*****Ok guys don't worry I haven't given up on P&P it is my baby after all, I will write both at the same time. This story came from the brilliant mind of my baby girl Perfectly Imperfect. She couldn't get the idea out of her head and wanted me to play with it a bit, so hear is a mafia story with some serious hotness! Let us know what you think. POV will change and all characters are a bit OOC especially Charlie, so Don't think Twilight. Hope you like it!**************

Chapter 1 Coming Home


"Rosie" I whispered braiding her pig tail


"Do you think Daddy is looking for us?"

She shrugged her shoulders "I'm not sure, what time is it, maybe Mrs. Kelly called him when we didn't get dropped off at carpool?"

"Do you think Uncle Tony and Uncle Richie are ok?" I wondered

"I don't know Ally, there was a whole lot of blood, but maybe it just seemed like a whole lot, you know how mommy bleeds a lot when she cuts her self with the plastic thing when she takes a bath, maybe it's like that" she answered me while rubbing Bella's back who was curled up on the floor next to us.

Bang bang bang

"Shut the hell up in there you little brats. TAKE A NAP"

I watched as Rosalie stood and stomped her little foot defiantly shouting at the locked door

"I want my Barbie's!" she whined

The door unlocked and flew open.

A very large man walked in and smacked my sister across her face.

I watched as she stood their lip quivering, but didn't cower, and he turned and left the room.

Rosie sat back down again next to me and hugged me.

"Its ok Rosie, you're a very brave sissy, but its ok you can cry, I wont tell anyone." I whispered

"I miss daddy" she sniffled

"Me too" I said

"Me three" Bella said crying from the floor

"Alice?"…Alice? "Honey its time to wake up the pilot just said we are landing" Bella chanted shaking me out of my dream

"Its about fucking time, god, my ass is numb!" Rosie bitched

Its been a long time since we have been back home, 17 years to be exact.

I was still shaking myself out of the memory/dream. I haven't dreamt that in a long time, but seeing as we were finally coming home, I figured that's what triggered it.

My sisters and I grew up in Italy, Our father sent us their with our nana, she was our nanny really, but we've known her since birth, she was very much like a mother too us and she was from Italy.

My memory is fuzzy and brief but it is all I have of that awful day when we were young girls.

And of coarse the day after when our father sent us to Italy, with nana, cause he thought we would be safer there.

He never really talked to us about it, just that a bad man tried to hurt him by getting to us and until he found him we would have to live with nana.

He and our Mama visited frequently and our big brother Riley as well.

Riley even brought his girlfriend Lita sometimes, and we loved her from the start.

Truthfully we didn't know anything other then Sicily, since we were shipped off there at the age of five.

I was excited when Papa called to tell us "The bad man" he talked about when we were little girls, was found and would never hurt us again, so it was ok for us to come home.

I rolled my eyes as I listened to him on the phone.

"Papa, so what your saying is you found the guy that kidnapped us and had him whacked, he wont hurt us cause you had him killed right." I replied sassing him

"That's not your concern Alice Mary Mancini, just get your sisters packed up and come back home." papa replied sternly "I'm sure the boys would love to finally meet you."

I sighed thinking back to the phone call. My sisters and I were triplets, very different individually, but triplets the same. We knew as we got older our father and our extended family were connected and involved in organized crime.

Our fathers closest friend was Carlisle he was the Boss of the Cullen family and very feared but well respected, same as Papa, he had three sons my father talked about incessantly, and always hinted the six of us pairing up and marrying, the three of us always just threw an eye roll about it but I had a feeling he was really going to push this once we were home.

"Italian women should marry, settle down and create their your own family" he told us constantly as teens.

So here we were, on the tarmac at O'Hare in Chicago Illinois being taxied in to deplane and get back to our American life with our parents.

We had so much luggage it was insane, and of coarse every guy at baggage offered to help.

The three of us always drew attention, we were very attractive, and flaunted it but with class.

We weren't conceded at all, but growing up in Italy, that's just how it was.

We had at least five rollie things filled with our crap.

The doors slid open to the outside pick up-drop off area, where Mama and Papa waited and had their arms wrapped around three girls that flew into their embrace.

After some quick hello's and many cheeks kissed, we turned to see several large men lift and store our luggage in two suburban's.

