Yo, surprise guys! Yeah I know that I said I wasn't going to start anymore stories until I finished my others, but to be honest this one wouldn't leave my head and I decided to put it up. I'm going to follow a character that doesn't get the spotlight that much and that character is one of my favorites. The character is Uchiha Obito. So as always, just read and review, tell me how it looks and all that good stuff. I don't plan on making this story long, possibly 10-15 chapters at the most. Just as a heads up, I didn't plan on this being much of an action chapter and Kakashi was weakened quite a bit, but I only did it because I thought it seemed more believable because of what actually happened to him in the manga/anime. He'll be back up to his bad ass little self in the next chapter. Anyway, time to get to the story!

Just as a notification: This story is NOT yaoi, I say again, this story is NOT yaoi! The Kakashi and Obito pairing is to symbolize friendship and forming the brotherly bond that soldiers do.

Summary: What if Uchiha Obito never died on the mission to destroy the bridge? What if he managed to gain acknowledgement for his actions on that day throughout the leaf village? What if the war didn't end after the bridge was destroyed? What if there was one last mission to ensure Konoha's victory for the Third Great Shinobi War?



Disclaimer- I do NOT own Naruto in any way and I never will. I just own the idea of the story, the story here and any possible support OCS.

Uchiha Obito was currently trailing behind his teammates Hatake Kakashi and Inuzuka Rin. Obito and Kakashi just finished rescuing Rin from the clutches of two Rock Shinobi and now they were running to escape the collapsing cave. Kakashi was having difficulty running in a straight line with his only good eye remaining. Rin screamed when a boulder landed before her.

"Rin, keep moving! Go!" Kakashi barked.

"Holy shit!" Obito yelled as he dodged a boulder.

They kept moving until finally Kakashi was struck in the head by a falling rock. He hit the ground with a hard thump, dazed and confused. Obito turned around and saw Kakashi struggling to push himself up. He hustled over to his fallen comrade and lifted him up. Looking up, Obito saw a large boulder coming directly at them. Using his strength he pulled Kakashi to his feet and jumped out of the way just in time. Rin hurried over to them and supported Kakashi's other side.

"Come on we're almost there!" Obito shouted.

The three of them began to run as fast as they could and finally jumped out of the cave just as it collapsed. Obito rolled across the ground and felt a sharp pain in his left shoulder. He sat up holding his shoulder and hissed in pain as he realized it was dislocated. Blocking out the pain he turned to look at Rin and Kakashi. Rin had Kakashi's head in her lap which made him frown a little bit. Obito stood up and limped over to them and put on a cocky smirk.

"Guess we showed them, eh?" Obito asked.

"Don't get cocky, Obito. There are probably other enemy shinobi around here." Kakashi replied.

"You're welcome by the way."

Kakashi gave a grunt and stood up slowly. Rin got to her feet and began to ease the pain on Kakashi's eye with her chakra. Obito felt a little irritated Rin immediately went to Kakashi to aid him but put it aside for now. He was about to get their attention but noticed another chakra presence. It took Obito a second to identify the chakra as an enemy. His eyes darted around the trees as he searched for the enemy. He finally located the enemy in the tree line to the east.

"Get down!" Obito barked.

Kakashi pulled Rin to the ground just as a barrage of kunai soared over them. He turned around and looked in the trees to see an enemy vanish from sight. Grabbing Rin, Kakashi pulled her over to Obito and had them stand back to back. Kakashi began to take a couple deep breaths and started to concentrate on his surroundings. Just when he found the enemy a hissing noise came from his foot. He looked down and saw an exploding tag aflame.

"Move!" Kakashi yelled.

The tag exploded and sent the three genin all over the clearing. Rin bounced on the ground and crashed into a tree. Kakashi managed to land on his feet by the cave and Obito disappeared into the bushes. Kakashi's ears were ringing as he attempted to keep his balance. He stood up with his vision slightly blurred from the attack. The attacker appeared in the clearing with a smirk on his face. Kakashi observed the attacker before him was a Chunin, which made this a little easier. He knew he could take out a Chunin without much trouble but decided to be cautious because of his limited vision. Kakashi's hand reached for his belt pouch to pull out a smoke bomb.

