I don't own Twilight or any of the characters etc...all belong to the fabulous Stephanie Meyer and Summit. I just wanted to play with them a bit Happy Reading

I once again apologise for the wait. Here's to hoping you enjoy this chapter. Any and all mistakes are my own…Please review as I love to hear your thoughts.

We Met by Chance

Chapter 17


"Edward I have to go, I'm going to be late!" I giggle like a school girl.

"Five more minutes," pleads the insanely sexy man hovering over me.

I can't help but smile. "You said that five minutes ago."

I'm rewarded with that dazzling smile that melts me every time.

"What can I say," he shrugs. "I'm addicted to you, hooked on your love like a powerful drug I can't get enough of..."

I can't hold in the eruption of laughter that bellows out as Edward sings to me.

He smirks before capturing my lips in a searing kiss that reaches all the way to my core.

"I'm addicted to you Miss Swan," he murmurs his lips hovering above mine.

I'm not sure if it's the look in his eyes, the feel of his body on mine, the sight of his all but naked and god like body above me, my own addiction to him, or a combination of all of the above, but I'm done for.

I bite my lip as I release my hold on his arms and slowly undo the top button of my bright pink work shirt.

"Oh Miss Swan I think you're going to be late, very late," he smirks.

"Well I guess you better make it worth my while," I counter popping another button.

Edward growls as his eyes take in my chest covered only in a black and red lace bra.

"Why Mr. Cullen do you like?"

I'm so much braver and bolder than I have ever been. With Edward I feel safe and wanted. I have no fears, no insecurities.

"Oh Miss Swan, you have no idea," he answers hungrily and I surrender as his lips begin a delicious assault on my neck, my lips, my breasts. My body comes alight instantaneously under his touch as we lose ourselves in one another again.

I arrive at work by 9:15am, forty-five minutes late and walk in to find Angela sitting in my chair.

"Well, well, well. Look who finally got out of bed," she smirks.

"I'm so sorry, I got tied up," I explain before regretting my choice of words immediately.

The grin on Angela's face merely grows bigger.

"Why Isabella Swan, who would have thought, you and kinky sex?"

"That's not what I meant," I splutter my face on fire and sorely embarrassed.

"Oh blushing beauty calm your farm. Your sex god, otherwise known as Edward Cullen, rang about thirty minutes ago to apologise for ah, tying you up."

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" I cringe.

She pretends to think really hard before answering, tilting her head to the side and tapping her finger on her lips.

"Oh just a bit!" she laughs before standing and moving to embrace me in a massive bear hug.

I attempt to return the hug but am hindered by my handbag and the large bag of goodies I've brought in.

"Oh girl you know I'm only stirring you!" she says before planting a kiss on my cheek.

I smile, "I know."

"Ange you ready to head outside?" calls Jessica from the door of the four to five year old room. "Oh hey Bella, good morning?" she questions her mouth twitching.

I smack Angela with my hand bag.

"Get back to work you two for goodness sakes."

Angela's laughter fills the foyer as I settle in behind my desk to attack the mountain of paperwork that has built up, but not before my heart beats that little bit faster as my eyes fall on the photo of Edward and myself sitting proudly on my desk.

It's after midday when a gentle knock on my office door pulls me away from the papers sprawled before me.

"Esme? Hi, come in please," I offer quickly standing.

"Hello sweetheart," her voice so comforting.

Esme Cullen is stunningly beautiful. She's what Angela calls 'old Hollywood glamour'. For me though it's far more than that; it's the love she has for her children, her family. It's the love she has shown me.

"Please have a seat," I offer gesturing toward the empty chair opposite me. "Would you like a coffee or tea before you take Maddie home?"

"Bella honey I'm not here for Maddie," she smiles warmly at me.

I'm confused. "Oh?"

"I'm here for you. I thought we could have a girly afternoon, just the two of us before Sunday night?"

The butterflies I had managed to squash come flooding back in a torrent. Sunday night was the Golden Globes and Edward had asked me to go with him.

"Edward mentioned that you were only working until 12:30pm today. I can drop you off to Alice after we're done for your final fitting if you'd like, she said it's no trouble doing it later this afternoon," says Esme kindly.

Truthfully I'd never been to a spa before but I didn't want to hurt Esme's feelings and well deep down, I was thrilled that she wanted to spend time with me. However, I also knew it was going to be way outside of my budget.

"I would love to Esme but-"

I'm interrupted by my phone dinging. Looking over I notice Edward's name on the screen. I quickly pick it up and open his text.

