I recently read a fanfiction that had the pairing of Eland and Jacob and I thought it was very cute so I wanted to write my own. I already have an idea so let's try this out (: let's hope for the best!

Before you read the chapter, you might want to read this. Pretend that the whole Damon-got-bitten-by-a-werewolf thing never happened and Stefan didn't give himself to Klaus. Klaus is still the bad guy (obviously) let's pretend he did something bad though. I don't know… how about he killed Matt or something. I know, that's mean, but honestly I won't need him in the story.

The begin might feel rushed because I'm trying to get Elena to Forks as quicky as possible.

Disclaimer: sadly, I do not own Vampire Diaries or Twilight. If I did I would've casted a more attractive Edward (no offence to people who likes Rob Patterson…) And Jacob would have an awesome happy ending, getting the girl of his dreams (; Also Damon and Elena would be together.

Elena's POV

After changing into a red tank top, ripped skinny jeans, and a black vest (outfit on my profile. I'm trying it out.), I ran out of my house and hopped in my car. Damon told me that he had something important to tell me, so I'm going over to the boarding house now. A few days ago Damon told me he loved me. It shocked me so much It only took a couple of minutes to get there, and once I did and got out of my car and pressed the lock button on my set of keys. When I heard the little click noise, I walked up to the door. I opened it quietly and stepped into the house.

"Damon?" I called out, walking into in the hall that leads to the living room. I froze once I got to the living room. Damon and Katherine were kissing. But not just those sweet peck on the lips. It was really intense make out session. "DAMON!"

He looked up from his position and his eyes widened when he saw me standing there. "Elena?" He looked at Katherine then back at me and his eyes widened even more, if that were possible. "No, Elena, it's not what it looks like."

"So you weren't just kissing Katherine?" I asked in disbelief. What did he think I was, stupid?

"Of course we were, sweetie," Katherine said in a mocking sweet voice. Damon glared at her. I turned away, about to run out of the house when Damon was right in my face in a flash, grabbing my arm in his warm hand.

"Elena, don't leave. Please?" He said in a weak voice. I've never heard that emotion seep into his voice before. I ripped my arm out of his grip and glared the meanest glare I could muster up. "Elena, don't. It's you I love. Honestly."

"And I would've believed that a few days ago, when I was stupid to fall for you little mind games. But not anymore, because I never loved you. And I never will." I know that was a bit harsh, but right now I didn't care. Right now, I hated Damon Salvatore. I saw a flash of hurt in Damon's eyes. I gave him one last look before running away. I knew he could have run after me easily, but he didn't. I jumped in my car and slammed the door, speeding all the way home.

Once I got home I made my way into my house and on my couch. I sat there for a good 30 minutes before I really started thinking. And that's when I made my decision. I had to get out of this town! I ran up my stairs, taking two steps at a time. I only had limited time before Jenna or Jeremy comes home. I ripped my door open and took out my suitcase out from my closet. I grabbed a couple of shirts and a few pairs of jeans; I was going to get a whole new wardrobe anyways. I picked up my mattress and took out the bag of money I hid underneath there a couple weeks ago, for emergencies only. There's about 500 dollars in the bag, don't ask how I got it. I stuffed all my things inside my suitcase and headed towards my bathroom. I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste. After I got all my things I left. Before I got to my car, Jeremy walked up to our porch. Oh crap. When he saw my suitcase he raised an eyebrow.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Um, nowhere…" I said. I know pretty pathetic.

"Yeah, 'cause that's why you have the suitcase," he said, pointed at my suitcase.

"I just have to go somewhere. Can you just not tell anyone?" I asked hopefully.

"I will…if you tell me where you're going and why." What a meanie.

"Fine, but you promise you won't tell anyone?" I asked.

"Pinkie promise," he said, holding out his pinkie. I rolled my eyes and connected our pinkies.

"I'm sick of all the drama and all the pain I'm dealing with here in Mystic Falls. I plan on going somewhere in Washington. It's far enough for me to start over."

"Wait, you're going across the country?" Jeremy exclaimed.



After explaining to him over and over again, I finally convinced him to let me leave but I have to call every day and tell him what's going on in my new life. Now, I'm on the plane that's taking me to Washington. I have no idea where in Washington I'm going to stay, but I'll figure that out once I get there. I wanted to stay in a small town because I'm used to them. I dropped my last name and changed it to McCray. I saw it in a newspaper at the air port. Elena McCray. I had to repeat it over and over again to make sure I wouldn't forget the name.

It takes 4 hours and 45 minutes to get to Washington (Yes I looked it up) and after an hour into the flight, I fell asleep.

I was woken up by a flight attendant telling me that we were landing and I needed to put my seatbelt on. 30 minutes later, I was in a cab on my way to a town named Forks. Weird…

I looked out my window the whole ride there. Washington is very different from Virginia. It's really wet here. Virginia is normally warm, sometimes chilly. I already missed Jeremy, Bonnie and Caroline. I hoped Jeremy didn't tell the others where I fled to. If so, Damon and Stefan would probably be headed towards Washington at this moment. But they don't know where in Washington I'm in. I'd be okay if Bonnie knew, maybe Caroline. But anyone else, I would have to kill Jeremy. We passed a sign that read out, 'Welcome to Forks: Population 3,120'. Well, 3,121 now.

The cab driver pulled into the nearest inn's parking lot and came to a stop. I got out, smiled at the man and gave him his money, then headed to the entrance of the inn. Once I got checked in and in my room, I was so tired I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

My eyes fluttered open from my dreamless sleep and I looked at the clock, 11:00am. I yawned while getting the sleep out of my eyes. I rolled out of bed and looked around. I didn't unpack my things last night, but I didn't feel like doing it now either. I wanted to take a nice long shower. And that's exactly what I did. I hopped into the nice hot, steamy water and relaxed, thinking about all that happened recently back at Mystic Falls.

Stefan broke up with me, claiming that it was for my own safety, but I think it's 'cause he has feelings for Katherine. Stronger feelings than towards me. But, truth is Stefan never stopped loving Katherine. He probably started dating me because I look exactly like her. And then there was Damon. He claims to love me, but then I catch him kissing Katherine. I noticed that all my love problems always lead back to Katherine. The two Salvatore brothers have always loved her, they couldn't stop. I had to get away from that place. Of course, there was the Klaus-killing-Matt situation. I was pretty devastated when I found out that Matt was killed, we all were but Caroline was the worse. She locked herself in her room, not drinking anything, for a few days. Finally she came out, going straight to the refrigerator filled with blood. I know it was selfish to run away, especially when all my friends were still depressed about the death, but I had to do it.

I got out of the shower, dried off and grabbed some clothes from my suitcase. Since I missed the hotel's breakfast, I went to the nearest Dunkin' Donuts.

After breakfast, I hung out around my hotel for a while. I had some paper work for school to do; I went over to Forks High School a couple hours ago. I decided to fake my parents; Jack McCray and Nicole McCray. Today's Sunday, so I start school tomorrow. Yay.

Chapter one, complete! I hope you enjoyed that chapter, I know I rushed things but I swear it'll get better. Next scene will be Elena meeting the Cullens' and Bella. Wooh...kinda.