Nessie-san: First of all hey! Thank you so much for reviewing my chaps; knowing that you're reading them keeps me in check (you seem to know the anime inside out!). I always end up doing a ton of research because I'm afraid you'll beat me up if I forget something lol :P Okay, to address your first question, everyone goes back to their respective dorms/housing. I thought it was obvious, but as a writer I tend to forget that my readers aren't able to see what's going on inside my head, so I'm sorry for not making that clear! And about Yukio not calling on the other teachers for help- I didn't really think it was necessary. Consider the whole thing as a kind of training session for the exwires lol. Honestly, I wasn't too crazy about chapter 5, I focused so much on the lemon that I feel like I kind of butchered the actual plot :/

P.s. I kind of like Taboo relationships(in anime), they tend to be very spicy. Even though they know it's wrong, their desire for each other is simply too strong so they do it anyway! These kinds of rapports lead to very explosive lemons (atleast I think so lol). Wouldn't you agree? :D

NekoKami Ai: I usually hate OC's too and I try to refrain from putting them in my fanfics (albeit I've only written two...) Xaphan's purpose in the story is just as you said. He's like a catalyst- just think that without him Rin and Yukio would've probably taken a lot longer to get to this point. ;)

JustPikachu: Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!

*So technically the story is over but I hate ending on odd numbers (I'm strange I know) .O_o.

The morning sun found the boys tangled in each other's arms, clad only in their underwear. They were originally wearing clothes to bed, but due to a certain brunette who can't seem to keep his hands to himself, they somehow ended up falling asleep with just enough clothing to cover the important parts.

Shiemi smiled cheerfully as she packed a basket of herbs for the boys, preparing to surprise them with a little "Thank-you-for-saving-my-butt-again" gift. Humming a sprightly tune, she pulled out her portal key and twisted it in the air.

I hope they like my gift! I wonder if they're even up yet…

Rin yawned as he wiped the sleep from his eye, turning to find his almost naked brother asleep in his bed.

"Oi, get out, you have a bed. Oi-" his complaints were muffled as his brother pulled him into his chest.

"Shhh. Let me sleep…"

Rin struggled in his brother's grip. "Let goo!"

"Rin just…give me a few more minutes…."

"No! Get out-"


"What was that-" Yukio kissed him again.


"Not until you're quiet…" He pulled the boy closer as he kissed him deeply, tasting his mouth with his tongue. Rin moaned.

"Not…again…" His fighting spirit waned as his brother planted kisses along his neck, ghosting his hand over a pert nipple.

"Noo…not there…stop..."


The twins looked up to see a wide-eyed, pink-Kimono-wearing Shiemi standing in front of them. The herbs she had collected earlier sprinkled their wooden floor. The girl covered her mouth as she pointed at them and backed away slowly, her shock impeded her ability to speak.

"Shiemi…." Before Yukio could stand up Shiemi dashed out the door, tears followed in her wake.

The boys looked at each other.


A purple gloved finger tapped impatiently against a wooden desk.

"So you've come back to say that I was right?"

"He had help."

"What, you can't handle a few teenagers?"

"It wasn't a part of the deal."

"Yes, but they come with the kid. It's the half demon special package. Capture Satan's kid and you get 6 humans for free."


"…is that all?"

"He has a weakness..."


"…and that would be?"

A dark grin.

"His twin, naturally."

A sullen Mephisto watched the shadowy figure dissipate into the air.

Yukio is a liability.

He thought for a moment before smirking to himself.

We'll need to take care of that.

I know. Poor Shiemi. I honestly do like her in Blue Exorcist; she's one of my favorite characters. But she's also ridiculously naïve (not to mention adorable) and I couldn't help but make her the victim in my story lol. As you can see this chapter is sort of pointless. Cute, but pointless. I just couldn't leave it at 5 chapters, I have this thing about even and odd numbers…. -_-" .

Anywho, thanks for reading! I also wrote a fanfic for Seven days by Venio Tachibana and Rihito Takarai (it's a beautiful shonen-ai manga that every yaoi fangirl should read!). If you're interested, please check it out(the manga and my fanfic lol)!

Peace, Love ,and Yaoi