*My treat for my two favourite ladies. Go and enjoy all that girly stuff you women do. I'll see you tonight. I love you xx E*

I don't know if it's the megawatt smile plastered across my face or the fact that I've gone all swoony, but Esme seems to know exactly who the message is from. I notice there are tears in her eyes. I stand and grab the tissue box from the cabinet across the room and move to her side nervously.

"Esme, are you okay?"

"You bring out the best in my son Bella and I can't thank you enough."

I'm at a loss for words. Esme and I have grown closer since that Sunday lunch when I turned up in tears. I'm beginning to see her as the mother I never had.

"He brings out the best in me too," I whisper.

"Oh Bella," she gasps and pulls me awkwardly into a hug.

Minutes later after many shed tears, we're both laughing and fixing our appearances in the mirror behind my office door and I'm changed and ready to go.


"Thank you for bringing me along Esme, you didn't have to," I say again as we reach the entrance to the spa. I notice the sign above the door reads Tranquillity.

"Oh sweetie I'm glad we could do something together," she beams. "It will be a nice way for you to relax before Sunday night."

Edward had explained that they had rescheduled the awards to December rather than the usual January date due to renovations of the hosting building. Honestly, I was nervous. Scrap that I was shit scared. I had seen my picture on numerous websites and on TV for weeks now, but Sunday night would have me in the thick of it. I wouldn't be walking the red carpet with Edward but would instead meet him inside with Esme and Carlisle who wouldn't be walking the red carpet either. Edward would arrive instead with a young girl named Ellie from the Make-a-Wish foundation. Alice had of course insisted on designing my gown hence the final fitting late this afternoon. It was a beautiful deep blue strapless floor length gown with intricate detailing across the bodice. At least I would be comfortable in what I was wearing.

I'm vaguely aware of Esme speaking with a woman to our left, her friend and owner I presume, but I'm too stunned to even acknowledge them. I've stepped into paradise. The reception area where we stand has a floor to ceiling water feature that is soothingly cascading down the rocky wall and into what appears to be a pond. Closer inspection reveals an array of koi fish swimming to and fro. The lounges alone look inviting as well, neatly piled beauty magazines laid out on a glass coffee table. My ears tune in to the delicate voice of Enya. I'm in heaven.


Heaven quickly ebbs away. Make that hell; I'd know that voice anywhere. I turn my head and come face to face with Tanya Denali and another woman who doesn't look familiar. They both seem to scan me from head to toe taking in my appearance which in comparison to them in their obvious opinion, is clearly lacking. Tanya is dressed to the nines; she reminds me of that Kim Kardashian woman. Not a hair out of place and make-up done to perfection. Clearly she didn't go with the facial options. Her loitering side kick is all but a mirror image, except slightly shorter. And then there's me; three quarter cut-off jeans, a light pink and white striped tank top and my favourite pair of sandals. My hair is in a messy bun on top of my head and as per usual I'm make-up free albeit my tinted moisturiser. Even Esme is dressed casually like me. I would have once been intimidated by this very situation, a mere month or so ago I was, but not now. Edward was always complimenting me and had said time and time again how his favourite look on me was when I was make-up free and dressed casually. I'm more confident now than I have ever been and while I still have my jealousies over how much this woman gets to drape herself over my boyfriend, she no longer intimidates me. I feel myself stand taller, squaring my shoulders.

"Hello Tanya, how are you?" I ask as politely as I can although on the inside I simply want to smack the woman in the face with a frying pan.

"I'm well thank you. You look really well," she gestures toward me, "I love that top. It's very you."

I wonder briefly if there is actually a genuine compliment in there somewhere.

"Thank you I-"

"I hear you're going to the Globes on Sunday night with Edward," she says so sweetly it's sickening. "I guess I'll see you there, well with Edward and I presenting the award for Best Drama and all."

What? My inner self has moved from her bored position in her favourite arm chair to the very edge of her seat. This is news. Maybe she's baiting me?


"Sorry to interrupt Bella, but Giselle needs to know if you have any allergies?" asks Esme while seeming to ignore Tanya and her sidekick.

"Ah," I blink as I try to reassemble my thoughts, "almonds. I'm allergic to almonds."

She smiles fondly at me. "Alright then, come and I'll introduce you to Giselle."

"Sure," I answer.

"Tanya," acknowledges Esme with a smile. However, even I know she's faking the pleasantries.

"Esme, how lovely to see you. It's nice of you to treat Isabella to a spa treatment, especially leading up to Sunday. Those cameras can be cruel can't they," adds Tanya looking at me.

