Chapter 8

Booth sat in the interrogation room with Kevin Williams once again. Booth was staring at the smug man who glared back.

"You really think I would jeopardize my job and take drugs? Why the hell would I do that? I told you before I only heard of the fights between the journalist and the dealer. I never met her."

"But you did. You see we have witnesses that place you and your partner in several nasty arguments with her over drugs in the city. You three got into quite a fight." Kevin looked at him as he snapped his mouth shut. "We know all about the drugs and the sexual favors with the users on the streets."

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said looking away. Booth looked over as Brennan walked into the room and handed him the file. Booth leaned back in his chair with a smirk.

"Well it looks like you know her after all." Booth said making Kevin look at him.

"You see we found hair and skin cells at the scene. We were able to partially match it to Jason Williams from his DNA on file with the military." Brennan explained.

"Oh and look here. We have a court order to take your DNA and match it to the one we found at the scene." Booth said sliding a paper out of the file and across to rest in front of him. "You happen to have specially made pocket knife?" Booth asked as Brennan pulled her gloves on, getting ready to swap his mouth. The officer looked between the two.

"I want a lawyer."

Two hours later Booth and Brennan were talking in his office when Caroline walked in.

"You have your arrest warrant for Samuel Jones. But get something other than this filthy cop's word." Caroline said making them look at each other.

"Bones, you have anything?" Booth asked

"We have finger prints that do not match Kevin."

"That's enough, right?"

"That will be enough." Caroline agreed.

"Can we confiscate their car?" Brennan asked making them look at her. "We found Cocaine on her clothing and her bag, as well as fibers that we have identified as a Cadillac Deville."

"Cops don't drive those."

"If they went undercover in the drug world, they could have been issued any car." Booth said walking over to his desk to grab a file and look at it. "Kevin Williams and Samuel Jones have been working the streets in Anacostia using the Cadillac Deville."

"Well then what are you waiting for. Get these creeps." Booth gave a quick nod before he helped Brennan to stand up before they were off to arrest Samuel Jones.

Five hours later Booth and Brennan were watching as Samuel, a tall man with short red hair, dark blue eyes, slender build, and a scruffy beard, walked past in cuffs with his partner Kevin Williams right behind him. They had been broken down when the evidence had piled up too high and they told the entire story. Booth wrapped his arm around Brennan's shoulder as she wrapped her arms around his middle, both relived that this case was finally closed and Hannah would finally be able to rest in peace.

"My chest still hurts when I think about what they did to her." Brennan whispered as Booth nodded and pulled her closer to him.

"I know, Bones. It's not something that is going to go away any time soon." He whispered as he kissed her head. "But we'll work through it."

"As long as you're with me." She said softly as she looked up at him as he smiled down at her.

"I'm not going anywhere." He leaned down and gave her a gentle, loving kiss. "Come on. I have something for you at home."


"You'll see. Come on." He said as he grabbed her hand and started leading her out of the building and home.

Brennan was in the shower as Booth was cooking their macaroni and cheese dinner. He smiled as he heard the bathroom door open minutes before he saw her in the doorway to the kitchen with a smile and a hand resting on her stomach.

"Smells good." She said as he put a plate for both of them on the table. "mmmm. I really like when you cook this." She smiled as she took a seat and started to eat.

"How are you feeling?" Booth asked as she sat back slightly with a smile.

"Good. Just really uncomfortable."

"Well you have three weeks to go before your due date. So you're probably just getting ready."

"Yes, I imagine so. I seem to be anxious about seeing her. I can't help but get excited when I think about her being here and how our lives are going to change."

"You're thinking like a mother." Booth smiled as they finished their food. He cleared their plates and they went to the living room to sit and start watching old movies. After they were halfway through the first one Booth shifted with Brennan lying against him. He slowly slid his hand closer to her. She took the little box and opened it as her eyes shot to look at him. He sat nervously waiting for her to say something.

"Booth….." She trailed off as her eyes went back to the modest ring.

"I know you don't like the idea but… you don't have to if you don't want to…." He said. She looked up at him as tears gathered in her eyes when suddenly her lips were crushed against his. She pulled back slowly and looked at his shocked face. "Bones…"

"Booth, I told you I've never felt like this ever before. After working with you for seven years and being with you for the last year…. I've learned a lot, including the feeling I now understand is love. I understand what you were talking about when you said that it would never change."

"So that's a yes?" He asked as a smile spread across her face and she nodded.

"Yes." He smiled and pulled her to him, kissing her with as much passion as he could. "I have feelings that I can't even explain what they are but I only get them when I'm with you. I want to, and I'm ready to share my life with you, Seeley Booth." Booth smiled as he leaned in kissing her again as he slid the ring onto her finger.

"I told you, I knew the moment I met you that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you." He said with a smile kissing her again.

"We should wait until after the baby is born. Then we can have a little one. There is truly no reason to have hundreds of people watching us."

"We can have a little one, with Max, Rus, Amy and the girls and Jared and Padame."

