Thanks for your comments and encouragement for my other story, "After the Kiss." Don't worry, I think I will update it after all. In the meantime, I wanted to get a little silly. So here it is, (hopefully) for your reading pleasure.

Summary: Lisa tries to grant Rick's wish by helping him get Minmei. But will the plan backfire?

Takes place after Lisa, Rick, Ben, and Max escape from Dolza's ship.

"Hunter, you've got it bad!" Lisa poked Rick in the ribs.

"Huh? What?" bringing Rick out of his reverie.

"The Commander is right, Boss," Ben cut in. "You've got to do something about your feelings for Minmei."

"And what makes you think I was thinking about Minmei?" Rick said as he glared at his colleagues and friends, Lisa, Max, and Ben. Their silence spoke volumes.

"Okay, so what if I was?" Rick sighed.

After the Heroes' Welcome Ceremony at the Star Bowl to welcome back the POWs Max, Ben, Lisa, and Rick, the Zentraedi pulled another surprise attack. Little did the newly returned POWs know, Gloval had a surprise of his own. Two MPs and one Roy Fokker were waiting for them backstage to make sure none of them reported for duty under any circumstances. A special furlough was a special furlough, and to disobey would be mean the brig, Roy was quick to remind them.

A red alert meant that all the stores were shuttered and all civilians were in shelters, which left four furloughed soldiers with nowhere to go but the barracks. Lisa suggested they all have some coffee at her place. As the most senior officer of the four, her quarters were the largest, boasting a full-sized living room, bathroom, bed room, and ample kitchenette.

Now they were seated around Lisa's coffee table, warm mugs in hand. Rick had been clearly shaken up by seeing Minmei on stage and was getting more depressed by the second.

"She's a big star now. She'll forget about a nobody like me" Rick said looking down.

Max was about to offer some words of sympathy when Lisa rapped Rick gently on the head.

"Nonsense! Sure, she's a big star. And what are you? A fool! Be a man! Show her how you feel!"

"The Commander is right, Skipper," said Max gently. "Minmei is a big star now. A very busy one. You have to be obvious about your feelings, but also romantic and fun." Max winked.

"Oh great. Fun? Obvious? Romantic? That's so not me!"

Lisa, Max, and Ben traded exasperated looks. Was this guy for real?

"We need a plan. A strategy, " said Lisa as she touched a wall and it became a large touch-screen computer. She began to doodle on it with a special pen so everyone could see. Her doodles went something like this:

Minmei: Fun-loving, beautiful songstress. Wants: successful career (fame and fortune).

Rick Hunter: Stick-in-the-mud, cocky, loud-mouthed pilot. Wants: time alone with Minmei (Minmei's pants).

Lisa stepped back to regard the board and smirked. She turned to her guests. "The two don't quite intersect, do they?"

Rick began to shake with anger and almost threw his mug at the screen, but then stopped. Lisa was right. How could an exuberant, lovely young woman like Minmei see anything in a mopey wash-up like Rick? The situation seemed more hopeless than before.

"Don't sweat it, Hunter. We'll help you lose your virginity. That's what friends are for." Lisa winked.

Rick's friends were right. Rick needed to confess his feelings to Minmei before he drowned in his own despair. The problem was, Minmei was too busy with work for Rick to have the opportunity to confess his feelings.

"Here's our plan, men." Lisa thumped the screen. "Minmei is too busy with show business. So we're going to make the RDF her business. Christmas is coming up, right? We're going to release a joint Christmas album with Minmei. Minmei and the RDF Wish You a Merry Christmas, or something like that. And guess who is going to sing a duet with Minmei?" Lisa aimed her laser pointer at Rick. "You are."

Rick almost peed in his pants with fear. "What? But I can't sing!"

Lisa tapped her lower lip gently while thinking for a moment. "Ah! But Sterling can. He can be one of the singers. You, Hunter, can help me compose an original Christmas song for Miss Macross."

"But I don't…"

"I know, you don't play an instrument, either. Who cares? Lie. You can help me with the lyrics. I'll compose. I've played the piano for 20 years. Songwriters have very close contact with singers, you know…" Lisa's voice trailed off.

"What about me?" Ben asked.

"Dixon," said Lisa in her most serious voice, "your job is to look pretty."

Watch out for Chapter 2! Don't forget to R&R!