"Guess it's just you and me, brat!" the chunin said.

"It would seem so." Kakashi replied.

Kakashi's fingers triggered the smoke bomb which left him with five seconds to use it. The Chunin threw some kunai at Kakashi just as he tossed the smoke bomb. The smoke bomb exploded with a loud crack and black smoke filled the clearing. Kakashi made a bunshin and retreated back into the trees. He crouched down low in the bushes and looked at his hand.

"I know I haven't perfected this technique yet, but this is the only chance I have if I want to end this quickly." Kakashi muttered.

Kakashi concentrated and began channeling chakra to his hand. Eventually lightning began to surround Kakashi's hand and started to crackle. He glanced back at the clearing and rushed at the smoke. Kakashi pinpointed the location of the Chunin and brought his hand back. He gave a loud cry and thrust his hand forward. The man gave a grunt then went up in a cloud of smoke.

"A Bunshin? Damn-it!" Kakashi swore.

"I saw you use that technique earlier on my friend, kid. But it must be my lucky day because your sensei isn't here to save you this time." The Chunin said.

Kakashi wheeled round and was met with a slash to the chest. He stumbled back and was punched in the stomach. Kakashi fell to his back and tried to channel his chakra to his hand again but it failed. Looking at this, Kakashi realized that only having vision in one eye, no chakra and moderate injuries, he was in a lot of trouble. He saw a kunai at the base of a tree a few yards away. Using his strength he pulled himself towards the weapon. The Chunin saw this and walked over to the kunai. He picked up the kunai and looked down at Kakashi. He gave a hard kick to Kakashi's head effectively dazzling him. Kakashi was picked up by the neck and thrown into a tree. He crashed on the ground in a heap and rolled on his back.

He lifted his head up to see the Chunin walking towards him with the kunai. Kakashi felt defeated and hopeless for the first time in his life. His sensei's words came back to him as he thought about the Raikiri.


Minato was looking down at Kakashi with a serious expression. Kakashi had attempted to take out the shinobi with his jutsu but ended up destroying a bunch of clones instead. By doing that it left him vulnerable to the enemy's counter attack with the kunai. If he hadn't intercepted the kunai, Kakashi could have been killed.

"Kakashi, you shouldn't use that jutsu anymore. From what I could see, your focal point concentrated attack undoubtedly has power and speed. But it makes you too fast to ascertain the opponent's counter attacks. It's still an imperfect jutsu." Minato informed.

/Flashback End/

"Just like the last time, I fell for the clone trick again." Kakashi hissed.

"I was surprised when you did that as well. I was certain you wouldn't fall for that again." The Chunin taunted.

Kakashi's hand began to search his belt again for anything he could use to defend himself. All he found, however, was another smoke bomb. That's when Kakashi suddenly remembered that Rin had one of Minato's special kunai with her. He looked over and saw Rin stirring a little bit. He looked over to Obito's position and saw him pulling out a kunai to throw at the Chunin who hadn't noticed him yet. Kakashi gave a wink at Obito and triggered the smoke bomb. Smoke filled the clearing once again and Obito threw the kunai directly at the chunin. The Chunin ducked under the kunai just in time and turned to see Obito finishing a handsign. Obito managed to send a giant fireball at the Chunin who jumped out of the way. He leapt at the Chunin with a kick.

The Chunin caught Obito's kick but took the full blow of Obito's punch to his head. Obito punched the rock shinobi in the head again before getting picked up by his leg and shirt. He was thrown into a tree and received a double punch to his stomach. Obito wheezed and spat out some blood before falling to the forest floor. The Chunin turned back to Kakashi and saw him pulling a tri-pronged kunai out of the kunoichi's pocket. Not willing to take the chance, he shunshined over to Kakashi and picked him up by his neck again. He slammed him against the tree and began to suffocate him.

"There's no way I'm letting you summon your sensei with that thing!" The Chunin sneered.

"I don't think my sensei is the one you should be worried about." Kakashi gasped out.

"What are you talking about, kid?"

The Chunin felt a sharp pain in his back and dropped Kakashi in surprise. He turned his head and saw the black haired boy holding a bloody kunai. He noticed the Sharingan in the genin's eyes and his eyes widened in shock.

