Trying really hard to crank things out while i've got like 2 weeks of NOTHING.

I dont own k-on, any or other music, movie, TV show mentioned or used in this either. Unless of course I make it up, in which case I will let you know.

This is an alternate universe, because it's more fun to make a story like clay in my hands. Free for me to mold how I like, but still has some stability in which I build off of. B-)

Slight OC, and some OOC's.

This is also set in some random place I made up, still on Earth, just not really Japan or the USA.

On another note

This is regular text

"This is when someone's talking"

This is when someone is thinking

This is phone or internet, electronical devices, speak

Blahbahblahblah[1] this indicates a note

Just incase you get confused.




"Ko! Ko!" Anna shouted, trying to pull the young man next to her. Ko grunted, now used to the fact that the seven year old was extremely strong. "You're so slow!"

"Anna!" Mio scolded, walking by the snickering Ritsu's side. "Don't pull poor Ko! You're going to rip off his arm."

"You can't do that!" Ritsu said, suddenly alarmed. "We don't have a replacement drummer! Unless you could play one-handed."

"Is that really you're first concern?" Ko said, frowning. "I'm offended."

"You know I'm just joking," Ritsu said, slapping him on the back. She laughed loudly.

"Riichan," Olly said, walking next to Ritsu. "Where're we going?"

"Yeah!" Anna shouted, walking slower to look at Ritsu. "Where are we going?"

"You've been yanking me around, and you don't know where we're going?" Ko said, with a small smile. He shook his head, chuckling lightly.

"Why're you laughing at me?" Anna pouted. She let go of Ko's hand to put her two fists on her sides. "I don't need to know where we're going to know that you're walking too slowly."

"Relax, you two." Ritsu said, trying to prevent an argument between the two. "Ko and I have to go perform. Mio's going to look after you guys back stage."

"We get to go to your concert?!" The twins said in unison, their eyes lighting up in excitement.

"Well, Mio and I decided that you two were big enough now." Ritsu said, patting the two on the head. "I can't let you guys roam around the crowd, but you'll be backstage. You can see us from there."

The twins had already stopped listening to the older girl, and were chatting away with the each other.

"I'm so excited!"

"Do you think Riichan will...?"

"I wanna see Hiko do that thing again!"

"What if inu-hiro does something cool!"

"Who's a dog?" A voice said from behind them. The twins jumped up to see a dark, looking figure glaring down at them. They squealed and ran to hide behind Ritsu.

"Hey!" Ritsu said, defensively. "Don't scare my littluns!"

"Who taught them that ridicousl nickname?" Akahiro said, with a defeated sigh.

" 'Twas me!" Akahiko said, appearing from behind Akahiro.

"Akahiko!" Akahiro growled angrily.

"The one and only!" He responded, happily. "Pou, how're my favorite little nuggets doing?"

"Good evening, uncle hiko." The two said, brightly.

"Uncle hiko." Akahiko sniggered. "I'm always gonna love being called that."

"Alright, alright, just make sure you control yourself." Ritsu said, defensively walking away with the two. "I've got enough to worry about, what with Ko here."

"Ritsu!" Mio scolded.

"Whoa," Ritsu said, looking at Mio slightly surprised. "Not who I was expecting to yell at me."

"I hope you get hit by a bus," Ko growled.

"I love you too, schnookums!" Ritsu said, making a kissy face at him.

"Hey!" Akahiko shouted, before Mio could jump in. "This is my hunny bunny."

"Sorry Ritsu," Ko said, with a shrug. "I'm a one guy kinda... guy."

"Oh come on, don't you have room for a little condiments on the side?" Ritsu said, waggling her eyebrows.

"Ritsu!" Mio shouted, hitting her on the head.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts," Ritsu whined. "Owie, that one really hurt Mio."

"I wanted it to," Mio huffed. She grabbed Anna and Olly's hands and rushed past Ritsu. "C'mon you two. We don't need her."

"Aw, Mio, stop, you know I was just kidding." Ritsu said, jogging after the longer legged female. The poor twins were almost at a sprint, trying to keep up with Mio. "You know you're the only one for me! Mi amore! Por favor, deja caminar!"

