Hey guys! I am starting this story because I read all Derek stories in and still wasn´t enough! Now I have to wait for authors to update but can´t wait. Another thing I can´t wait for is the next season to come out! I mean! 2012? Really? What did you guys think of the season finale? Did you like it? Did anyone notice how sexy Derek's teeth are in the scene when he was asking Scott to release him? Check it out and tell me if it´s only me and my mental issues? jajaja

This story begins a little after Derek became an Alpha. Please give it a try and review so I can improve. English is not my first language so please be kind, if anyone wants to betha this I will be very thankful because I´m not sure if I´m doing the grammar correctly. Well maybe I´m sure. :D

DISCLAIMER: I do not own TEEN WOLF or any of its characters. I just own my need for more Derek jajaj.

It doesn´t matter how much I try. I just can't stand being among people.

It wasn't that I hated humans but I´ll never understand their need to be so noisy. Everything they do seems to include a variety of the most annoying sounds they could think of. Ok, maybe I do hate humans after all.

Right now, for example. I was doing my grocery shop and I seem to be perfectly capable of taking what I need, put it the car, pay for it then leave. Doesn´t seem so difficult! Then, why on earth is the supermarket so full of people all the time?, why do they have to tell all their lives while being here, in a place so crowded that surely everyone knew what you were talking about. Everyone seems to have something to say. A bald man just got a new car, two women were complaining about their husbands and their lack of interest in their new haircut, two kids were fighting for a lollipop, a little girl was crying because she missed her teddy bear which she just lost. Suddenly a scream got his attention. It came from a group of teenagers who were standing next to the canned food where I needed to take my tuna; they were staring at me rudely, bating their eyelashes furiously. I could hear their heartbeat rising and see their pupils dilating. Well, honestly, I´m not interested.

I decided to go around the corridor so I didn´t have to acknowledge them. When I turned the corner to the cereal corridor I found out it wasn´t empty either. Great. Just my luck.

There was the little girl, crying with all her lungs, her eyes so puffy with big tear drops falling down her cheeks. Derek couldn´t help to feel sorry for her. Her mother was failing miserably to comfort her. Just that moment, a girl turned the corner and smiled when she saw the little girl. I suddenly saw the cheerios box next to me, it was long ago the last time I ate them. I took a box from the shelf and dropped it in the car. I turned my head to see what was happening in front of me. Apparently the girl found the teddy bear and was about to report it in the missing things department when she saw the little girl crying. The kid was beaming and her mother was thanking her with a soft smile.

The girl turn her attention to the shelf of cereals and with a very concentrate look apparently decided she wanted the cereal at the top of the shelf; which was two times bigger than her. I smirked at the funny scene in front of me. She stood into her tiptoes but it was still too far for her. When I saw she was determined to climb the damn thing, I decided it was time to intervene.

"Need some help?" I asked her.

She wobbled a bit but got a good grip of the shelf then she looked my way and went back to the floor with a little jump. She blushed softly but smiled at me.

"yeah" she replied "thanks a lot. I don´t know what this people are thinking! These shelves are like skyscrapers! I mean, not everyone in Beacon Hills are as tall as you are!"

I just smiled at her comment. She eyed me rapidly and smiled at me blushing. She looked mortified and try to hide it by looking at the shelf one more time as if she wasn´t sure what she wanted.

Her shyness took my attention. She sure wasn´t a girl that needed to be troubled by her appearance. She was very good looking. She was petite with brown red straight hair, milky skin with just a hint of blush in her cheeks. He could see some freckles over her nose; her eyes were a golden shade of brown, very bright and alive.

"Are you from here?" She asked with interest.

I noticed that I was the one embarrassed now because I have been staring at her.

"Hmm, I live just out of town" he answered startled.

"May I have your name?" she asked.


"Well Derek, I won´t take more of your time. Thanks for the help" she said happily taking her cart and starting to walk away.

"Wait" Derek shouted "You didn´t give me your name!"

"If you really want to know, I´m sure you´ll find out" she said with flirty eyes.

I stood there while watching her leave. "What the hell?" I said to myself. "Why was I so friendly to some stranger?"

I felt strange like I was hit by something. I felt angry because I wasn´t this guy anymore. I didn´t trust, I didn´t talk to random girls at the supermarket, hell, I didn´t help them either. I wasn´t a nice guy. All because of her. She ruined my life, killed my entire family, she let me alone in the world, all because I trusted her. I won´t be making the same mistake again. I wasn´t some random betha. I am the Alpha now. I have a pack to take care of. Well, I got Scott to take care of, but still a pack.

What do you guy think of this? Should I continue? Please review! :D