but then again, it felt so right and he knew that the last thing he wanted was for Draco to leave.

'I don't really like the word boyfriend very much either, but I think…I think I quite like the concept.' He felt blood rushing to colour his cheeks as he smiled at the other male in front of him, not knowing if these had been the right words to say. But then Draco smiled back and there was relief written all over his face, and he knew that they had been.

'Who needs these labels anyway, right?', the blond asked and took Harry's hand, lacing their fingers together, 'But I'm glad that this means I get to keep you.'

The events of yesterday's night continued to replay themselves in Harry's head, but he couldn't really say he minded. After all, everything had managed to go from awkward to perfect in the matter of one single night. Draco was still sleeping and he continued to watch him, marvelling at how peaceful the other looked, almost serene. It felt special, because Harry knew that he usually had such troubles sleeping, but it didn't seem to matter, not now. Not when Draco was with him.

He raised a hand and started to run it through the other's silken hair, careful to keep the touch light as not to wake him. It didn't seem to work out, though because only seconds later, Draco's eyelids started to flutter open, pupils still wide and unfocused as he smiled a hello at the Golden Boy.

'Good morning', Harry greeted back, ignoring how tight his chest suddenly felt, 'Slept well?'

'Better than I did in years. You?'

'Brilliant.' For a second, he considered telling the other about how his arm had fallen asleep, but in the end, he decided against it. This intimacy was worth so much more than a numb arm.

'So', Draco started, drawing patterns on the fabric-clad skin of his chest, 'Do you have any plans for today?'

'I do, actually', the Golden Boy answered, ignoring the slight frown on the blond's face, 'I thought we could lie around here for a bit and then go out for breakfast, since I don't think I've got anything to eat at home. And then we could spend the rest of the day here and... catch up with what we should have done ages ago.' He grinned when he saw Draco's face lighten up again, 'Of course only if you're free.'

The other took his hand and laced their fingers together just like the night before, 'Hm… that could be a bit difficult, because I'm not free anymore after last night', he grinned broadly at him, '…But I suppose I still could find some time for you.'

And Draco leaned forward to capture his lips in the sweetest kiss and Harry could feel the other's smile against his own skin.