(August 18th)

Hello folks! So this idea came into my head and so naturally I had to write. Hope you all enjoy! Leave a REVIEW!

Disclaimer: I own nothing Harry Potter. Sadly.

Unexpected Guest

The room was pulsating with strobe lights and it was warm with anticipation. Hermione peeked out from behind her velvet curtain. How did I get into this? She asked herself as she eyed the dark figures of men sitting in the room anxiously waiting for show to start. Oh yeah, because you were stupid enough to agree to it. She looked down at her scantily clad body still feeling uncomfortable with tiny sailor outfit she had on. It was only because her muggle friend Sarah had called her up that day hacking and coughing, begging her to take her gig at the Fox. Apparently she would get fired if she couldn't get a replacement for the evening. Why pick Hermione Granger out of all people? Because she and Sarah had been taking pole-dancing classes together for the past year and she was the only person who knew the routine.

"I only took the class for the workout Sarah! I never intended to actually do it in front of people!" She had protested but as Sarah pleaded with her as she sniffled, Hermione found herself giving in.

After all it was a muggle club. Nobody she knew would be there. She looked at herself in the mirror and she barely recognized herself. Her eyes were thick of eyeliner and false dark lashes. Her mouth was plumped like a fresh peach ready to be picked and her hair was tamed into wild luscious curls. Hell, her own mother wouldn't be able to even recognize her.

She had to admit she looked pretty great. Her body was tanned and toned, and the outfit seemed to amplify everything in a perfect way. You can do this. She prepped herself as she heard the song start to end and the army girl (well, use to be; since she was only in her thong now) wound down her routine. Hermione took a deep breath as the girl headed towards the backstage and the lights went down again. She stepped onto the dark stage and posed herself with her back to the audience, her arms above her head and her hips cocked to one side. Then the lights flared, bringing her to life.


Malfoy always felt stupid at these things. He felt out of place in a muggle strip club of all places. Blaise had dragged him to it for his last night as a bachelor before he married none other than Ginny Weasley the next day. And as best man, Draco had to go along. So here he was, seven beers in, watching girls strip off their clothes. He felt it was rather unfair for the girls to bare all but they weren't allowed to touch. Well, except for tonight when Blaise got the "Bachelor Night" package, which meant a special lap dance for him by a girl of his choice. All he had to do was wave his index finger in the air and he could get whichever girl he wanted. Lucky bastard.

So now after being there for a couple hours, he had gotten bored with the girls. Each with the same routine; overly exaggerated and forced. The semi-hard on he had at the beginning was far-gone and he was getting a little bored. That was, until the lights came on and a woman was standing at the end of the walk in a navy skirt that barely covered her bottom and a white sailor shirt that bared her tanned back from the bra-line down. Black stiletto heels to made her ass look amazing and emphasised her long legs. Flowing sexy curls tumbled from under her white sailor hat. Draco sat up in his chair as the music flowed and she started to move. It was no surprise that the room went silent when she appeared.

She turned and strutted down the catwalk. Draco was sure he was dreaming. She had a pair of the most magnificent breasts he'd ever seen straining from the tight white shirt. When she walked they bounced in mouth-watering time with each step; he felt hypnotized. He had to blink a few times to make sure he wasn't asleep. She found her way to the golden pole and hoisted herself up, twirling herself down slowly. The men sitting next to him to the ones across the room were mesmerised by her actions. He couldn't blame them; her routine was more of a artful dance than a strip show. Yet somehow he felt as if he knew her. Malfoy hadn't been able to get past her breasts and legs to take a good look at her face. A movement from her right caught his attention and he groaned as he saw Blaise wave his finger with slyest smile on his face.

He saw the girl falter in her step for a second as she approached him, her eyes flickering to Blaise and him, and then it was gone. She walked towards them and stopped in front of their group, slowly removing her shirt and throwing it at Blaise, leaving her in just a black lace bra. He hadn't been able to draw his eyes away from her voluptuous breasts as they moved. The beat of the song started low and her started bumping and grinding seductively to bass line. She was so close he could reach out and touch her. But it was forbidden. Damned rules!

He couldn't move his grey eyes away from her and he was fully aware that he had the largest hard-on he'd ever had now, making it quite uncomfortable to sit still. In the back of his head he couldn't help thinking that he knew her somehow. But surely he would've remembered a woman as enticing and beautiful as this one? She continued her taunting dance and he tried to focus on where she was from. But his mind kept straying to her body as it swayed to the music. Her hips were capturing him and he had to fight the urge to grab her as take her right there on the catwalk in front of him. This was just stupid! It wasn't as if he was sex deprived! If fact he had had sex last night, but this one was different somehow… He racked his brain trying to place her when she pulled on her skirt zipper and her skirt came off in one motion. She threw it directly at him so it landed in his face. He pulled it off of him and smelled roses mixed with a smell that was purely feminine. She was now left in a matching black lace boy shorts that caused the entire room to roar in approval.

He groaned as she shimmied her way to Blaise and straddled his lap, grinding against him. Lucky bastard. He could tell that he was thoroughly enjoying it. She ran her fingers through Blaise's stubby hair as he moved his hands to touch her. She grinned evilly and slapped his hand away before getting up again to keep dancing. Come on, Draco focus! Neck up. Look at her face. He told himself as he tried to remember.