"Damn Papa, quite the entourage." Rose chastised

"Only the best for my Bambina's" dad said wrapping his arm's around us again.

He was completely ignoring the fact that she made fun of the lifestyle.

We respected it, don't get me wrong but weren't around to take it to seriously.

Papa taught us how to take care of ourselves.

All three of us new how to handle a gun and we all had precise aim. We knew how to throw down in a fight and even how to scam almost anyone, and we could work our looks for whatever needed to be gained.

But he never out right talked to us about the fact that he was the boss of one of the two largest and most feared family's in Chicago. Carlisle being the boss to the other.

We left the airport and pulled up to the mansion sooner then I expected.

"Your mother and I, had Aunt Teresa paint and design your rooms." he told us as we entered the house "We didn't think you would fit in your princess beds anymore" he chuckled

I sighed and looked around, nothing had really changed, it was updated and cozy, and had that same luxury feel in every room you went in, but still the same.

"Would my girls like a glass of wine?" My mother asked

"YES!" All three of us shouted and laughed


Ah, home sweet home.

I smiled and kissed my mother's cheek as she handed me my glass of wine.

I elbowed Rose and nodded to the hottie carrying our suitcases upstairs, we both bent to the side watching him climb the stairs, he had quite a nice ass.

He stopped half way up and turned around and winked at us.

I giggled, "Busted, were getting rusty babe." I poked at Rose

"Nah, I claim Jet Lag, we still got our stealth mode" and she hipped check me grinning

I assumed the guy was one of Papa's crew just helping out.

"Um, do you girls wanna get some rest before the party I can push back the time?" Papa asked

"PARTY?" all three of us eyed him

"Yes some of the families are coming over, Carlisle and the boys will be here" He responded a little too excited

"Ughhhhh" we all groaned

"Papa seriously, not this again, if you want us to marry and be happy, let us have a little fun first and then let us pick OUR OWN MAN." Rose groaned

"Cosa c'è di sbagliato wth te, tu sei ragazze belle che hai così tanto da offrire un uomo e ho scelto tre dei migliori per voi" he ranted

Papa always turned to Italian when he was angry or frustrated

"Ugggghhhhhhrrrrr" Rose roared stomping her foot "Papa sei ridicolo!"

"Girls just go get un packed and change, company will be here soon." Mama pushed us all towards the stairs "We wanted it to be a surprise for your brother who has missed you greatly, so act happy!" she shouted as we reached the top of the stairs

I unpacked my suitcase and changed into something I knew my father wouldn't approve of, it was just a tight pair of jeans and tight sleeveless top. I'm sure he wanted us to dress up more but I wasn't having it.

I knew that Ally and Rose were doing the same.

We could be the most defiant but we had the man literally wrapped around our fingers.

My brother Riley had it much worse. He had many expectations to live up to being a man and was never aloud to speak to Papa like we do.

I huffed and left my room, and went to Ally's where Rose waited for her on her bed with me.

I heard many people talking downstairs and realized people had arrived already.

Alice was done getting ready and we all rolled our eyes again and left the room to go get kissed to death and meet the guys who were probably douche bags and treated women like shit.


I drove, following my father and mother in their car, over to Carlitto's house, but who we all call Charlie. He was my father, Carlisle's, greatest confidant and disrespect was un heard of around the man, such is the same with our family.

It is rare that two main bosses are as close as they are.

They have always talked about joining the families to become unstoppable in business, and always reminded us we would be a big part of that.

Riley, Charlie's son, moved up the ranks and became a made man early, earning every bit of his title. Me and my two brothers were the same in our family and we took it very seriously. Therefore the four of us became fast friends.

We did everything together. Women, Clubbing and business ventures that I will admit all ended up very lucridous for the four of us.

We were subjected to hearing about his precious sisters endlessly as well.

I knew they were sent to Italy when they were children ,after being kidnapped by a member of the family wanting to be rid of Charlie in order to take over. They never caught the guy as he went into hiding. A few weeks ago it was actually Jasper, Emmett and I that ran into the him.

We informed our father about the gentlemen that wanted to partner up in our new club, Carlisle listened to our description of him and immediately picked up the phone and called Charlie.

The hit was carried out the following day.

We have heard nothing, but how excited Riley was for his father to send for his sister's and bring them home.

I assumed we were all asked to come over for the announcement that they would be returning soon.

