
I have to go grocery shopping today. We are almost out of food again. Haruhi thought.

"Hey, Haruhi!" the Hitaachin twins said as they leaned on Haruhi's desk. Yup, just another ordinary day.

"Hey guys. What's up?" Haruhi asked as she shifted her attention to the identical twins.

"Nothing much," Hikaru said, he leaned just a little closer to Haruhi than Kaoru did.

"Just that we are supposed to be getting a new student today," Kaoru added.

"Really? I wonder what they are going to be like?" Haruhi asked herself.

"Dunno," Hikaru and Kaoru said.

The bell rang just then and the twins took their seats on either side of Haruhi.

"Good morning class!" the teacher said.

"Good morning Tsukoja Sensei!" class 1-A responded.

"Well, we were supposed to get a few new students today but apparently their flights were canceled and they won't be coming until tomorrow. So we will just have to make due without them today. Now, today's lesson is- Yes?"

Tsukoja Sensei was interrupted by one of the girls raising her hand.

"I was just wondering, what kind of people are these new students?" she asked.

"What do you want to know?" he asked her.

"Are they girls or boys?" she asked.

"Yeah, and what family are they from?" another girl asked.

"Where they are coming from?" a guy asked.

"Hm, well. I believe that they are both girls, their last names are Fujioka, and I think they are coming from Spain," he said. All eyes reverted to Haruhi.

"Uh, what are their names?" Haruhi asked as she was in slight shock. She was aware she had relatives in Spain, but they didn't share her last name.

"It says, Shima and Hikari Fujioka," Tsukoja said. "Are they relatives of yours, Haruhi?"

"To be honest, I've never heard of them," Haruhi answered.

"I see. Well then, let's continue on with class! Unless anyone has any other questions about these two?" No one raised their hands. Tsukoja Sensei continued on with today's lecture.

I wonder who those two are? Why do they have the same last name as me if they are from Spain? And if they are from Spain, why do they have japanese first names? These questions went through Haruhi's mind as she listened and took notes on Tsukoja Sensei's lecture.

*At lunch time*

"So, you truly don't know-" Kaoru began.

"Who those soon to be new students are?" Hikaru finished.

"Nope. Never heard of those names in my life," Haruhi said as they sat down at a lunch table. Normally, Haruhi would eat her lunch in the classroom. But today the twins kept distracting her so much with questions about the new students that she completely forgot about it.

"Weird," Hikari said.

"Yeah. What's even weirder is that these Spanish girls have Japanese names. Were they born here and then moved to Spain or something?" Kaoru asked.

"Actually, that is not exactly the case," Kyoya answered from behind them. Haruhi turned around to see the rest of the Host Club standing behind them.

"Oh? Then what is their history?" the twins asked. The rest of them sat down with Hikaru, Kaoru, and Haruhi.

Tamaki sat next to Haruhi on one side and Honey-senpai sat on the other. Kyoya sat next to Hikaru.

"Apparently, those two were born here, in Japan. Somewhere in their lives they got into an accident and got amnesia. It is rumored that they still don't know who they are. They only know their first names. They got adopted by Haruhi's mother and father and that is why they have the same last name as Haruhi. They were shipped to a boarding school in Spain because there wasn't enough space to keep them in Haruhi's home. They are somewhat famous in their school for being the best fighters. Shima is a guitarist and Hikari is a drummer. They are the best in their country," Kyoya informed the group.

"That's it? You usually have more info than that," Hikari pointed out.

"Well, since I don't know their original names, and neither does Haruhi's father, then I could only look up their current names," Kyoya said.

"Huh, that's interesting," Haruhi said.

"What is, Haru-chan?" Honey-senpai asked.

"The fact that I never knew my dad adopted anyone," Haruhi said as she thought back to try to remember anything about those.

"I guess I will have to talk to my dad when he gets home," Haruhi said to herself.

*After host club*

"Hey, Dad!" Haruhi said as she got home. She had noticed her father's car in the driveway.

"Oh, hello Haruhi! Welcome home!" he said.

"Thanks. I have something I want to talk to you about," Haruhi said as she took off her shoes and put down her school bag.

"What is it?" her dad blinked in confusion.

"Why didn't you ever tell me you adopted two girls who had amnesia?" she asked. Haruhi never beat around the bush when it came to anything.

"Uh, how did you find out about that?" he asked.

"Apparently those two are going to be attending my school. Kyoya-senpai had researched them, just like he does any other student, and told us about when we asked," Haruhi explained as she sat down across from her father.

"Oh. Well, it never came up. Plus those two were all the way in Spain so I never thought you would know. If you did know and knew the reason, I know that you would have tried everything so that they would be able to live with us again," her father explained.

"I see. Well then, do they at least know that Mom died?"

"Yes, I sent them a letter saying that I would tell them in detail the next time I saw them. They never sent a reply back," he said.

"Oh. Well, at least they are informed," Haruhi said.


"I'm gonna go change, then head to the store for something for dinner. Okay?" Haruhi said as she picked up her bag and went to her bedroom.

"Okay," her dad said.