He slowly focused on her facial features. Oval face, plump lips, cute nose and stunning brown eyes. Okay nothing that I… Wait! That chin! He recognized that stubborn chin. Frowning… quivering with anger… very stubborn… He looked at her face again, but it was hard to see the true face underneath all that make-up. He frowned; she never stopped moving long enough for him to get a good look at her. Almost as if she didn't want him to know who she was. But why? When her eyes swept across him her chocolate eyes widened as she realized he wasn't watching her body anymore. Draco knew her, but where from? The frustration was maddening as he felt her name on the tip of his tongue. Come on, think!

That's when it came to him, her face make-up less, yelling at him over and over at him from countless encounters; Hermione Granger! Well fuck me, what is Granger doing at a muggle strip club? Malfoy thought to himself as the relief washed over him as the frustration disappeared. Then he lost it again and she turned and her bra was gone, leaving her mouth-watering mounds in full view. He was sure he'd never seen such perfect breasts in his entire life. His pants tightened even more as he imagined wrapping his mouth around her red nipple and hearing her moan in delight... The sounds of catcalls and whistles broke his fantasy and he remembered whom he was daydreaming about. Then he realized that every guy in the room was gawking at Granger's breasts and he jumped out of his seat.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Are you out of your mind?" He could hear the men in the room yelling for him to sit down. Hermione had turned towards him and gawked in shock as he stepped in front of her blocking her from the crowd. His mind raced as he tried to think about how to cover her up. Blaise gave his shirt a tug.

"Hey man what's the big deal?" My shirt! He whipped off his white tee shirt and threw it at her.

"Put it on now." He growled. She frowned and hissed at him, still not putting it on.

"Stop it! What are you trying to do?"

"I'm trying to save you from yourself, now put on the damn shirt!"

"I didn't ask for your help nor do I need it!" She spat at him and she tossed the shirt back to him. The uproar behind him was increasing.

"No, but you seriously need it. Just put it on!" He chucked it at her again. Someone behind him grabbed his shoulder, forcing him to turn.

"Hey man, she's here to strip for us. So sit the fuck down or get out." Malfoy took a deep breath, steadying his agitated nerves.

"Just go away, this isn't your concern." The drunken man laughed stupidly.

"I paid money to see her dance, if you don't like it leave. Or I'll make you." Draco pursed his lips for a second debating his next move before his fist flew out, contacting with the man's jaw. He stumbled back and Draco could sense the atmosphere change. He strode over to Hermione and grabbed her hand, towing her behind as he pulled them backstage into an empty staging room. Behind them he could hear the brawl break out. As soon as he had the door locked she ripped her hand from his grasp and whirled on him. He was glad she decided to put on the shirt.

"What the hell was that for?" She demanded, her eyes ablaze. What was it about this girl that tripped off every button he had and then some? Why was he drawn to her? She was not his type at all. Well, blood type that is.

"What do you think you were doing out there?" His attention was temporary diverted by the fact that she was no less than a foot away from him. Her breath was sweet on his face and her breasts were heaving underneath the shirt. His shirt. She looked amazing in her frustrated fury as she glared at him. He could tell that she was ready for a fight, but all he could think about was the fantastic body underneath that shirt.

"Well clearly I wasn't doing it right if you didn't notice." Oh I noticed all right. Way too much. Shit! Not Granger! Think of something else. Anything else! But all he could think of was her dry humping Blaise; only instead of Blaise it was him. "Why does it matter to you anyways?" He paused, Shit she had him there.

"I—" He choked on his words. She just stared at him waiting.

"I what? Please finish the sentence." She took a step forward and he backed up. "Enlighten me!" His mouth opened and closed, unable to find the words. "Malfoy!" She took another step and he hit the wall.

"I don't know I just do!" The words tumbled from his mouth before he knew it. She gaped at him.

"What?" She breathed out. He didn't say anything. "What did you say?" She repeated. Draco brain was buzzing. Fuck. What do I say now? She wasn't supposed to know that he had thought about her in a way other than the stupid Mudblood from Hogwarts. No, he had thought about her in more than a hateful way since she had socked him in the face in third year. Lusting over the image of her underneath those robes. And now he knew that it was a thousand times better than he could have ever imagined. Fuck.

"I… don't know."

"You can't just not know what you said!" She demanded.

"I just care okay!"

"You're Malfoy! You hate me! You don't care, you live to embarrass me." He felt trapped between her and the wall. He still couldn't understand why he had said it. Now it was probably better just not to say anything. For a moment, only the breathing of the two of them could be heard. Hermione was scrutinizing his face, looking for any tell. "Malfoy?" He looked up from his momentary lapse from his daydream as she said his name. "You can't be serious."

"What?" He had no idea what he was thinking. His thoughts kept drifting to her naked breasts, perky and full, and the things he'd like to do to them. He saw a streak of disbelief and confusion flash across her face, before a mischievous twinkle in her eye appeared. Oh shit, this can't be good.

Sooooo did you likeeee it? Love it? Is another chapter in order? Let me know in a REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!