"I better not see fabritzio, and his punk ass tonight. I'm not in the mood for his shit." Emmett bitched from the back seat.

Fabritzio, was Emmett's nemesis, he would go out of his way to try and bed any woman Emmett seemed interested in. It usually ended up bloody or rather Fabritzio ended up bloody.

The boy never learned, so my father eventually stopped interfering when Emmett would beat his ass. It didn't help when he hit on my own mother right in front of my father, ya he was put in the hospital by all four of us that night.

None of us got serious with women, we just were to busy and frankly none was worth keeping around.

That was to my father's liking being that he always mentioned, The mancini girls would make us great wives. We always shrugged cool with it if it ever happened, they were supposedly pretty, and obviously came from a good family.

Italian men married a good Italian woman and added to the 'Family' it just how things were done in this lifestyle. No arranged marriages or anything but expectations with certain coupling wasn't unheard of.

Every Italian man that was connected had girlfriends on the side anyway.

I knew the three of us weren't like that, but I guess it was an option to fall back on if we couldn't stand being married to our wives.

We pulled up to Charlie's mansion, he had a kick ass home, that we always loved coming over to. His wife Tanya was smoking hot and cooked like no other. Her and my mother Esme were very close and would trade recipe's that we would inhale, come dinner time.

We all got out of our cars, all of us dressed to the nines. Suits and ties covered us from head to toe.

My father rang the doorbell, and Charlie answered it bellowing his Hello and embraced Carlisle in a manly hug. He ogled my mother who blushed and smacked him on the cheek.

Each of us were given warm embraces as well, as he wiggled his eyebrows at us. We each stared at him strangely and he slapped Emmett on the back and welcomed us to his home, not explaining.

We each made a drink and were attacked by several of the daughters from the surrounding families, to which we all blew off.

Fabritzio true to form, snickered at Emmett, even though everyone in the room knew he got his ass handed to him on every occasion, because of this they just ignored him.

The house was packed with people and Riley was in his element acting calm, but we knew he was antsy waiting for his father to announce he was going to be bringing back the girls.

He was very close to them, and I surmised it was because he couldn't protect them when they were taken and never really forgave himself for it. He was only a few years older then them

We liked his girlfriend Lita, a no bullshit kind of chick, and fine as hell, but she wasn't here tonight. Riley mentioned she was sick as a dog with the flu.

All of a sudden I felt Emmett clutch my arm and spun both me and Jasper around nodding towards the top of the staircase we were all standing at the bottom of.

My jaw dropped.

Descending down the stairs had to be by far, the three most beautiful women I had ever seen, Ever!

The first was a tiny dark haired girl, hair just past her shoulders, petite and exquisite.

The second was a leggy blonde who had a vivacious body and wore fuck me pumps but made them look classier then ever.

The third absolutely captivated me she had long dark brown hair, an incredible body as well, and full lips, but her eyes, they were chocolate and had eyelashes that surrounded them and screamed "Come Hither"

It was as if they glided down the stairs in slow motion and exuded sex but only at their command

The third one floored me when she blushed a bit but still maintained the confidence to place her finger under my chin and push it back up, and then she smiled and my heart absolutely melted.

Her perfume was intoxicating as it filled my noise as she passed by, but looked back at me and smiled again.

The whole room went silent, and it was completely filled with people.

Riley and Charlie were facing the crowd and all three girls stood behind them.

"Riley I think there are some people wanting to see you" Charlie chuckled and turned Riley around

He lifted the tiny one off her feet yelling "Ally!"

He set her down and grabbed both Rosalie and Isabella, I assumed, into a massive hug.

They giggled as he tickled them and told them how wonderful they all looked.

Everyone stood and greeted them, introducing themselves.

"Mary" Emmett whispered

"Mother" Jasper retorted

"Of god" I finished

"Are you fucking kidding me, tell me those are our future wives!" Emmett whispered harshly

Jasper responded to him but I wasn't paying any attention, I couldn't take my eyes off of Isabella, or Bella, I heard her tell several people she shook hands with.

"My god, 'Bella' doesn't even do her beauty justice," I chanted under my breath

"Wait, you like the brunette?" Emmett asked "And your staring at the tiny one" he looked at Jasper "and my mouth is watering for the blonde" Whew thank god were not doubling up" he whispered relieved

Jasper, ever the brave soul, walked up to Alice and kissed her hand introducing himself. She smiled and they just stared at each other, he always made it look so easy.

