AN: Ok soooo this is my first HP fic. I had always wanted to write a story but could never think of one. So read and review…please?



That one word ran through my head as I made my way to the Great Hall. I was coming back from that damned Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement. I hated that cabinet. I hated itwith a passion. Every time it didn't work, the more of a failure a became.


Who was I kidding? That's what I was. I knew from the second the Dark Lord gave me this task


I was sitting at a long oak table. The Dark Lord had just called a meeting. Next to me sat my father, Lucious. Next to him sat my mother, to her my Aunt Bellatrix, than Yaxely and about three other Death Eaters until the Dark Lord himself sat at the head of the table.

I snuck a glance at my father. Azkaban had done him terrible. His eyes were sullen and had sunken into their sockets, an unclean colorless stubble covered the bottom half of his face. It stunned me to see him like this. My father had always been a proud man, always held his head high. To see him so vulnerable was indescribable.

"Shall we begin?" A very cold, snakelike voice said. I shuddered inwardly, that voice always turned my insides cold. I kept my gaze on the table. "As we all know, in order to get Harry Potter at his most vulnerable, we need to cut him off from those he values most." Voldemort ginned darkly. "One of you will receive the honor of killing," he pause for effect,"Albus Dumbledore himself"

The old goat? But then again… Dumbledore was like a idol to stupid Potter.

Voldemort rose from his chair, and slowly started to walk down the table." I have thought long and hard about who is right for this task," He stopped behind my chair. My heart stopped. "I choose you Draco." My father stiffened next to me, my mother's eyes widen and she turned to gape at the Dark lord. I just remained still. "Do you accept this task Draco?" He asked. I felt numb. I had never known what it was like not to have a choice. But what choice did I have? It's not like I can say no and if I failed…I cringed at the thought. Then something popped into my mind. Hechose me. I was his chosen one. That made me feel special, but only for a fraction of a second when I remembered what the task was. I said the words I knew I would regret.

"Yes my Lord," my voice shook. I cleared my throat. "I accept." His red eyes filled with dark, twisted amusement.

Keep this in mind Draco," he leaned to to his in my ear. I started to shake. "If you fail me, you and your family will die a slow and painfully death"

I swallowed to lump in my throat

End of Flashback

Tears formed in my eyes at the memory. His last word echoed in my mind after each failure with that damned Vanishing Cabinet. I didn't want anyone to see me like this so I went into a bathroom instead of the Great Hall. I went to a mirror and just looked at my reflection. It's funny to see your own reflection and not even recognize it.


That's me. Draco Malfoy, nothing but a failure. That's all I'll ever be.

AN: Sooooo whatcha think? R&R?