It was a chilly night. The air was crisp and the sky was clear.

Remy LeBeau was walking to a mansion in Westchester, New York, recommended by his father. He hesitated a moment before walking in the thick, black iron gates.

His clothes seemed out of place compared to the richly fashioned mansion grounds surrounding him; but then again, so did he. Remy was wearing a long, brown leather trench coat which concealed a plain black t-shirt and part of his dark, raggedy jeans. Even though it was nearing the later hours of night, he wore a pair of sunglasses which served to hide his most unique eyes; they were referred to as devil eyes giving him the name "La Diable Blanc" for they were red-on-black. Underneath his black fedora he had shaggy auburn hair.

Remy stood in front of the heavy oak doors before finally working up the courage to knock. A tall woman with fiery red hair and bright green eyes answered.

"Welcome to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, can I help you?" She asked searching his eyes.

"Oui, I'm Gambit, Remy LeBeau t' da ladies. I hear dis be a place mutants can find sanctuary?" He replied removing his hat and kissing her hand.

She blushed and studied him a moment before letting him in saying, "Of course, right this way."

Once he was inside she introduced herself, "By the way, I'm Jean, Jean Grey. You can set your bag on the chair if you like while I go get the Professor."

Remy looked around, immediately memorizing the exits and entrances.

Hearing shouts, Remy turned to find the source.

"Ya shoulda' told me ya couldn't handle it! Not go behind my back! All Ah EVER asked was if ya couldn't take it anymore, tell me! Ah woulda been fine with that!"

"YOU used to go behind my back with John!"

"John? We were friends you idiot, that's all! J-Just stay away from me!"

A girl a year or two younger than himself came out of the nearest doorway. She was slender with dazzling emerald eyes and brown hair with white streaks. Looking down, she took quick strides. When she saw him, she blinked and demanded, "Who the hell are you?"

"Remy LeBeau, at your service," He replied tipping his hat, giving her a sly smile and wiggling his eyebrows.

She spared him a repulsed glance before storming up the stairs.

Just as this fascinating specimen rounded the corner, Jean came back with an older bald man in a wheelchair.

"Ah, Mr. LeBeau, I hope your wait wasn't too long." The man said.

"Of course not mon ami, You must be da famous Charles Xavier."

"Yes, I trust you're tired, if you like, Jean will show you to your room and we'll discuss things in the morning." Xavier offered.

Remy bowed his head in appreciation and followed Jean up the stairs.

"Chere, if ya don't mind Remy askin', while ya were gone, he saw dis fille, she had white streaks and a sad expression. Certainly not the friendliest person I've ever met." Remy asked once at the top of the stairs.

Jean smiled softly. "You've met Rogue then. Not the easiest life, and she's not very trusting because of it, even on the best of days."

"What happened?"

"It's- not my place to say. …. Well, here we are." She stated when they reached his room near the end of the hallway. "You'll be staying here tonight, you have a private bathroom and if you need anything I'm at the other end of the hall."

"Merci, see ya in da mornin'," he said closing the door. He crawled into bed a few moments later with only one thing on his mind. Rogue.