"Are you implying something Tanya?" questions Esme before I have a chance to speak.

Tanya pretends to look confused and shocked before answering.

"Oh Esme of course not. I was merely highlighting how it's best for us ladies to be prepared and well with Isabella being unfamiliar with the constant flashing of cameras; I think it's a lovely gesture. I meant no disrespect."

"Esme, we're ready for you both," says Giselle as she approaches from behind us.

"Well enjoy your afternoon ladies," says Tanya sweetly as she pulls her purse from her monstrous handbag. "Maybe we could catch up for a drink on Sunday night Isabella?"

Like hell!

"I'll see you then," I offer politely biting my tongue.

"Miss Denali," says Giselle civilly, "Harriett is free if you'd like to head over to the desk. I hope everything was to your satisfaction?"

"Of course Giselle, wonderful as always," she sneers.

"Well now ladies, we best be getting started," says Giselle. "I'll see you next time Miss Denali, Miss Evans. Enjoy your afternoon."

"Yes, you too," replies Tanya showcasing her perfectly white teeth.

"Bella, if you would just come and fill in some paperwork, it won't take a moment," requests Giselle steering me toward a very comfortable and inviting chair.

I'm just about to hand over my completed papers when Tanya makes herself known once more.

"Oh Giselle I'm so sorry, I've left my cell phone in the change room. Would you mind if I raced back and got it please?"

If I'm not mistaken, Giselle looks slightly annoyed by the further interruption but plasters on a smile.

"Why of course Miss Denali."


Ten minutes later after everything is sorted, Esme and I make our way to the change rooms and into our robes. The softness of the robe against my skin is amazing. I need one of these at home.

"Well ladies we're going to start with a foot bath followed by a full body exfoliation scrub, before moving on to facials, full body massage and finally manicures and pedicures," announces Giselle as two other women enter the waiting lounge off to the side of the change rooms.

"Wow," is all I can say.

Esme smiles warmly at me as I begin imagining falling asleep on the massage table as all my stupid Tanya Denali problems drift away.

I've never felt this relaxed in all my life. I feel like I'm floating on cloud nine, my body like jelly, and my mind free of all my worries. I've been scrubbed, wrapped and pampered beyond belief.

"Please make yourselves comfortable ladies," directs Giselle who has stepped into the room.

I make my way over towards the furthest massage bed and remove my robe; I'm silently grateful that Tranquillity allows you to wear as little or as much as you want during your visit. I've opted to remain in my underwear – white lace panties and matching white bandeau.

"Now Bella today Martika will be using a beautiful rose oil for your massage in lieu of the almond. Is that okay with you?" asks Giselle pointing to where Martika is undoing a bottle of clearly labelled rose oil.

"Of course, thank you."

The next twenty minutes are like heaven on earth. My legs have been massaged delectably and now my arms and back are receiving the same treatment. At first the tingling sensation in my legs is barely noticeable; I put it down to all the treatments today. But I notice it's beginning to get worse. It's moving quickly from tingling to burning and itching. I know this feeling.

"Stop, please stop," I say quickly before getting up and staring down at my legs. The front of my legs that have been laying unseen on the bed are covered in raw, red hives. They're everywhere, more slowly beginning to appear on the backs of my legs.

"No," I whisper.

"Oh my, quickly Bella," beckons Giselle, "jump in the shower."

I follow quickly and I'm suddenly being blasted by tepid water all over my body. I'm grateful for her efforts, but I know that they are futile. I've been here before. Washing it off doesn't work.

"I don't understand? Martika used the rose. We don't mix our oils. Oh Bella I'm so terribly sorry, I truly am," offers Giselle, confusion written all over her face.

My legs feel like they're on fire and my arms, back and chest are quickly following suit.

"Giselle, it's not your fault. It's okay," I reply as politely as I can as I try desperately not to scratch the hell out of my skin as she continues showering me with water. "I guess it's fair to say I can add Rose oil to my allergy list."

This may well be true, but I just have this feeling that something about this is all wrong. I mean I've used rose oil before and Ange uses it all the time and I've never reacted this way.

"Oh Bella sweetheart, are you okay?"

Esme has now joined us and is looking me up and down her concern written all over her face.

"How did this happen?" she questions calmly.

Giselle is mortified and very embarrassed. She has no idea.

"Esme, in my handbag you'll find my antihistamines. Could you please get them for me?" I interrupt.

She's back in seconds with a glass of water and I down one tablet quickly. I'll take any relief I can get right now.

