Beck's POV

Saturday morning I spent sleeping.

I didn't want to look at my pear phone. This was assuming anyone had texted which I rather doubted. I didn't really feel like facing anyone today but it dawned on me that Andre and Tori had arranged a study and homework session today. I was certain Tori wouldn't cancel on us since the project we needed to finish was due Monday.

I had to drag myself out of bed, literally, and shoved on a black shirt and denim shorts. I ran my hands through my shaggy hair, my eyes bleary and unfocused. The sunlight blinded me as I staggered out of the RV, drunk on fatigue. I reached Tori's place, late. I didn't want to be the first one there. With luck, hopefully Tori had left to get food and Andre was alone inside so I could seek some 'guy-advice'.

The luck was with me.

"Hey Beck, Tori's gone to get bagels" Andre let me in.

There was paper all over the floor, music sheets and lined paper for essays.

"Cool" I replied "How much work you done?"

"Just a few notes but me an' Tori have been messing around with some new songs" Andre explained.

He lacked his usual sunny enthusiasm so I could only guess he was being empathetic.

"Sweet" I looked down at my shoes before flopping down onto the coach with an exasperated sigh.

Andre fell down next to me.

"You know…it ain't that bad really" Andre began.

I ran my hands down my face.

"I kissed Tori, me and Jade are over and Tori was the one who got slapped" I mumbled into my hands.

"Yeah well…y'know…Ah I'm just trying to lighten it up a bit!" Andre exclaimed.

"It's not your fault. You're not the cheating jerk" I said.

Just then, there was a knock at the door and Andre left to open it.

Tori backed into the house carrying a heavy tray, weighed down by doughnuts and bagels. Andre locked the door behind her and announced he was going to get soda from the kitchen. I looked up to Tori who stumbled precariously with our breakfast. What was I supposed to say to her? Did I apologise? What was there left to say?

This was going to be seriously awkward if I didn't do or say anything.

Suddenly, Tori's boot caught on a stray pillow and she lurched forward violently, the whole tray leaping. I lunged forward, catching her lightly round the waist and securing the tray with my other hand.

"Thanks, uh I'm sorry…" Tori said timidly and regained her feet.

I didn't let go of her waist.

For an intense second, we looked at each other before Tori took my hand from her waist and slipped underneath my arm, placing the tray on the coffee table, her gaze low and secretive. Maybe that wasn't a good move on my part. It just magnified the guilt both us were torturously suffering. I had to talk to Jade and…well there wasn't much chance of her taking me back. And that wasn't what I wanted…was it? No…

The worst part was we both obviously had feelings for each other and felt morally we couldn't act on it.

Tori and me.

I…I was so…conflicted and messed up.

Tori's POV

I couldn't look Beck in the face.

I had nothing to say at this point, I couldn't find the right words to make things okay. I was stuck between two emotions.

Guilt and triumph.

Triumph is an emotion right…

Anyway, Andre arrived back at the coach with our sodas and hesitated before sitting between me and Beck. What was Andre thinking? Did he think what we did was the right thing? That was the question I kept asking myself. Jade and Beck weren't technically together…

"Tori! We need to finish this project" Andre nudged my shoulder.

"Wha? Oh yeah sorry" I laughed nervously, shaking away my thoughts.

We all took a piece of paper and wrote at least half a page before Andre began to get restless.

"Why do we have to write about music? Playing is so much better. You get the…emotions out" He looked pointedly at me.

Oh Andre don't you da-

"Hey why don't we eat the doughnuts?" I grinned and chucked a jam one at his face.

I handed a custard one to Beck and sat back, trying to hide my expression.

"I wanna run through that song again…" Andre started getting up.

I yanked violently on his sleeve, ordering him back down with a furious shake of my head.

"You have to show him somehow!" Andre growled.

"No" I hissed.



"What's going on?" Beck asked innocently peering around Andre.

"Tori wants to show you a song we've been working on" Andre said before I could choke.

Ugh. It wasn't even finished yet and I wasn't sure that the day after the party I wanted Beck to hear it…

"Fine!" I stalked over to the piano and tried to expel my anger so I could sing the song properly.

It had meaning and even though I was wazzed that Andre was forcing me into it, at least I could get it off my chest. Andre sat down at the piano and Beck got up off the sofa and leant against the kitchen counter the way he had last night.

Andre started playing.

Friday night and I was feeling lucky

Dancing in a red dress, excited like a puppy

I fought it for so long, it was time for it to fly

When you were standing right there, my heart couldn't lie

Messed it up, torn it apart

Forgive me if I broke your heart

Stupid, silly little girl

It was wrong on my part

But I still want you, if you'll have me

When I break things up so easily

"That's as far as we got" I breathed anxiously, avoiding Beck's gaze, scared for his reaction.

Andre looked way to smug in his triumph.

"So what'dya think?" Andre pressed, asking for me.

Beck walked towards us and leant against the piano, his back turned towards Andre. He was smiling and he ran his hand through his hair.

"You wrote that" He said quietly, his face turning serious.

"Well I'm not the best writer but…"

Beck stopped me talking as he wound his arms around my waist, pulling me in for a hug. It was close, but not as close as I wanted.

What we both had wanted.