"And your grandfather, and of course Angela." Booth smiled.

"Of course we can't leave the squints out." He smirked as she shifted back to lay against him as they finished watching the old movie before they went to bed cuddled close together.

Brennan woke up to a lot of pressure in her belly. She opened her eyes and tried to move but the Pressure increased before it eased slightly. She sighed and started to doze back off when she felt it again. she laid still for a minute as it eased again and she waited a few minutes before trying to go back to sleep before she felt it again, this time it was more intense making her give a small groan. She turned to see Booth still sound asleep as she felt a quick sharp pain in her lower back.

"Booth." She said. "Booth." She reached over to wake him.

"What is it, Bones? I'm exhausted." He grunted before she felt the pressure again.

"Are you too tired to go to the hospital?" She said and watched his eyes snap open as he sat up wide-awake. He looked at her as she wrapped her hands around her belly and winced slightly.

"Okay. Okay, can you get up and dressed?" He asked trying to stay calm as his insides twisted and jumped.

"Yes, I think so. It's just the pressure of the uterus contracting and pulling the muscles of the abdomen that is starting to cause slight pain." She said as she slowly climbed from the bed and changed while Booth quickly got dressed and called the doctor. He walked back into the bedroom to see Brennan sitting on the bed breathing slowly as she held her shirt in one hand and her socks lay next to her.

"Bones, you okay?" He asked as she nodded. He walked over, grabbed her socks, and helped put them on as she pulled her shirt on.

"Did you call the doctor and explain what was happening?"

"Yeah, she said to head over to the hospital and she's going to meet us there." Booth said as he helped her down to the car.

"What about Angela? Did you call her and tell her that I've gone into labor? What about everyone else?"

"I'll call them when after you're taken care of."

"I promised Angela I would call her as soon as anything happened."

"Don't worry about her. I'll make sure she knows."

"You better, Booth. You know what would happen if she wasn't told."

"Yeah, well I don't even want to know what she would do to me." He gave a wince thinking about what Angela could do to him. She nodded as they stopped just outside of the car. He helped her into the SUV and they were off to the hospital.

Booth was sitting in the chair beside the bed when his phone rang. Angela told him her and Hodgins were there making him kiss Brennan's forehead before he left. He walked out to the waiting room and found everyone waiting. They all jumped to their feet as he walked out.

"She's fine. The contractions are getting pretty close; we're just waiting for the Doctor to check on her again."

"You're keeping pretty calm." Max said watching Booth as he shrugged.

"Getting insane doesn't help anything, besides it would only piss Bones off. She's being overly logical." He explained.

"You're going nuts aren't you?" Angela smiled as he looked at her with a small smile.

"Angie it's nothing like what you women go through." Hodgins said making her look and raise an eyebrow.

"But she's doing okay?" Jared asked turning things back to his brother's girlfriend.

"Yeah. She's doing really good. She's refusing any medication, but she's handling it really well."

"No medication?" Rus asked as Angela smiled.

"Leave it to Brennan." Angela said as Booth chuckled.

"I better get back to her." He said before turning and walking back to join Brennan. Booth walked in as the Doctor smiled.

"Perfect timing." The doctor said. "It's time to start pushing." Booth walked over and saw Brennan just ending another contraction before she looked up at him worried.

"Hey Bones…." He said with a small smile. "You ready to see our baby?" He asked as she gave a small smile.

"After 38 weeks of her growing and maturing in my womb I am very anxious to see what structures she received from you and what she has received from myself."

"Bones, you don't have to be the smart scientists. You can just be a mom." He smiled and watched her look at him for a minute.

"I think she's going to be just like you." She smiled as he chuckled.

"And she's going to look just like you." He kissed her forehead as the Doctor finished getting ready.

"Okay, start to push when you feel the urge." She said as Booth grabbed her hand with his left and had his other to smooth her hair from her damp forehead.

"You can do this, Bones." He whispered as she nodded as she squeezed his hand and started to push.

Angela and the others sat waiting anxiously to hear anything when they heard Brennan's cry come from behind the door making them all sit up worried when suddenly there was a high-pitched scream as they looked at each other with smiles as they waited for Booth to come out. They didn't have to wait long, twenty minutes later Booth walked out carrying a little bundle in his arms. They rushed over to look at the baby girl sound asleep in her father's arms. Booth smiled as he looked at the others all congratulating him and talking about how beautiful the baby was while Angela snuck past in to see Brennan laying with her eyes closed. She took another step and Brennan opened her eyes to see Angela smiling.

"Did you see her?" Brennan asked as Angela nodded.

"She's beautiful, Bren."

Nine months later Brennan and Booth were woken from a dead sleep when his cell phone rang. Brennan turned to look at him as he answered.

"Booth." he said groggily.

"Seeley?" He heard making his eyes snap wide as he sat up quickly making Brennan look at him confused. "Seeley, I need help." A female's voice came through again when the baby started to cry from the other room.