"I, what?" Mio said, thrown off for a second. That was just enough time for Ritsu to catch up and wrap her arms around Mio's waist.

"I love you~" Ritsu purred into her ear, pressing herself into Mio's back. She felt her heart pick up, and she knew it was partially because she just ran but mostly because her Mio was close to her again.

"That isn't going to work every time," Mio said, even though she already knew she was losing.

"I looove yoooou~" Ritsu hummed out happily, as she felt Mio rub one of her arms.

"It's not fair that you just do that to win a fight." Mio grumbled out, leaning into Ritsu's embrace.

"I wasn't even aware we were fighting." Ritsu said, bring Mio into her to kiss her on the ear. "Love ya~"

"Yeah, yeah, I love you too." Mio said, sighing happily.




"You say good morning! When it's midnight!" Ritsu sang, dancing around the stage. "Goin' out of my head, alone in this bed!"

Akahiko was in the background, jumping around the stage like he always does. Akahiro was calmly strumming away, as Ko pounded on his drums.

"I wake up, to your sunset! And it's driving me mad, I miss you so bad." Ritsu sang, banging her head in time with the music. "And my heart, heart, heart is so jet lagged. Heart, heart, heart is so jet lagged. Heart, heart, heart is so jet laaaaaged. So jetlagged." [1]

Ritsu walked around the stage, dancing and smiling at the crowd. Her hair was unkempt and her yellow t-shirt was clinging to her body with her sweat. She'd reach into the crowd and hold onto the damp hands of her fans, as they screamed her name or the lyrics to the song. Her smile would get even wider as she saw the crowd losing themselves in the music. She jumped with the beat of the music. Every now and then she'd point to a random spot in the crowd, and wink her charming wink that made girls squealed. She knew Mio would probably scold her lightly when she was done, but in the end Mio knew Ritsu liked to tease her crowd a little.

As the song began to finish, she walked to where she had placed her water bottle(she was never going to drink anything but water during a concert ever again). She took a long sip, before removing her trademark yellow headband. She raised the waterbottle of her head and poured the remains over her. She heard the crowd roar, and she smirked. She threw her head back to whip some of the water off her head before she shook it like a dog. Her t-shirt and her black jeans had small traces of water, which didn't really bother Ritsu. It was pretty hot. She ran her fingers through her hair and threw her water bottle at someone who worked at the venue she was currently performing in. She returned her headband back to it's proper home, licking some of the water around her mouth. She teased her hair a little with her fingers as she walked back to her microphone.

"Jeez, I really needed that," Ritsu said, laughing. "I didn't realize we had signed to play in the worlds biggest sauna."

Ritsu brushed some loose strands of hair away from her face, breathing heavily from the amount of energy it took to perform. Suddenly, she heard the crowd cheer. She turned around to watch Akahiko and Akahiro both ridding themselves of their shirts. Ko's was already long gone, only on for two or three songs.

"I'm so moist." Akahiko said into another microphone, smirking as the large amount of females squealed. He walked over to pick up two water bottles. "Everywhere."

"Stop teasing them," Akahiro said, shaking his head with dissapproval.

"Oh come on, Ritsu had the right idea." Akahiko said, tossing Akahiro a water bottle. He twisted the top off the one that remained in his hand and poured the whole bottle over himself. The liquid fell from his long hair, down to his toned torso and strong arms, and soaked into his grey shorts. He shook his head almost violently, before roughly tussling his hair with both hands.

"Pou, that felt great!" Akahiko said, smiling brightly. Akahiro simply followed suit, earning an equal amount of shrieks.

"Hey, hey!" Ritsu shouted into her microphone, looking at the brothers. "We can't just let our poor fan sit in this heat!"

"Of course not!" Akahiko said, catching on with a grin. He ran back stage and brought out a bucket full of ice cold water bottles.

"Alright guys! Here you go!" Ritsu shouted, as she and Akahiko began throwing water bottles as far as they could. She saw one bounce off someones face and flinched guiltity. "Okay. Maybe not the best idea."

The crowd cheered, encouraging her to continue.