I on the other hand felt completely intimidated as did Emmett, especially when Fabritzio stepped up to both Bella and Rosalie and introduced himself.

Emmett actually growled when Fab escorted them over to get a drink.

We watched as he slid his hand over Bella's ass and she grabbed it twisted his arm and sent him toppling to the floor, yelping in pain.

Rosalie then chuckled and pushed two fingers two his forehead pushing him down flat the rest of the way as he grabbed at his wrist whimpering.

"FABRITZIO!" His father screamed and gave Bella an apologetic look and waved at him that it was no big deal, and clearly handled

Jackpot! My brain repeated over and over

I crossed my arms over my chest and grinned at Bella just as she looked over to me.

She must've miss took my grin and headed in my direction, I gulped.

"Is he a friend of yours?" she asked me, her lips inches from mine.

I paused day dreaming about what those lips could do.

She continued before I could speak up "I suggest you step up your game on being a husband, and not allowing your boy's to palm my ass" and she whipped her hair in my face and walked away.

Holy shit, she knew our fathers wanted us to marry?

"What the hell man, now she hates you, why didn't you tell her we can't stand his fucking ass." Emmett said punching me in the arm

"I…..I….shit, the girl rendered me speechless. What the hell is wrong with me." I vented out loud

"Snap out of it!" Emmett yelled smacking my face

It worked though, I stepped towards the direction she walked away in and went to find her.

I watched as she continued to walk out towards the back patio leaving everyone else inside the house, I reached out and grabbed hold of her hand.

She stopped and turned around just as we made it outside.

We were face to face again, only inches apart. I could feel her breath on my face, sweet and smelling like candy.

Her hair blowed in the outside breeze and it smelled of vanilla and lavender

I pulled a strand and tucked it behind her ear, while she didn't budge and continued to glare at me.

"Bella?" she nodded "I don't associate with Fabrizio, in fact we can not stand him." Bella's eyes softened. "In fact, I would like you to stay away from him."

Her glare came back then "Are you going to stand here and act as if what you say, is what I will do?" and she began to walk away again.

I grabbed for her hand and tugged her back to me this time not wanting her to walk away angry again.

But as I did this I pulled a little too hard and she came flying back crashing into my chest and in my arms.

When she looked up at me, I was waiting for a slap or a look of pure anger but she was as surprised as I was by it and we just stared at each other, again almost no space between our lips.

Every molecule in my body was screaming for me to kiss her. I felt again, speechless, and at a loss of all control I placed my lips on hers.

She tasted sweet and succulent, I was lost in the kiss, but what surprised me the most was that she was too.

I pulled her tighter to me with my hand at the small of her back and walked her backwards and up against the back wall.

I placed my hand up to cushion her as she landed against it, with me pushing my weight on her.

I felt her small soft hand slide up my chest and wrap around my neck while the other slid underneath my jacket and up on my back bumping into my piece holstered in the back of my pants.

She pulled back and stopped the kiss breathless, as was I.

She removed her hand and touched her lips where mine just were.

She gave me a confused look and pushed me back a bit and ducked under my arm, going back into the house.

She stopped as she reached the door and looked back at me, just as I lowered my head to my arm, still breathless, I turned and met her gaze our eyes were locked with that confused look still on her face.

I stood out there collecting myself for a minute and then walked back in the house.

Everyone was drinking and then asked to congregate into the formal dining room for dinner.

I noticed some people had left but all the top bosses and their immediate family stayed.

We all grabbed a chair at the massive dining room table that seated at least 30, I waited to see where Bella would sit.

She then emerged with Rosalie, and Emmett trailing behind.

There were four seats left, two on each side of the table.

I pulled a chair out for Bella, and gave her what I hoped was a sincere look apologizing for my forwardness outside.

She took a deep breath and walked towards me while Emmett whispered in Rosalie's ear and guided her to a seat next to him.

Bella sat down in the chair, I pulled out for her and placed her napkin in her lap.

I sat next to her and smiled, hoping she would smile back. She blushed instead.