"You're an Uchiha?" The Chunin asked.

Obito nodded before slashing the kunai across the man's neck. The man gagged and clutched at his throat as blood gushed out of it. He collapsed on the ground and blood pooled around his corpse. Obito took a couple of deep breaths as he watched the life drain from the eyes of the Chunin before him. Not being able to stand it anymore, he turned and emptied the contents of his stomach on the ground.

"You okay, Kakashi?" Obito asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Kakashi replied.

Obito nodded and walked over to Rin. He gently shook her awake and sat her up against the tree.

"Rin, how are you holding up?" Obito asked.

"I'm fine, just some cuts and bruises but nothing too bad." Rin said.

Obito winced as his shoulder throbbed in pain again. He grit his teeth and took a couple of deep breaths. Rin took notice of Obito's discomfort and walked over to him. She found that his left shoulder was dislocated and bit her lip.

"When did you dislocate your shoulder?" Rin asked.

"Right when we escaped the cave." Obito replied.

"You idiot! Why didn't you tell me?"

"You seemed preoccupied with other matters."

Rin winced at Obito's response because she knew he was referring to Kakashi. She felt guilt fill her as she looked at Obito's shoulder. Her disregard to Obito's status after the cave collapse didn't cross her mind since she was focused on Kakashi's eye and wellbeing. She walked over to Obito and placed her hand on his shoulder. Obito's mouth twitched in reaction to the pain.

"On three Obito, you ready?" Rin asked.

"Do it." Obito replied.

"Okay… one!"

There was a crack as Rin popped Obito's shoulder back in place. He gave a cry in surprise and rolled his shoulder a bit. Obito turned to Rin with a small smile.

"Thanks Rin, feels better already." Obito said.

"Well I should ease the pain so it doesn't swell as much." Rin added.

"You might want to hold that off for now."


"Look at the trees, we're surrounded."

Kakashi looked around and saw they were outnumbered greatly by rock shinobi. He cursed under his breath and his eyes darted to the tri-pronged kunai at Rin's side. Quickly coming up with a plan to ensure his team's survival he turned to Obito.

"Obito, you and I will hold them off for now. Rin, you set up the kunai and get Minato-Sensei here." Kakashi ordered.

"Hai." They chorused.

"Obito, we'll take them on one at a time."

Obito handed Kakashi a soldier pill with a smirk on his face. Kakashi smirked under his mask and took the pill. He dropped the pill in his mask and swallowed the pill. Obito raised his eyebrow at the bizarre way Kakashi consumed the pill. One would think that he would pull down the mask to eat the pill. Nope, he just dropped it right in the mask itself. Obito shook his head and charged at the first shinobi with Kakashi. Rin stabbed Minato's kunai in the ground and waited for his arrival. She looked at Obito and Kakashi to see how they were holding up. They had successfully taken out four shinobi but there was no way they could hold out for long.

"Please hurry, sensei." Rin whispered.

"You rang, Rin?" a voice asked.

Rin jumped in surprise and turned to see Minato behind her. He gave her a comforting smile and pulled out one of his special kunai. Minato turned to see Obito and Kakashi working together to take out enemies. They had done well to hold out as long as they have.

"I'll take it from here, Rin." Minato said.

Minato pulled out another kunai and vanished from sight. He appeared directly behind the enemy Obito and Kakashi were fighting. He thrust his kunai into the back of the shinobi, killing him instantly.

"Minato-Sensei, you're here!" Obito beamed.

"I said I'd meet with you all later, didn't I? Now why don't you go guard Rin? I'll take care of this." Minato replied.

Obito and Kakashi jumped back to Rin and watched as their sensei vanished from enemy to enemy cutting them down. The remaining rock shinobi fled in fear after watching the Yellow Flash cut their comrades down. Minato finished off the last enemy and observed the area. Not finding any other enemies, he put his tri-pronged kunai away and tossed the bloodied kunai across the clearing as he walked over to his team.

"All of you did phenomenally well. I'm very proud of all of you." Minato announced.

"Thanks, sensei." The three chorused.

"Let's get moving. We can make it to the bridge before nightfall if we hurry."