"Meh," Ritsu said with a shrug and a smile. "Who am I to say no?"

After almost a full minute of just throwing water bottles, the bucket was empty, filled with only the remnants of the ice. Ritsu smiled happily at the crowd, even as the lights slightly blinded her.

"You know, I really am living the dream." Ritsu said into her microphone, trying to catch her breath. "I've got a great budding career. I've got greats fans, a great band who also happen to be my great fans. I've got a great, sorry ladies, girlfriend. I've got great kids. And I haven't even graduated High School yet."

"Speaking of which, our graduation's soon right? It's in a week?" Akahiko said into the microphone. "Hard to believe four years have passed so quickly."

"Remember when we first started our band?" Akahiro said with a chuckle. "I was only eight."

"Yeah!" Ritsu said, laughing. "Me and Akahiko were only in 6th grade. And Ko didn't even want to at first, because he thought he was too cool for us, being in 8th grade and all."

"Yeah, yeah!" Akahiko said laughing. "And then, we played our first gig in that coffee shop in my freshman year."

"It's been a great four years," Ritsu said, with a sincere grin. "Time sure does pass when you're having fun, doesn't it."

"Sure does," Ko said from behind his drum set.

"Hope we're cool enough for you now, Kobscene!" Ritsu snickered.

"Not even close," Ko teased back, returning her grin.

"Alright! In honor of good memorys!" Ritsu shouted, as she heard Ko begin to count them off. "Let's do this!"




Ritsu was dressed in black jeans, a white dress shirt, a black blazer and black tie. She wore her favorite red converses, but had traded her usual yellow headband for a knit hat. She had large aviators on her face, in an attempt to somewhat conceal her face. Ko, Akahiko, Akahiro were all behind her, similarly dressed. Ko wore no hat, but held his hair back in a pony tail. Akahiko wore a baseball cap, and an eyepatch. Ritsu had pleaded with him not to wear it, but he insisted that it would help conceal his identity. Akahiro had just cut off most of his brown hair, wearing it in a short faux hawk. He had on round, dark sunglasses. Anna and Olly stood by Ritsu's side. Anna wore a flowing white dress that fell just above her ankles, and white sandals. Her hair fell in small waves, curled slightly for the occasion. Olly wore a white dress shirt and blue dress pants. He held his hands in his pocket in an attempt to look "cool". Ritsu snickered beside him.

Ritsu stood proudly, behind a seated group of parents. She scanned the group of young ladies, all dressed in blue gowns and caps. She spotted a girl with long black hair seated in between a girl with blonde hair and another with short brown hair. She smiled, recgonizing it as her Mio.

"We are all gathered here today, to honor the graduates of the 2010 school year." The principal said, calmly, from his pedastal.

Ritsu's graduation had been two days ago, and relatively unexciting. Her parents hadn't shown up, but Satoshi and Konata had. Of course, Mio had been there, with Anna and Olly. Akahiro and Ko had sat next to them, Ko trying to keep them occupied while Akahiro tried to keep his down to avoid previous classmates. She recieved her high school diploma, her principal grinning at her and quietly asking her to stay out of trouble.

But, today was Mio's day. Unlike Ritsu, Mio had been extremely nervous and emotional about graduated. Mio already knew where she was going to college; close to home so that she could commute. Of course, she wasn't sacrificing too much, since she had been accepted into one of the best colleges in the country. Mio had had to spend the night at her parents, who refused to be without Mio on her last night as a high school student.

Ritsu snickered as she remembered the night she had to explain to Mio's family that she was a girl.

-About a month ago-

"So... we wont get any grandchildren?" Her mother said, looking disappointed.

"I, well, no, not quite..." Mio mumbled. Her father just looked at the two completely baffled by the situation. Ritsu had chuckled lightly, causing Mio to shoot her a glare.

"Not quite? What does that mean?" Her mother asked. Ritsu reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. She searched through her photos and found one with her, Mio and the twins.

"These kids are actually currently under my...our custody." Ritsu said, handing her phone over to Mio's parents. She watched the two glance the picture warily. "The paperworks still processing, but they've been living with us for a couple months now."