Sometime later after a quick trip to the emergency ward at Esme's insistence, I'm back in the comfort of my own home, Esme gently pouring cold water over the affected areas I can't reach on my back while the rest of my body is sitting in a cold bath and I'm gently squeezing cold water from the flannel onto my face, neck and chest. I'm trying desperately not to cry in front of Esme but the reality is that I'm more than likely going to be unable to make it on Sunday night. This reaction is bad, the worst I've had in years.

"Bella sweetheart," whispers Esme, "I'm so very sorry, I really am."

I let out a quiet sob, unable to hold it in.

"It's not your fault Esme, I'm not angry with you," I murmur back as she continues to rub the doctor prescribed cream into my back. "I'm just...it just means...I wanted to be there."

The tears begin to flow. I can't stop them; a combination of my disappointment, my anger and the pain I'm feeling. I just want to rip my skin off.

"Oh sweetheart," soothes Esme pulling my head to her chest and gently stroking my hair with her free hand. "Sssh...it will all be okay."

The sound of my name being called in a panic echoes up the stairs.

"Bella! Mom!"

It's Edward.

The brave, bold girl from this morning is long gone. He shouldn't have to see me like this. I'm embarrassed, I'm mortified. I look hideous. I turn my head towards Esme, pleading with her. She simply kisses my hair and reminds me that he loves me. He wants to be here.


I sniff and tuck my head back into to Esme's shoulder.

"Up here Edward," she calls.

Seconds later I can hear Edward bounding up the stairs. He's beside the bath within seconds, kneeing next to Esme.

"Bella, honey what the hell happened?" he asks taking in my red and blotchy body, naked albeit my underwear.

"It hurts, this time it really hurts," I whisper trying desperately to keep more tears at bay.

"It would appear Bella is allergic to rose oil as well almonds. This is her first reaction to the rose so nobody was to know," explains Esme.

I glance up at Edward, his eyes on mine as his hand reaches out to stroke my hair.

"What can I do?" he asks.

Esme answers for me, explaining that the doctor in the ER had said to take cold baths, as cold as I could handle and rub the corticosteroid cream into all of the affected areas to help to stop them from spreading. I'm also to take another dose of antihistamine at lunch time tomorrow.

"We should probably get her out, the water is quite cold now," suggests Esme and Edward is instantly reaching for a towel.

Esme helps me to stand then moves back to give Edward and I some space.

"You don't have to do this you know?" I murmur feeling the polar opposite to how I felt laying naked before him this morning.

He gently wraps me in the oversized fluffy towel, standing so closely to me I can feel his breath.

He gently forces my chin up so that our eyes meet. I see nothing but love, genuine love and concern.

"There is nowhere I would rather be right now Bella. Please, let me take care of you?" he says gently before leaning forward and gently kissing my forehead.

More tears begin to spill. How did I get so lucky?


Saturday afternoon rolls around and I'm no longer covered from head to toe in red blotchy patches, much to my relief. My face and neck have cleared as have most of the patches across my arms, shoulders and my back. My left shoulder and my calves have not been so co-operative. There's still no way I can wear the beautiful gown Alice has made for me as it leaves my shoulders and back completely bare.

Edward has been so attentive since arriving in a panic late yesterday. Finally managing to convince him that she could look after me, it's just Angela and I. Edward has gone home to sort out some appearance issue with Seth and get more clothes with promises to bring us home dinner and my favourite dessert from the Cheesecake shop down the road.

"Where is she!? Bella?" calls the unmistakable voice of Alice Whitlock.

"Why by all means Alice, do come in," laughs Angela as she closes the door and follows Alice who is carrying a large garment bag further into the lounge room.

"I'm sorry Angela, thank you," replies Alice quickly hugging a smiling Angela before turning her attentions back to me. "Now Bella I've got a plan..." says Alice in that way only Alice can.

The woman, although petite is a whirlwind and a force to be reckoned with.

"A plan?" I reply cautiously.

"Yes Bella, a plan. You are going to the Globes tomorrow night weather I have to stay up all night and make you a new goddamn dress! That snake of a woman has had something to do with this," says Alice venomously gesturing to my hive covered legs, "and I'll be damned if she's going to spend the night laying her slutty little hands all over my brother while his gorgeous and kind hearted girlfriend and dear friend of mine is sitting at home on the lounge miserable and unable to do anything about it!"

I can do nothing but stare at the crazy eyed woman in front of me. She is nothing but serious.

Angela steps forward to stand by side with Alice. "Oh I'm liking this plan already."

