A/N: I've never done one of these before, so I'm nervous – if that makes sense. I won't bore you with details because most of you have probably skipped ahead to the story, but I'm not too sure of the layout of 2J, so I made it up :')

Disclaimer: I do not own Big Time Rush.

Logan comfortably rested on the orange sofa; book in hand without a care in the world. It was 2:30 in the afternoon. The sun was shining in the sky and Kendall and Carlos were out by the pool. Logan chose to read his book than to join the others because sometimes, he enjoys the precious moments he got to himself where there was no work, just him and his thoughts. Mrs. Knight and Katie were running around the house packing. They were travelling back to Minnesota for a little while to visit family. The boys couldn't join them as Gustavo needed them to stay in LA. The scurrying didn't bother Logan as he was treated as if he were invisible. Though he was relaxed and untouched by the rest of the world, he couldn't help but wonder where James was. He hadn't seen him all day, which confused Logan as he thought James would be in the pool trying to talk almost anything with a pulse.

"Logan," said Mrs. Knight.

"Yeah?" Logan replied.

"Katie and I are going to the store for some last minute shopping. We'll be about an hour, bye honey."

"See you later!"

And with that, Logan was alone.

Almost instantly after the girls left, the front door of 2J swung open, causing Logan to swivel his head to examine the intruder. Coincidentally, it was James. But he didn't look right. Logan noticed something different about his friend. James's eyes were red and puffy, as if he's been crying.

"Where have you been?" Logan asked, still evaluating James's condition.

"Oh, just on the roof." James said, trying to sound happy and normal, but failing miserably, it reminded Logan of Eeyore, but he kept that thought to himself.

"What were you doing up there?" Logan chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood.

"Just sitting."

"Then what's up with your eyes? It looks like you've been crying." Logan lowered his tone to become more serious.

"Er... it was the wind. It kept blowing in my face." James lied.

"James, there is no wind outside."

"It is? Oh." James climbed the stairs to his and Carlos's room.

Logan sat there puzzled. James was never usually like this. He was a happy person who never was sad. He only got sad when he ran out of hair products, which followed by an angry rant and then a storm out of the apartment to get some more. Logan put his book on the coffee table and went up the stairs after James. Logan tapped on the door.

"James?" He asked. No answer. "James, I'm coming in."

"NO DON'T!" James cried, but Logan ignored him and entered the room. He looked around to realise there were a very little light. After he turned on the light, Logan noticed James's head was buried under his pillow, hands clamping it down preventing anyone else from prising it from him. But Logan tried.

"James... let go!" Logan strained. "James, I just want to talk!"

Reluctantly, James placed the pillow back under his head and sat up, looking Logan in the face. He saw tears crawling down James's cheeks. James turned his head in shame. Logan was shocked. He had never seen his friend like this. Quiet, out of people's faces, shy, it just wasn't the James Diamond he had known and loved like a brother.

"James..." Logan gawped. "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing." James snapped defensively.

"I don't think it's nothing. Do you want to talk?"

"No thanks."

"James, I really think you should."

"Logan, please, just leave me alone."

"Fine." Logan gave up easily, but he had a plan. He faked a yawn and stretched out both his arms. As he reached out, he grabbed something off of the top of James's wardrobe.

"Logan," James said "what do you have in your hand?"

"Oh nothing..." said Logan, a smirk emerging on his face.

"Logan, I'm really not in the mood to-." He stared at Logan's hand. "Is that my lucky comb?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Logan thought he was getting through to James.

"Logan Mitchell, you give me my lucky comb or God help me, you will be sorry." James wiped the tears off his face and stood up from his bed. He was taller than Logan. This made Logan rather nervous and he saw the rage flare up on James.

"L-look," Logan stammered, "I know this is a bit unfair, but I will give you back your comb once you tell me what the matter is."

"Logan, I told you. It's nothing!" James growled as he advanced upon the smaller of the two. Once Logan backed his way to the door, he scanned the small balcony he was on. He had four options: give back James's comb, run screaming like a girl down the stairs, escape down the slide, or over the railing and cause some severe damage. As soon as Logan had finished pondering is way out, James had already tackled him, making Logan's mind up very quickly. The wrestling pair flew off the railing, and that moment Kendall and Carlos walked through the front door, laughing to each other.