"They're... they're beautiful," Mio's mother said in awe. "This... this is what you two want?"

"Yes," Ritsu said, resolutely. Mio had to keep herself from swooning all over again, like she so often found hersel doing around Ritsu. Ritsu looked at her expectantly, and she jumped.

"Ah, yes!" Mio squeaked, realizing Ritsu and her parents had been watching her inner struggle to not melt. Ritsu chuckled and placed a kiss on Mio's forehead.

"I... if this is what you want." Mio's father finally said, breaking out of his stupor.

"It is," Mio said, smiling. "It definitely is."

"And... you're sure she wont inconvience you?" Her father said to Ritsu.

"Daddy!" Mio scolded, turning red.

"Of course not," Ritsu said, holding Mio close to her. "Far from it."

-Present time-

Her parents were sitting close to where she was standing, and waved to her. Ritsu smiled and waved back. She nudged Olly and Anna.

"Hey, those're the g-rents." Ritsu said, pointing to Mio's parents. "Wave."

"Hello, Gran'ma, Gran'pa!" The twins shouted in unison, waving eagerly. The two parents turned bright red, and waved back timidly. The principal stuttered in his speech, glancing at the two. He just smiled and continued.

"So, that's where she gets it?" Ritsu said, sniggering to herself. "What a cute family."

"Gran'ma and Gran'pa look nice." Anna said, holding Ritsu's hand. "Nicer than other gran'ma."

"Yeah, I think they are." Ritsu said, smiling. "But, isn't Mio alot nicer than I am?"

"She is." Anna said, bluntly.

"Ouch," Ritsu said, pretending to be injured. "But I'm the one that bought you a phone."

"You're also the one who ate the cake she baked with Mio," Olly chirped in.

"Enough out of you!" Ritsu whispered sharply.

"And now, we'll hear from our valedictorian," The principal said, after a long speech about growing up. "Mio Akiyama."

"What?" Ritsu said, surprised. "She didn't tell me she was valedictorian. Not that I'm super surprised."

"You didn't know?" Ko asked, raising an eyebrow. "She told us."

Akahiro and Akahiko nodded, next to him. Akahiko snickered.

"I even asked who it was going to be," Ritsu pouted. "And she said, 'just some random girl'. She's not some random girl."

"It's been a f-f-fun four years," Mio stuttered, bright red and nervous. Ritsu facepalmed, sensing a disaster approaching. "I r-r-r-remember the first day I walked onto the campus."

Ritsu watched as Mio nervously delivered her speech, keeping her head down. She occasionally looked up or brushed a hair from her face. She gripped her paper tightly, shaking ever so slightly. Ritsu finally sighed, and turned to her friends. They were already looking at her, knowing what she was probably going to say.

"Let's go," Ritsu said, nodding to the boys. They smiled and followed Ritsu as she walked away.




Mio was scanned the crowd again. She paled as she realized Ritsu was gone.

Why would she leave? Did she think it was too boring? That's not fair! She's supposed to support me, no matter what! Mio said, her emotions ranging from panick to anger. This is just like her! Something loses her interest and she just leaves! How could she do this to me? Oh no, is she mad because I didn't tell her I was valedictorian?

And then suddenly, there was a loud guitar riff. Mio jumped in surprise, as did much of the crowd. When Mio realized what happened, she couldn't decide if she was furious or releived she didn't have to continue with her speech.

"Back in '95!" Ritsu shouted into a microphone, from somewhere. "A little boy from just outside of London, took a fated trip across the ocean!"

Mio tried to find where Ritsu, or her band were playing from, as the song continued.

"Soooooo long, soooooldier!" Ritsu sang, belting out her lyrics. "Cruuuuuise con-troooooller! Satelittle trajectory. Guide us into reverie, and come down to voice a generation!" [2]

And suddenly, she appeared on stage, Akahiko and Akahiro close behind. She carried her mic with her, as Akahiko and Akahiro played on their guitars. Ritsu saw Mio look at her in question, and she just smiled and pointed to the back of the seated crowd. Everyone turned around to see Ko grinning and banging away at his drums.

Ritsu then turned to Mio with horror. She waved her hands in the air, and the playing stopped as suddenly as it began.

