Disclaimer: I don't own much of anything… Including Harry Potter

Narcissa hugged a small bundle to her chest. The cold night air bit at the woman's skin as the wind blew her long blonde hair in different directions.

Narcissa came upon an oddly shaped house. It was a dark colored black. It glistened as the moons rays fell on the cylindrically shaped house. It rested atop a tall hill with a thick stream of water at its base. She began walking up the hill and approached what looked like a gate. Though it was broken down slightly it was still very beautiful. Complex swirls weaved into one another and tied down into the ground. A few wooden signs were tacked to it as well.

One read Keep off the dirigible plums in bright orange ink.

She pushed the gate open her hands trembling terribly. She felt a few paint chips peel of into the palm of her hand. She shook her hand off in disgust careful not to jostle the small bundle in her arms. She stepped onto a concrete path that zigzagged up to the front door. Along the sides were various eccentric plants. She glanced down at the package in her arms then back to the path. She stepped forward finding it difficult to stand. She continued along the path until she reached the thick black door. On either side of the door were small crab apple trees that bore large orange berry sized fruits and white mistletoe.

'Surely this cannot be the only place.' She pondered. She looked down at the tightly wrapped package a look of sadness overcoming her. This was the only place. 'Nobody would ever think to look in this retched place.' She thought.

Truly the house was not that horrible, but Narcissa had grown a rather expensive taste.

As soon as Narcissa set the bundle down on the porch of the house the small patch of blanket blew off revealing the serene features of a sleeping infant. The wind blew lightly at the infants face sweeping bits of platinum blonde hair out of the neatly wrapped fabric its nose twitched slightly as the cold air swept across its face. Narcissa felt her eyes grow wet with tears as she forced them back. She had always been a strong woman and she would remain one.

A stronger gust of wind blew in bringing a bitter cold. The infant clenched its eyes tightly as shivers wracked its small body. A silent tear streamed down her face and landed upon the infant's small tuft of blonde hair. Large blue eyes opened slowly and looked up at Narcissa.

'Draco has the same eyes.' She thought back to other child. He was only one year old. 'He would never know he had a sister.' She thought sadly.

Her daughter gazed up at her a look of confusion etched upon her tiny face.

The small baby wriggled for a moment freeing a small hand. She then reached the hand up towards her mother. Tears began streaming freely down the woman's face. Narcissa's every emotion screamed for her to lift the baby back into her arms and never let go. She knew full well that she could not.

The infants face contorted into one of frustration as she thrust her small hand out to her mum again. Narcissa continued looking down at her daughter.

"I love you my daughter, my heart." She whispered before she apparated away. The infant let out an ear splitting cry. Her hand still reaching out to the spot her mother once was. Her eyes closed tightly as tears streamed from them. She squirmed angrily as her face turned a deep shade of red from screaming.

A rustling from inside the house was heard. The infant paid no mind as she continued screeching. A pair of dainty hands lifted the small infant into the air. A short blonde woman dressed in light blue silk pajamas

"Shhh Shhhh." A feminine voice cooed. "It's going to be okay." The woman pulled the baby to her chest and began rocking in soothing motions. "I've got you little one." She continued speaking in a soothing tone to the small bundle in her arms. She looked down at the baby who had opened her eyes. They were beautiful even as they were red and puffy from crying.

The bright silver color of the moon reflected in her deep azure pools. "Don't cry little Luna." She sang. The infant's screams stopped. "Do you like that name?" She asked a bright smile forming on her face. The baby looked up at the face of Amelia Lovegood and smiled in return. "Luna." She stated her smile increasing.

That was the first chapter… So what do you think? Should I continue?