Title: Small Changes

Summary: When Merope Gaunt stopped giving Tom Riddle the love potion he decided that he would stay with her. How does one small change affect everyone?

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, never will. Only time I will have a disclaimer

Chapter 1: Prologue

"Tom, I'm a witch," A small voice said almost pleadingly

"What the hell do you mean? There is no such thing as magic," Tom said with a slight chuckle, "I think the pregnancy is making you crazy,"

The women than produced a slender stick from within her pocket. "Believe me, it would be easier if magic didn't exist," Merope said with a chuckle, "What should I show you to make you believe me?"

"I don't know, make me fly up into the air,"

"If that's what you would like,"

And with that she pointed her wand at the man she loved and muttered. Not a moment had passed and the man started to float.

"What the bloody hell!" Tom shouted, "Get me down!"

"Okay my love"

With that Merope put him gently back onto the ground. "Now you see I was telling the truth," Merope said fear evident in her voice.

Tom just sat there for a moment unsure of what to say. He sat down on a nearby chair a put his chin in his hands.

"This doesn't change a thing," Tom stated matter-of-factly, "I still love you, I still love the child that we're having together,"

"Oh Tom, I love you too!" Shouted Merope with tears in her eyes.

Merope being eight months pregnant was fairly large so when Tom pulled her into a hug he had an issue in getting his arms around her.

Tom looked to the sky, his arm around the women he loved and smiled. "Not long now and we'll have a bundle of joy and be a complete family," He mused.

Merope chuckled as the sun set. "How right you are Tom, how right you are."

Well, the first chapter is just a prologue so I expect it to be pretty short. Keep watch for more updates, it will get better I promise!