"That was awesome!" Carly Shay cried.

Sam smiled.

Carly wasn't usually this excited over something Sam did, but she was happy that she'd gotten what she had wanted.


My mind was still in shock. We were at the mall when we passed BuildABra.

Carly had suddenly gotten real excited about some glow0in-the-dark straps that were just in.

"Oh can we please go in? Just for a second!" Carly had yelled. She lightly shook Sam by her shoulders.

"Fine, fine!" Same cried. But then Sam stood there in the thinking pose, her finger on her chin. "On one condition. Freddie comes with us."

"What?" I yelled. "I am NOT coming in there!"
"Well then, I guess we won't be going." Sam said.

Carly gasped and then ran over to me.

"Freddie! Please say you'll come with us! Please? For me?" Carly begged.

"Carly, you know that doesn't work on me anymore."

I had gotten over Carly a few months ago. Yeah, I know. Hard to believe. I just didn't feel anything for her anymore. I realized it then, and found out that I actually had feelings for someone else. A certain someone. But she would never look at me twice…

Carly looked at me with her puppy dog eyes. Even if I didn't love her anymore, in a way I still did. But as a sister.

"Fine," I sighed. And we all walked into their happiness and my doom.


Carly and Sam were still laughing about it on the way to Groovy Smoothies.

"Would you guys quit it out? I only did it because you're my friend."

As soon as I'd gone it I had screamed and ran out of the store like a loony.

"Ha ha sure Fredwierd." Sam said.

I glared at her and she did a good job of sending one right back my way.

"Oh Carly, can I borrow your phone? And some lip gloss? Mamma sees a cute guy in the Groovy Smoothies." Sam said.

I looked at Sam awkwardly, and at the same time feeling kind of bad.

"Why? Where's your phone? I don't have mine. It's in my room charging." Carly replied handing Sam her lip gloss.

Sam nodded putting some lip gloss on.

"Oh yeah. It fell in a pot of chili."

"How?" I asked.

Sam looked at me for a while. I felt myself turning red.

"I was at Chili My Bowl and while the manager wasn't looking, I snuck behind the counter and ate some. Got a problem Benson?" Sam said when she caught my funny look towards her.

"Wow Sam. That's got to be one of the silliest things you've done so far." I commented.

"You wanna piece of me Frediffer?" Sam screamed. She raised her fist and Carly suddenly grabbed it so she wouldn't throw a punch at me. Carly's lip gloss fell out of Sam's hand and it rolled onto the road.

"My lip gloss!" Carly yelled. "It's my favorite one!"

"Oh I'll get it." I said. I looked both ways. I didn't see any cars so I crossed onto the road and was just about to pick up the lip gloss. That's when I heard Carly scream my name. I turned to look at her, the lip gloss still on the road. She had a scared look on her face. I heard a honk and turned to see for myself what it was. A huge taco truck was coming my way at full speed. I just stood there full of shock that I couldn't even move my body.

"FREDDIE!" Carly screamed.

The truck was only a few feet away from me now. Before I knew it, someone had pushed me out of the way and I was on the other side of the road, a couple feet away from Groovy Smoothies. The taco truck had gone and I looked over to see who had saved my life.

On the middle of the road lay Sam Puckett on her stomach, her cheek touching the ground. She was covered in blood. Before I knew what I was doing, I ran over to her and turned her over so that she was lying on my lap.

Carly had rushed over too.

"Oh my gosh!" Carly screamed. "I'll go call the police," she said and she ran to Groovy Smoothies.

All the cars had stopped to see what was happening. And also because they couldn't move without crushing both Sam and I. My hands were covered in blood but I didn't care.

"Sam! Sam can you hear me!" I yelled.

Sam coughed and some blood ran down her mouth. She looked into my eyes, and touched my cheek.

"I'm sorry Freddie." This was the first time she had used my real name. "I'm sorry for everything."

"No Sam don't. Just hold on. Carly went to call the police. They'll be here any minute!" I yelled. I think I was trying to calm myself more than her. "Just hold on Sam." I repeated again. "Sam. Sam! Don't go yet. I didn't even get to tell you I loved you!" I said softly.

She looked at me softly.

"You loved me Freddie? Really?" she choked out.

I nodded. I couldn't say anything because I knew I'd burst into tears.

"That's funny. I loved you too Fredderly." I smiled.

"Just hold on Sam. Just hold on. Don't leave me just yet."

Carly came running out of the store and ran over to us. She knelt down and sat with me, comforting Sam. We would do this till the police came. Who knew if she would live…