To Love a Pterodactyl

Chapter 13

AN: I've hit a rut for a while now, but I'm going to try to start writing again. That you all for the reviews and the kind words.

-With Tommy-

The sun was setting as Tommy sat on a bench at the Angel Grove Park. From his position he could see so many memories. The first time he kissed Kimberly right there by the water, where the teleporters were set up when Jason told him that he hadn't been able to take the green candle from Goldar, and so many others. Tommy sighed audibly.

"Long day man," a thick Brooklyn accent called out. Before Tommy had a chance to reply or request to be left alone, a blond teenager dropped onto the other side of the bench. "I know how that feels. Just flew down here from Japan so my best friend could meet up with some weird magic biker gang."

"Sounds like you had the long day," Tommy tried to laugh, really he did, but another sigh came out.

"Well Yug' is just like that. Always out to help people. When we heard that one of the Power Rangers needed help from him about a mark on her chest we came runnin', well flyin' I suppose. Nyeh."

"A Power Ranger?" I asked, feigning surprise to find out what was going on.

"Yeah," the kid from Japan with the Brooklyn accent replied, "the Pharaoh, that's the guy that lives in Yug's Millennium Puzzle, he says the girl is in real trouble. Something about two haves of one power having to be together. Mystical Egyptian hoodoo magic. I don't pretend to understand it. He just told me to check out the park. Said we were followed here, but you is the only guy at the park so I figured I'd talk to ya. I reckon I could take you if I had to."

"Appearances can be deceiving," the former teacher chuckled, long since used to dealing with teenagers who didn't respect their elders, teenagers like he had once been.

"Nyeh? Well I could duel you if you like. Brought my duel disk and everything on this trip...just its in the hotel where we are staying so I'd have to go get it."

"Duel disk?" Tommy asked, not really paying attention and trying to focus on Kira.

"Never heard of Duel Monsters old man? It's what everyone is doing in Japan. Well that and some game called Vanguard, but that is too much math for me. Name's Joey by the way, Joey Wheeler. Listen pops, I gotta be on the lookout for trouble. If you see anything strange, you come to me alright? Don't want ya gettin' hurt."
"I'll be fine, but listen Joey," Tommy selected his next words carefully, "is Kira going to be alright?"

"Not if," Joey paused for a second and then dropped into a fighting stance, "I didn't tell you what her name was old man!" He lunged at Tommy, fists flying. One fist connected with Tommy's jaw out of surprise and sent the former Power Ranger skidding to the ground. Tommy wiped a small trickle of blood from his lip and glared up at the youth. He was ready to yell when Joey spoke. "What the? Where did you go?"
Tommy glanced down at his hand and saw straight through to the ground. Whatever had happened between Rita, him, and Kira had restored his Dino Powers. He was completely invisible. He stood carefully and took a few steps back before he spoke, "I meant no harm to her, I know her well. She was a student of mine. I know what happened to her, I just don't know what is going to happen."

"Is he telling the truth?" Joey called over his shoulder.

Tommy looked passed him and saw the second man, or at least he assumed. Long, sandy-blond hair cascaded down his shoulders. He had mocha colored skin and was wearing a purple tank top over too-tight jeans and covered in elegant Egyptian jewelry. He was holding some sort of long, golden staff or maybe a rod.

He spoke in a soft, effeminate voice, "He is being completely honest Joey. You just attacked the black Dino Ranger. Doctor Oliver, you can stop hiding. I can see you. My friends call me Marik."
Tommy stepped out of his invisibility, "Can you tell me what is going to happen to her?"
"I cannot be certain, but I know who can." Marik held the golden rod above his head and it began to shine. That light however, was not what caught Tommy's attention. The bright pink energy behind him forced him to turn, nearly blinding him with its radiance.

"Tommy?" a soft, familiar voice called out in a gentle echo.

"It can't...Kimberly?" As he spoke, the energy twisted, creating a phantasmal image of the pink ranger. Her hand cupped his cheek. Warmth spread from the touch throughout his body.

"My white knight, you rose higher than any of us, to a place so magnificent," she whispered.

"Thank you," he mumbled in shock.

"But you have fallen so much further." She pulled her hand away, "How could you have become this Tommy?"

"Become what, Kim?"

"A runaway," she spat, "You turned your back on Kira when she needed you the most. You made a promise Tommy, a sacred vow when you instilled that power in her. I thought you were the best. You are the biggest coward I have ever known."

"You can't mean that!" Tommy shouted. She shook her head and placed her hands at her sides.

"What you did is worse than even what Rita did to you. I can't stand for it," she raised her eyes to his, hers shining pink with her fury while his remained cold from his pain. She pulled a buckle from her waist, "Pterodactyl!" She screamed. Energy enveloped her as she morphed.

"What are you..." Tommy began.

"The only way you leave this park alive Oliver is if you can beat me." She twisted her wrist, a bow forming in her hand.

"I can't fight you, Kim." He took a step back, but did not raise his fists to fight or block.

She readied an arrow, "That wasn't a problem in Maligore's chamber. Or was Kat so much more important to you that Kira?"

"Kat was my friend. I couldn't leave her to die."

Kimberly pulled back the string, "That wasn't what I asked Tommy. One more try."

"Kira," Tommy whispered. He fell to his knees and lowered his head, "Kira is more important to me than anything. I'd give anything for her, including my life, so do what you have to Kimberly. I won't fight you."

"That's a little better," Kimberly's voice calmed and she extended her hand to him. "You have to go back. Ask him what will happen if you don't." She motioned her head to Marik.

"Marik, what will happen if I keep running?"

"If you don't go back to her Thomas, she will die. The two of you are linked through both your powers as well as the Emerald Dragon itself. It will devour her and be reborn if you can't admit that you want to be with her and fight for your relationship. She is back at the hotel, you know which room. You can take my motorcycle if you go now."

He tossed Tommy a set of keys which the ranger caught effortlessly, "Why are you being so nice to me? We don't even know each other."

"I have a lot to atone for in my life. Helping people is the easiest way to ease the guilt, but I trust you know that just as well as I do Green Ranger."

"Wait a minute, I thought he was Black?" Joey asked, but both men ignored him.

"I do. Thank you Marik." Tommy turned back to the phantasmal Pink Ranger. "And Kimberly, I hope you know that I never," he began. Her gloved finger pressed lightly to his lips.

"I know Tommy, I always did, right up until the end. Now go to her, she needs you now. Zordon says hello and gives you two his blessing."

"Thank you, Kimberly. For everything." With that, Tommy walked away. He hoped on the old Harley in the parking lot. The key allowed the beast to roar to life and he was off. "I'm going to make things right," he said aloud over the call of the wind soaring passed his face.