Black Rose

A/N: Hello people of fan fiction! (Namely, those of the Sonic archive.) First of all, I'd like to thank you for clicking my story and now giving time to the (sometimes admittedly talkative but always important) author's note! My story was mostly summarized in the (no surprise) summary, but let me say now that if you have any problems understanding anything later on, feel free to PM me or ask in a review (because I love reviews XD). Anyway, to those of my followers from previous stories in the SWAC archive, I strongly apologize for not living up to my promises, but you know how it is when you have a good idea that you loose interest in or grow out of So I'm sorry if any of you were looking forward to one of the stories I promised you, but I just couldn't find the right inspiration after a while. Anyway, this will be my only pre-story authors not if all goes as expected, which this one is just for an introduction.

I have most of this story written, so you should all have no fears of me abandoning it. It starts as an Amy tragedy, but, of course, will adapt into Sonamy in the end ! Alright, well I'll stop rambling now and let you get onto the story. Please try to at least get through this chapter before you make any judgments until the end. I try to write as best I can, but whether or not I appeal to you is up to your own opinions. So thank you for checking out the newest Sonic-obsessed fan's story, and onto the show!

Chapter 1- Awakening Darkness

It started out as a simple day. Relaxing, calm, and normal. I was with Tails and Cream walking back to Cream's house from the store. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain, like a cross between a needle and an electric current, puncture my arm. With that one little jolt, a million painful memories that had been surprised and hidden from even myself for years came flooding back into full thought.
''How could you? Not again!'' I said at a moderately loud tone, directed off in no direction.
''Uh, Amy? What are you talking about?'' Tails asked confused.
My eyes shot in the direction where the offending shock had come from, only to see an all too horribly familiar smirk disappear into a shop. And I knew what I had to do. Play dumb and get
''Uh, what?'' I said to Tails, taking a blank look on my face. I was very good at hiding.
''You mean...what? What did you just say?'' he asked, at an absence of words.
''Oh, sorry. I was just daydreaming and I guess I was day...dream...sleep-talking?'' I said, now taking on my own loss for words.
''Oookay...'' he said.
''Hey, you guys go on back to Cream's house. I think I forgot something I wanted to look at. I'll meet you back there in a little bit.'' I said.
''Okay. Should I take your bag?'' Cream asked in her innocent soprano.
''Yes please. Thank you Cream.'' I said as she took the cloth bag of groceries from me. ''I'll see you in a minute.'' I said as they started walking again.
Once they were out of sight, I swallowed the lump in my throat and walked into the shop where the awaiting hell would surely lurk.
''Amelia Tracy Rosalyn. It's been too long. Why haven't you ever come to visit?'' he asked sarcastically.
''Because if I did I'd never get away.'' I told the man who had beckoned me into this surefire trap. But I knew that now that he'd found me, there was no escaping the inevitable reoccurring life I'd tried to hide from the others.
''Now what would make you say a thing like that? Don't you think I deserve to see my daughter every now and then?''
''No.'' I said coldly.
''Now why is that?'' he asked.
''Because you'll make me stay with you in that hell hole you try to pass as our house.''
''Oh, now aren't we a temperamental thing?'' he asked, frustration creeping into his voice.
''How did you even find me? And WHY?'' I asked.
''Well, when you left, Lindsey convinced us to just let you go. She was always a persuasive girl. Anyway, we got Carly and Carson to split your responsibilities. We've actually been doing pretty well for a while since you left, but now we need you back, so I found you.'' he explained, still leaving a few holes in the story.
''But why?'' I asked.
''Because, Amy, Lindsey's dead.'' he said flat-out.
I was at a loss for words. Reality crashed down on me so fast that I felt crushed by it. Lindsey, my older sister, the only one who had ever understood every part of me there was to understand, was dead. Gone...forever...and I didn't even get to see her one last time. It had been four and a half freaking years since I last saw her, and now I would never get to again! If only I had gone home for a visit, even if I never got to leave, it would be better than losing my only older sister forever! I would endure all of it all over again just to have her back!
''Sh-she's...gone.'' I said, almost like a question.
''That's right. And we need you to come home and take her place. ''
''What about mom? Can't she take on some of Lindsey's responsibilities?'' I said, unable to handle all of this at once.
''Amy, your mother left three months ago, after she had your youngest sister. She ran away with an old boyfriend from high school and left me, Lindsey, and Brian in charge of everyone else. Brian and I are both working now and Lindsey died last month after a hit-and-run accident. You wouldn't abandon your own family in a time so hard, would you?'' he asked.
''But I can't come back! Not after everything you've done to me! You ruined my childhood and you can't take the rest of my life! You know what has to be done; you're not fit to take care of children anyway!'' I yelled at him, realizing that we were still within hearing range of others, though standing in the back of the crowded store. He, obviously realizing the same, forcefully grabbed my wrist and dragged me into an alley out back. Once hidden, he turned to me and slapped a hand across my face, knocking me back a few steps.
''Whether you are under my roof or not, you will NOT talk so disrespectfully to me; your father!'' He yelled.
''But you can't make me come back!'' I sobbed loudly.
''You're right that I can't force you to, but you WILL come back either way!''
''Or what?'' I asked defiantly.
''I will attack you where you know it hurts most. Your friends will be first and then you. You WILL come home with me in two days or you will be very sorry.'' he said, and with that I was officially destined for a new life of torture.

A/N: Weeeell? How'd ya like it? I know, this chapter was pretty short, but I promise it is the shortest, and that's only because if I tried to do a little more, I wouldn't get to a good enough stopping point until the end of what would otherwise be chapter two. If you did like it, please review (anonymous or otherwise) just so that I can know how many people out there actual enjoy my writing. Once I get a good idea of how many of you are reading so far, I will post chapter two So if you don't want to see me virtually cry, please review! I take constructive criticism and even flames if you must, but let me assure you the story does get much better if you will commit to reading more. Hope you liked it and I'd like to be able to update soon, depending on reviews! Till next time,

-Random girl is out, PEACE (-) 3