I look at the two women standing determined before me. I have the greatest friends in the world.

"Let's do it," I say smiling from ear to ear.

"Atta' girl," says Angela beaming at me.

Some two hours later and a lot of pinning, adjusting, re-pinning and so forth, it's just Angela and I again, Alice heading off with a very long night ahead of her. We've decided to keep our plan top secret. I want to surprise Edward but more so I want to shock the hell out of Tanya goddamn Denali.

"That man is madly in love with you Bella Swan," announces Angela randomly out of the blue as she rubs more cream into my shoulder.

I can't help but smile.

"I don't know how I got so lucky Ange, he's everything I've ever wanted and so much more," I reply softly, "I just hope I can be everything he's ever wanted too."

There's silence for a few moments and I think I hear a door close but Ange begins speaking once more.

"Oh honey I don't think you have anything to worry about there. I've seen the way he looks at you. He looks at you like you're everything in the world to him and he could lose you at any moment. I didn't know him personally before, only what I had read about and let me tell you it wasn't exactly pretty...but now, with you in his life, he's never been more praised and celebrated for his work. He's a great guy and I'm pretty sure he knows I'll kick his ass to kingdom come if he hurts you," she says somewhere between serious and jokingly.

"Plus you two being together is a huge bonus for me! I mean, what other mere mortal can count a Hollywood superstar as a friend right?"

"I aim to please Ange," answers Edward himself as I whip around.

"So I hear," smirks Angela standing and making her way towards him where he ducks his head laughing quietly as I turn tomato red.

As per usual he looks like he's just stepped out of a magazine.

I watch as he wraps his free arm around her and hugs her.

"Oh and the free hugs aren't bad either," she says nonchalantly before freeing Edward of dinner and dessert and excusing herself to the kitchen smirking.

It suddenly dawns on me that while I had thought she was talking to me, she was in fact talking to Edward.

"Hi," I whisper.

"Hi yourself," he replies walking slowly towards me, his eyes boring into mine.

I expect him to sit next to me but he doesn't, instead crouching in front of me. He reaches up and gently brushes my crazy and wayward looking hair out of my face and tucks it behind my ear.

"She's right you know," he murmurs.

I wait for him to continue as he caresses my cheek.

"You're everything in the world to me. I think about you all the time, wondering what you're doing, who you're with, are you safe, are you happy?" he adds.

My heart constricts. I'm so in love with this man it hurts.

"I know that you doubt yourself all the time but I need you to know that you are everything I want. You keep me grounded Bella. I don't want you to worry that you're not good enough, not pretty enough, not sexy enough, not Hollywood enough for me," he all but begs.

I swallow audibly.

"You are all of those things and more. You make me the happiest I've ever been and I can assure you you're not lacking in any way," he adds with that smirk that makes a beeline for my core.

I blush and he laughs.

"Ah there's my girl."

Slowly his light humour disappears and is replaced by a more serious face.

"What is it?" I ask cautiously.

"I don't want to leave you home alone tomorrow night," he explains as he rubs his hand over his face.

I smile but not enough to give away my surprise.

"It's okay Edward, I'll be okay. Besides, I have Angela," I add pointing to her as she walks back in.

"You got it Bells. You, me, Chinese and a bottle of wine watching his fine ass on the well, small screen," she says gesturing to our small flat screen TV mounted on the lounge room wall.

"God, what is it about everyone and my ass?" questions Edward shaking his head.

I can't help but laugh.

"Oh Edward please," jests Angela, "Have you seen your ass? It's the definition of male ass perfection, well that's based on Bella's descriptions anyway," she adds before skipping back to the kitchen to gather the rest of dinner.


I look back to Edward who is smirking at me in a way that says, why do please share.

I close my eyes and bite my lip. "I'm gonna kill her, I swear."

"Male ass perfection huh?" he boasts proudly.

"Oh just go and help the comedian in the kitchen will you," I laugh pushing him to his feet and pointing in the direction of the kitchen.

He guffaws before leaning in for a kiss which immediately sends my core into meltdown. I pull away trying to sound as serious as possible.

"Food, now Cullen," I order.

He kisses me chastely once more.

"Yes ma'am."

Until next time ...

I'm hoping to update again in the next day or two. It will all depend on whether I'm called in to work. Thank you once again for all of your reviews and so forth. I appreciate them greatly. Thank you also for sticking with me…I know it's taking a long time but what can I say…RL can suck sometimes.

Please review! I love to hear your thoughts and your encouragement