"Guys, we're- OH GOD!" Kendall cried, after watching his two best friends fall from above. He and Carlos stood there in shock. James ripped his lucky comb from Logan's hands, and stood up. James thought he was extremely lucky because he and Logan landed on the orange sofa. Looking down at Logan, he noticed an intense look of pain on his face. "Ahh! My leg! Oh God it hurts!" Logan's leg had caught on the edge of the sofa, effectively breaking it. Kendall and Carlos still looking shocked frozen still in the doorway. James stared down at his friend, and another tear rolled down his face. James picked up Logan bridal style and pushed past Kendall and Carlos, who by now had snapped back into reality, and took him out of the apartment and down the elevator. He set out with Logan to the Big Time Rush mobile, with his face was still shocked about what happened. It's like his brain was stuck while his body carried on to save his friend. He was so thankful he was OK, but he had nothing but guilt and remorse for the small raven haired boy groaning in pain sprawled across the back seat.

Once James reached the hospital, he once again picked up Logan and took him inside. Logan had stopped and opened his eyes instead of moaning in pain. He occasionally grimaced but was aware of his surroundings. He didn't know what to think of James at this moment in time. He had broken his leg. But he was in hospital and James did have a look of guilt on his face, so he would brush it off as an accident.

"Logan I'm so sorry." James whimpered as he set Logan on a chair.

"W-what's going on?" Logan questioned.

"Well, basically we fell off the balcony, you cried and was clinging onto your leg, so I brought you here. We're waiting for the doctor, but it shouldn't be long."

They sat there in an awkward silence for 25 minutes until they heard, "Logan Mitchell." James went to pick him up, but Logan didn't want him to, "I got this" he said, hobbling along to the doctor's office.

Once everything was over, James and Logan walked out, Logan with a big cast on his foot, supporting himself on crutches. When they got to the car, James turned to Logan, "I haven't even apologized for this yet! What kind of person am I? Logan, I am so so so so sorry I did this to you! I didn't know what I was thinking. I just wanted my comb and I thought you weren't so light and easy to pick up and-"

"Shhhh," interrupted Logan "It doesn't matter. I'm OK, you're luckily untouched. It's fine."

James sensed he was drugged up on pain killers, but accepted his acceptance nonetheless. Logan fell asleep until they returned, then James insisted on carrying Logan, like a human taxi. At first Logan protested but was ignored as James fireman-carried him up to 2J. Logan in once hand, crutches in the other. As they entered their apartment, Mrs. Knight was the first to rush over. "Oh my God, Logan, honey, are you OK?"

"I would be if someone put me down." Logan said jabbing James in the Kidney.

"Carlos told me what happened, what did the doctor say?"

"Well, basically, I cracked my shin." He chuckled.

"Well, I'm sure he told you to rest to! James, sweetie, being as you already have him, take Logan to his room please."

James nodded and walked Logan to his room. When he lied Logan on his bed Logan asked "Can I have some water?"

"Sure, anything for you." James said blushing as he walked out. God that sounded gay. He thought. In the kitchen, Kendall walked past James and smiled, then carried on walking to the living room shouting, "Hey Carlos, if you don't move, I swear I'm going to sit on you!", as James finished pouring into the glass. James smiled quickly then ran up to Logan, handing him the glass of the water and turning away quickly, darting out the room.

"James wait!" Logan cried. "Are you crying again?"

James didn't turn around.


"James stop lying to me and turn around."James didn't move."God help me before I get off this bed, and drag you here myself!"

Not wanting to make Logan hurt himself, James sat next to Logan, exposing his emotion to Logan.

"Tell me James, what the hell is up with you?"

A/N: Well, I'm sorry that sucked. Congratulations if you made it this far, you deserve some kind of medal.

Please review with preferably constructive criticism. I welcome it as we all know this story needs work and it's always nice to have other's input. Anyway, I'll upload the next chapter soon, unless all of you turn around and go: "STOP WRITING THIS FILTH!". I'll add more Kendall and Carlos if you allow me to write more.