The group had made excellent time and made it to the bridge before sunset. Kakashi and Rin were currently planting explosives on the bridge. Obito was standing beside Minato and keeping watch for any enemies. The silence felt awkward for Obito as he sat there with his sensei. Usually it would be Kakashi in his position talking to Minato, but it was him instead. Not being able to take the silence any longer Obito decided to speak.

"So, what did you encounter when you separated from us?" Obito asked.

"Just the same old stuff, Obito." Minato replied.

"Same old stuff, eh? I'm pretty sure you could expand on that."

"I could, yes. But I'm more intrigued on what happened with you three. You will all have to give a report on the mission, so I'm just curious as to what happened after Kakashi took you two to carry on the mission."

"In all honesty, there are a lot of things to talk about."

"We've got time, Obito. So talk."

Obito told Minato about Kakashi taking him and Rin to continue the mission. He told him about Rin being taken captive, Kakashi's decision to abandon Rin and continue the mission. He told Minato about going against Kakashi's orders and going to find Rin. He told him about Kakashi losing his eye and awakening the Sharingan. Obito also mentioned saving Rin and Kakashi. When he was finished, Minato put a hand to his chin as he processed Obito's story. He was really impressed with what Obito did as contribution to the team. However, Minato was really disappointed in Kakashi's first decision about Rin but let it go because Kakashi eventually did make the right choice.

"I'm proud of you, Obito. But let me ask you something," Minato began.

Obito's head perked up at that but he decided to comply, "Go ahead, sensei."

"How are you feeling?"

"What do you mean?"

"You heard me, Obito. How are you feeling?"

Obito looked at his feet and began to wring his hands. He shook a little bit and felt some tears build in his eyes. He blinked rapidly to suppress the tears.

"I'm feeling guilty, sensei." Obito said.

"Every shinobi will eventually be in your position, Obito. Kakashi has gone through it, and now you're going through it. A shinobi is supposed to kill if necessary, Obito." Minato replied.

"I know that, sensei. When I killed the first guy I didn't really focus on him because of Kakashi's injury, but when I watched the life drain from the eyes of the second guy I really felt it. I mean, I don't know who I'm killing. I could be killing a father or brother of a family and now they won't see him again. I kind of regret it and I feel guilty as hell."

Minato put a hand on Obito's shoulder to calm him down. The first kill was always the hardest and it's not healthy to let the emotions build up inside. Every shinobi kills eventually and it's too overwhelming for some which sometimes leads to a myriad of follow-up choices a shinobi would make. The top ones being suicide, discharge to civilian life, or the shinobi mental hospital where one spends the rest of their days. Minato managed to calm Obito down a little bit.

"But I'm also concerned with how the council will view the mission report." Obito added.

"How so?" Minato asked.

"Well, I went against the direct order of my superior. What if they decide to strip me of my shinobi status?"

"Trust me. They won't strip you of your rank. Granted what you did was insubordination, you had a good reason. I'll vouch for you personally. Who knows, you might even get a battlefield promotion."

"The promotion would be to the rank of Special Jounin or Jounin, right?"

Minato nodded and Obito felt his lips tug upward in a smile. He gave Obito a pat on the back before standing up to stretch his legs. Kakashi and Rin just finished planting the last of the explosives on the bridge and began walking back to them. Minato pulled out the detonator to trigger the C4 on the bridge.

"This is it. Once we blow this bridge the war is over." Minato said.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's blow this bridge to hell!" Obito cheered.

"All of you put your hands on mine. We'll blow it up together."

Minato put on hand on the trigger, followed by Kakashi then Rin and finally Obito.

"One…Two…Three!" Minato counted.

All four of them pushed down on the trigger and a loud explosion echoed around the valley. The bridge had been destroyed and was currently falling into the river below. The four of them gave a cheer as they completed their mission successfully. Now it was time to go home and celebrate.

Well that was the opening chapter guys, I hope you enjoyed it, if not...damn. Anyway, I don't know when I'll update this story again, but I'll post a new chapter when something comes to mind. I have an outline of what I want to do so I'm trying to follow that as much as possible. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it and remember to read and review as always!-CaptainPrice