A/N: So this is it. The final chapter. I can't believe that I have been writing this story for almost a year and I'm amazed at the response it got. Thank you to everyone who followed this story from the beginning and joined in along the way. Thanks to everyone who made alerts/favorites and reviewed as well for it was my inspiration to keep writing not just on this story but on all of my stories.

I'm sorry this chapter isn't as long as my previous ones but I felt like it was at a good place to end. Please review for this last chapter to let me know if you like how it ended.

Once again, thank you and enjoy!


Will's heart sped a little faster when he heard Hiram call them from the entry way. This was it. This was the time when they would finally find out the truth. It excited him and scared him at the same time. It was a wonder on how he got his legs moving but with Rachel tugging his hand, he followed close behind her.

He didn't know why he was nervous. He was the one who wanted to know the truth after all. It was Rachel who took him by surprise by leading him back in. He would have thought that he would have had to have dragged her to go in, but apparently not.

They came back into the living room and then into the kitchen where they found both Berry men sitting at the island in the middle. Rachel sat first and Will followed, keeping one hand with her and one hand tapping nervously on his leg.

"So that was the police calling back," Hiram said.

"We figured," Rachel said while Hiram gave her a look.

"I'm sorry. I mean, what did they say? Do they have the results?" Rachel asked as she quickly glanced at Will. She noticed his fingers tapping. He's nervous, she thought. That makes two of us. She squeezed his hand tighter to reassure him that she was there. Rachel was surprised at how well she had been holding up. She was not ready for this, but her actions told her otherwise. Her father's words, snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Yes. It turns out someone was put right away to search," Hiram explained.

"And?" Will asked this time, finding his voice.

"Wait, before we say, I would like to say something," Leroy stated. Will looked at Rachel and they both nodded for him to continue. They didn't know why Leroy had to pick now to be the time to give a speech. The tension in the room was already thick enough.

"This situation took us by surprise, but with a little time and explanation, we realize that you two are a couple. A couple who cares for one another and loves one another through the good times and bad. This is not an ideal situation and it is still illegal in the state of Ohio but I think that you two are a true, loving couple who will support each other no matter what," Leroy finished while Hiram wrapped an arm around him, touched by his husband's words.

Will felt his eyes tear up at the speech and nodded a thank you in their direction. They had her father's support which he would be always grateful for. He was feeling so many emotions that he couldn't get any words to come out. Rachel, felt just the same but walked up out of the chair and hugged her father's.

"Thank you for saying that," Rachel said. "I love you two so much."

"We love you too, Rachel, and you too Will. You are part of the family," Leroy said.

"Thank you. You have no idea how much I appreciate you saying that," Will said as he tried not to let any tears slide down his face.

"Now, on with the news," Hiram said as Rachel went to sit back down.

"By the great state of New York and Ohio, Rachel Berry and William Schuester, I now pronounce you," Hiram said stopping to build tension.

"Pronounce us what?" Rachel pushed wanting to know, with Will nodding his head frantically next to her.

"Not married."

The room was quiet, with everyone sinking in the news but when Will let out a sigh of relief, everyone joined in, including Rachel. The truth was out and no one was married. It had all been a hoax. They had been living in a fantasy world.

"Wow," Rachel said taking in the moment. It was like a wave of relief had washed off her and brought her senses back. She wasn't married to Will and she finally realized that that was okay. She still had him in her life and she had two supporting and loving fathers.

"We are going upstairs, to let you two talk," Hiram said with a big smile of relief as well. His daughter wasn't married to a man twice her age who was also her teacher. He understood that they would more than likely be a couple but at least it wasn't a married one.

Rachel nodded at him and when they finally left the room, she turned back to see Will, who had the same expression on his face he had been wearing for the past five minutes.

"Will, are you okay?" Rachel asked stepping over to him while grabbing his hands in hers.

"I'm just shocked is all," he said turning and looking at her. "You know for a minute, I thought that it could have been possible that we were married."

"I know, me too," Rachel said.

"So you're not mad?" Will asked suddenly noticing the calmness about her. One that he hadn't really seen since this whole thing started.

"Surprisingly, no. I still have you and two supportive fathers. I should have listened to you the whole time," Rachel said.

"Is this Rachel Berry admitting she was wrong?" Will asked in shock for the second time that night.

"Yes, this is me admitting it. I guess I just see why it was such a horrible idea now. I have another year of high school to go through and you have another year as my teacher," Rachel said explaining her sudden realization.

"We have so much to look forward to and planning a wedding and trying to keep it a secret would be impossible," she added.

Will nodded with a smile on his face that Rachel had finally seen the light. It didn't need to be written down on paper to prove that he would always be there for her. He loved her no matter what.

"So, Rachel, do you still want to try this? Being a couple I mean?" Will asked, remembering that he told her that the best he could do was try to be in a relationship with her. It would still have to be a secret, but this was a secret he could manage.

Rachel looked at him with love. He had kept his promise about being in a relationship with her and she was grateful for that but it would only work if he wanted it to as well.

"Only if you do, Will," Rachel said. "This can only work if we are on the same page," she added. Will nodded at her, understanding what she meant. A relationship only worked if two people were committed to it and he was going to try his best to be committed.

"I do, Rachel. I want to try this," Will said leaning in and giving her a sweet kiss on the lips. It was simple but turned passionate as Rachel wrapped her hands in his hair, pulling him closer.

Will let out a low moan that had been hiding in his throat. It had felt so good to know the truth and to have a feeling of relief wash over them.

Rachel pulled away laughing and Will looked at her confused.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

"You said, I do. Are you trying to propose to me again?" Rachel laughed, making Will smile.

"Maybe someday, but not now," Will said. Rachel smiled at him as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

Maybe someday, she repeated in her head. Maybe someday she could be Mrs. Rachel Schuester and maybe someday she could have a family with him.

Some day was quit far off but it was something to look forward to and remind Rachel all of how this started. That one night in the hotel lobby after coming in twelfth place at Nationals where she found Will sipping drinks at the bar. She smiled at the memory, thinking of how crazy that interaction had caused them. It was definitely something to remember Nationals by.

"A night to remember," Rachel said out loud, with Will looking at her confused.

"What?" Will asked.

"That night is a night to remember. One that we will look back on and reflect how it affected our lives and how we came to be," Rachel said with Will looking at her thinking his own thoughts about that night.

Definitely a night to remember. I don't regret it though. I never would have realized my feelings for Rachel if she hadn't insisted we go out together, Will thought to himself. A smile formed on his lips while he turned to look at her.

"Yeah, a night to remember," Will said out loud as he leaned into kiss her again. It had a bittersweet sound coming off his lips but Rachel was right. It was a night to remember for it was the night that made him fall in love with Rachel Berry.