"Were... were you not done?" Ritsu said, and Mio realized she was pretending to be horrified. "I was told to come on at 10:15."

"...It's 10:05..." Mio said, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Is it?" Ritsu said, looking at her watch. Her eyes widened, and she slapped herself in the forehead. "Darn it! I'm so, so, sorry!"

"It's okay," Mio said, giggling at Ritsu's panic. She knew she was putting on an act to save Mio's poor behind, but it was cute nonetheless.

"No, no, I definitely need to make this up to you in some way!" Ritsu shouted, walking up to Mio. Mio started stumbling backwards as Ritsu forcefully made her way to the podium.

Mio watched in horror as Ritsu cleared her throat and began to speak into the microphone.

"I'm, really, really, really, sorry to interupt your graduation like this," Ritsu said, apologetically. She looked throughout the crowd with a look of determination in her eyes. "You know, I actually know a couple girls at this school. Mio, Mugi, Yui, and Azunyan."

"The nickname is not going to catch on!" A voice called from the crowd. Ritsu sniggered.

"I've also met Ui, Yui's sister, Nadoka, Jun... and a couple others. You know, my girlfriend actually goes to this school. That's how I got to meet so many of you." Ritsu said into the microphone. "...While I was up here, I was just wanted to say that you are a great group of girls. And even the ones I didn't get to meet, you're probably pretty cool too."

Mio noticed as Ritsu quickly glanced down at the podium, where Mio had left her notes.

"You're all taking a huge steps towards adulthood right now." Ritsu started. "Life isn't always going to be easy. Hell, it's very rarely easy. You're all only eighteen, maybe seventeen years old. You can't possibly know what you want to do with your lives, much less what's going to happen five, ten, twenty years down the road. Maybe some of you do have an idea, which is great. Good for you. But most of you only know where you'll go to college. Now what you'll do in college, not what you'll do after college and even further after that. I think, one of the most important things to do is to embrace the moments of childhood that you can still enjoy. My boyfriend,-"

Mio felt herself blush harshly and Ritsu stopped reading. She stared at the speech for a couple seconds before smirking and turning to Mio.

"You wrote about me in your graduation speech?" She said, turning to Mio. Mio looked at her feet, bright red, and nodded. She heard Ritsu laugh lightly, as small murmurs rang through the crowd. "But I thought you didn't want everyone to bug you about me. I do know you're the jealous ty- Ouch!"

"Shut up!" Mio shouted, blushing hard. Ritsu help the small lump on her head, wincing slightly at Mio. The crowds murmurs began to get louder.

"This is sweet of you," Ritsu purred, glowing with happiness. "I don't know how I got so lucky."

"You hardly got anything," Mio grumbled to herself, still red. She was beginning to tear up. Ritsu frowned.

"Hey, hey," Ritsu said, picking up Mio's chin with her hand. "You're the best thing that ever happened to me.I need your grace, to remind me, to find my own." [3]

"You're not being far again," Mio pouted, cutely Ritsu might add. Ritsu felt her heart tighten up as Mio looked at her through her eyelashes.

"How so?" Ritsu asked.

"You stole the big surprise I had for you," Mio said.

"I... I'm sorry," Ritsu said, not really knowing what to say.

"Although, I do appreciate your help," Mio admitted, with a smile. "I don't think I could get through this on my own."

"Well then, shall we continue?" Ritsu said, gesturing for Mio to stand next to her. Mio walked next to Ritsu, who indiscreetly snuck her hand into Mio's behind the podium. The crowd cheered and they both smiled.

"My boyfriend," Mio started, glancing at Ritsu. Ritsu just waggled her eyebrows and nodded at her. Mio almost starting laughing and had to take a small breath to prevent herself from laughing. "My boyfriend, Ritsu, can serve as a great example of this kind of adult. Ritsu is already very succesful at such a young age, which can often cause a lot of stress. But he counteracts the stress in his life by finding the fun in it, like a child. Hours of working on music, days spent re-recording. And even parts of it that normally most could'nt find any fun in. The work to get themselves venues to perform at, when he had to find new bands to sign to his label, managing all the young bands. And yet, he manages to find love for every single this he does."

