Okay, thanks to all those who reviewed my last chapters sorry about the delay on with the chapter ...

~~ After the show ~~

"Hey Rockstar you wanna have a sleepover at mine ?... Moms with grams and Flynn's with Henry on some scouts thing."

"Hey ... 2 things; 1. only Ty calls me Rockstar.. but can they guys stop to moms at work plus it will be more fun "

"Yeah, okay whatever. but first i need a shower ( i don't want Ty to see me all sweaty and ugh now do i ...) ill text you when

i"m done . you tell the guys, i'll get get popcorn and find the movies !"

~~TY'S POV~~

oh wow rocky just said we are stopping over at Cece's tonight . How will i cope with all her cuteness ... sigh


Great sleep over at Cece's ... ugh i sound like a girl ... hanging around Rocky to much . maybe we ca play truth or dare and Ty could kiss Cece or something.. maybe i can kiss rocky ... ( A./N :in this story deuce and dina aren't together!)

~~ AT CECE'S ~~

R - lets play truth or dare !

D ,C, T,-okay


D- Cece truth or dare ?

C -urrrm ... truth !

D - okay do you have a crush on anybody ?

C - erm ... n-n-n-nooooo ...

R - sure you do ! you always daydream and say " id love to be your girlfriend..." with a really sappy look on your face !

cece blushes the hits rockys arm

C - 2 things 1. i DONOT DO THAT ! : and 2 . Ty truth or dare ?

T - truth

C - have you got a girlfriend ... and if not why ?

T - no i don't and i like a gel but i don't think she likes me cos im kind of a player and i wanna treat her right ...

R - aaaawwwww! who knew Ty could be nice and actually want a relationship that lasts longer than a week.

D - moving on anyway rock truth or dare ?

R - truth !

D - okay i have some questions ...

1. who do you have a crush? on cos i herd you and cece earlier but i got no names

do you think of me?

3. willyougooutwithme? (deuce says the last part really quickly)