"Bella baby be good." my daddy said as me and mom packed the car. I was headed to Texas to go to college. My mom was going with me for a week so that she could see her old college friend that I would be staying with while there. "I will daddy. I love you." I said kissing his cheek. "I love you too baby." he said opening my car door. "Don't forget to call at night to let the old man know that your okay." he said as I got in. I laughed before nodding. "I will. Tell Billy I said hi and tell Jake to be good." I said before he closed my door. He nodded looking over at my old truck that he would be using to go fishing in now. Mom started the car and we took off toward the airport.

Getting there and parking didn't take more than an hour. Now we were sitting here waiting to be called for our flight. Mom's phone started to buzz. She quickly answered it with a, "Hello." I got her attention and pointed to the restroom. She nodded before going back to talking to who ever called her. I quickly went to the bathroom. Returning my mom smiled to me. "Well my friend isn't going to be the one picking us up. Her son is coming. She told me that he is your age and is going to the same college isn't that nice sweetie?" she said. I just nodded. I didn't think it was nice at all I mean I know I haven't meet the guy yet but if he's anything like the boys here, he'll be all over me and I just hate that. I zoned out with my headphones in my ears listening to Shinedown.

Soon my mom was shaking me telling me they called for our flight. I quickly got up and followed her to the tunnel thing that lead to the airplane. Here goes everything I got.


"Emmett McCarty! If you don't get up right now you aren't getting any breakfast!" I heard my mom yell. I groaned before getting up. I throw on a pair of sweat pants before running upstairs. "Morning momma." I said as I walked in the kitchen. She handed me a plate and smiled, "If I threaten your food your down here in a heartbeat but if I threaten to kick your ass you would still be asleep. Boy you're weird." I just laughed and nodded. "I know and you love me anyway." I said before sitting at the bar. "I do. Look my friend Renee and her daughter Isabella are flying in today. I need for the two guest rooms to be cleaned up and I need for you to go get them from the airport. I can't because I have a meeting. Can you do that for me?" she asked. I looked up to her. "Yeah I guess. Isabella is the one staying with us right? Renee's going back to Washington?" I asked shoving more food into my mouth. "Yes and Isabella is also going to school with you. I want her in the room next to yours if you don't mind." momma said sitting beside me with a cup of coffee. I nodded as I swallowed. "Momma can Jasper come over later please?" I asked. She gave me a look before saying "If he comes over you have to invite Rose over too." she said knowing I would contemplate asking him over now. I thought about it for a minute or so then answered with, "Fine I guess I could introduce Isabella to Rosalie." I said finishing my breakfast. I put the plate in the sink. "I'm gonna go for a run." I said going down to my room to grab my iPod. I went back upstairs and out the door. I turned the iPod on and placed the headphones in my ear before looking down the long path. I took a deep breath and took off.

I ran until I reached the end of the path. I stopped and looked around. I was at the little lake that was at the back of the ranch. It was a beautiful place to say the least. No one but Jasper and myself and of course both of my parents knew that it was here seeing as it was in the woods. This was the place I wanted to go to get away from people. I never brought anyone back here and I'm not planning on it but maybe if this Isabella chick is cool I'll think about showing her this place. I sat by the water for a few minutes cooling off from the three mile run.

Sitting there I started to think about this Isabella girl. What would she be like? Would she be a nerd or a party person? Or would she be both? I more or less couldn't really wait to meet her. My mom had showed me a picture that her friend sent her. It was of a beautiful brunette, she was slender and not very tall and she had beautiful brown eyes. In the picture was a man and woman as well, I assumed that they were Renee and her husband. But the brunette she was the one that stuck out in my head more than anything. I shook my head getting the thoughts out and got up. I started running back to the house.

Once I reached the house I went inside and went to clean the guest rooms out first and then went to take a quick shower. Getting out I dried off and changed into a pair boxers the slipped a pair of dark blue jeans on. I walked back to my room and picked up my white v-neck that I had left on my bed and tugged it on. I quickly slipped my socks on and then my boots. I checked myself in my mirror while I sprayed axe all over me.

Once done I walked upstairs to see my mom sitting there with some papers. I sat beside her and looked at them. "You smell good is that the axe I got you for Christmas?" she asked handing me the papers. "Yeah. I'm running a little low though momma hint hint." I said smiling at her. "Got it." she said smiling at me. "So I called Renee and caught her while they were at the airport and I told her that you would be going to get them. She said okay and that she can't wait to get out here. These papers have where you can meet them at and a picture just in case you forgot what they look like." she said pointing to the papers. "I don't need the picture I remember what they look like. When do they land... Oh wait its up here never mind I need to hurry and get to the airport they should be landing in an hour. Love you momma." I said kissing the side of her head. I grabbed the keys to my moms Volvo and I was off to the airport to meet the brunette and her mom.