"Including this one," Ritsu said, poking her in the side. Mio slapped her hand away as Ritsu chuckled.

"Ritsu!" Mio scolded, blushing yet again. The crowd erupted into laughter, causing Ritsu to grin at Mio. She waggled her eyebrows once more as Mio rolled her eyes.

"Being an adult isn't going to be easy," Ritsu said, sincerely. "I'm only eighteen, and I've already gone through so much. It's hard to imagine that when I'm thirty-six, i'll have been twice as much. Not everyone gets to be as blessed as I am, and I know that. I thank God for what I have every day. But, no matter, what, you gotta live for yourself. If you try to live your life solely to make other happy, you'll feel fragile, you'll be weak. You gotta escape your own heads, and breathe. And anyone that doesn't respect you for that should just get outa your way. [4] You need to make yourself happy, and surrond yourself with people that are happy with you being happy. If that makes sense."

Ritsu furrowed her eyebrows, confused by her own explanation. She took a deep breath, and squeezed Mio's hand.

"Take my friends, for example, my bandmates." Ritsu started. "No one can ask for better friends. They encourage me to be better, they want me to be the most I can be because they know that that's what will make me the happiest. They don't pressure me to do anything they know wont benefit me in any sort of way. They don't pressure me to do things that'll hurt me mentally or physically. And in return, all they ask is that I do the same for them. Which I try to do. Sure, we make blunders here and there, but in the end we're there for each other no matter what."

Ritsu grinned at her compatriots, who stood next to her. Ko had walked up and joined them not too long ago. They all returned the same smug grin to her.

"And Mio, my wonderful girlfriend," Ritsu said, smiling at her. She held her head and one hand and stared at her as she spoke. "She's the kind of nervous person who doesn't always speak her mind, if you can get her to speak to you at all. But once you've crossed a line, you kinda realize that she's always got your back for you. She's the kind of person who wants the best for everyone, and thats what makes her happy. She's happy when everyone's happy, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. I adore people like that, since I can only be selfish. I can't count the amount of times she's helped me with school work, or gotten me somewhere on time when I didn't even know I was late. She's a real stunna, ladies and gentlemen."

The crowd laughed at Ritsu's lame joke, but she didn't notice. She was staring at Mio, who was staring down at her feet. Mio glanced at her and jumped.

"Stop staring at me," She tried to grumble lowly. Unfortunately, the mic picked it up and the whole crowd roared with laughter. Mio turned bright red. Ritsu placed a quick peck on her cheek, before motioning towards the microphone.

"I-i-i-... l-l-l-ladies and gentl-" Mio started.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Ritsu started for Mio.

"I... I want you all to remember one thing as you leave this high school today." Mio said, her confidence boosting slightly by having Ritsu there.

"If your not doing what you love," Ritsu said.

"Why do it at all?" Mio finished. She turned to the crowd, and bowed. Seeing as her hand was still in Ritsu's, Ritsu was forced to bow as well. Taken by surprise, Ritus narrowly missed hitting her head on the podium. Ritsu then got up hastily, and grabbed the microphone.

"If your love don't count," Ritsu said, grinning at Mio. "Then you can count on me. For nothing! Foooor nothing!" [5]

Mio jumped as she heard Akahiko play his guitar. Ritsu refused to let go of Mio's hand. The crowd cheered as they realized The Scientists were about to play.

"I was just a shoulder you could cry on," Ritsu sang. "You ruined my favorite shirts."




[1] Jet Lag - Simple Plan

[2] So Long Soldier - All Time Low

[3] Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol

[4] (Modified) Kick It! - Forever The Sickest Kids

[5] Count On Me (For Nothing) - Forever The Sickest Kids

Hey guys, I'm trying my best here. I've got like 2 weeks off right now, so i'd like to try to get a few chapters out. I'd hate you leave you unamused. I know it wasn't the greatest chapter, the likely hood that I'll go back and edit it later down the road is high. Sorriez, and thanks for being so patient with me.

Please review, commentary is good, positive or negative. I need it. For srs.