Dinner went off without a hitch, everyone made conversation and I noticed my father and Charlie steal glances at the six of us grinning

I leaned over to Bella and whispered an apology for outback as she was trying to do the same with me.

We laughed at the synchronization and I tried again, but she stopped me.

"No, Edward?" I nodded that she got my name right "I'm not usually that forward, I just couldn't help myself, please it wont happen again." and she looked down at her plate

"God, don't say that" she looked at me stunned at how clear I was pleading

"Uhm I just meant, I should've asked your permission, I ugh couldn't help it either."

She smiled and then we were interrupted…

"Edward" Carmen tried to slur seductively "Are my girls and I still on the VIP list to your new downtown bar?"

I cleared my throat as Emmett and Jasper glared at me from different spots at the table.

"Actually, Carmen, my apologies, things have been very busy I completely forgot but I will make sure to add you to the list" I replied snickering

She shot daggers at me

Emmett chuckled as did Jasper.

Carmen was the daughter of another family head and paraded herself sleeping with every son she could get to notice her.

She hadn't landed me or my brothers but not for the lack of trying.

That conversation was left there and the rest of the dinner was filled with small talk and Bella and I stealing glances at each other.

I watched as Carmen eyed Bella very carefully and Bella play her like a violin.

She would lean into me and whisper what she was doing and nuzzle my ear.

Carmen eventually excused herself and left apologizing for having previous plans.

I then told Bella I would love for her and her sisters to come to the bar the following night as our special guests.

Bella simply said "We'll see"

When dinner was over, Bella helped her mother bring plates into the kitchen.

I snuck up behind her as she began to wash and sniffed her hair, placing my hands on her hips, willing myself not to take her clothes off, I whispered in her ear as she leaned back, melted into my chest. "Say you will come tomorrow, please."

Alice then walked past us, smacking my ass saying "She'll be there don't worry." I chuckled at Alice

I whispered a goodbye and told her "Next time, I'll make sure you don't want to pull away." and moved her hair and kissed her shoulder

We said our good byes and I looked back just as Jasper and Emmett did and waved to the girls.


"Holy shit what came over me?" I shouted at Rose and Alice from the back seat of the Suburban

We were on our way to the fella's big night. We were told by Papa that they are known to be The entreprenurs of both familys.

Everything they touch turns to gold. Papa had told us.

"Well, was he a hot kisser?" Rose asked

I flopped back in my seat, "That would be a huge understatement" I huffed "If I hadn't gotten my bearings I would've let him fuck the shit out of me, right there against the wall."

"Niiiice!" they both chanted.

"Oh come on, your going to sit here and let me think I was the only fucking hussie last night?" I yelled

"Well, not exactly" Rose laughed "Emmett copped quite the feel in the kitchen."

"Really?" I asked her wanting more info

She grinned at me in the rear view. "Ya he may be a fine speciman to mount" and chuckled

"Shit, Jasper had his tongue in my ear half the night, whispering all the things he wanted to do to me." she told us giggling "I think I walked around all night with drenched panties."

We all cracked up and I was glad I wasn't the only one creating some action before we were even formally introduced to these guys.

"I will admit, feeling his gun as his tongue was down my throat, was fuck me hot!" I informed them biting my lower lip

"Me too, Me too" Ally bounced in the front seat

Rose chuckled at how turned on we were with their weapons.

We pulled up to wait in line for valet, Rose then turned around in her seat looking at Alice and at me.

"Look, I could give a shit what Papa's intentions are, so lets just have a good time tonight, no promises and no thoughts of being tied down. I refuse to allow any man to claim me unless I've given him the impression that I want to be claimed. Deal?"

"Deal" We both said

We climbed out of the Suburban and walked to the front entrance

A line of people were staring at us.

I had to admit though, we looked really hot tonight.

Ally wore a a black, backless dress that cut at an angle at her thigh down to her opposite knee. It had sequins across the breast and another band across her legs

Rose filled out her LBD perfectly, it was classy but sexy as hell.

I went a little risqué with a shiny light pink dress that was incredibly short and only had a crisscross front that barely covered my tits.

We went up to the guy at the door, who asked for our names.

"Mancini" I told him

"Ah The Mancini triplets, of coarse, please" and he opened the front door for us.

The spot was very upscale. Mahogany from floor to ceiling, The floors were finished beautifully and gleamed our reflections back at us, twisted versions of coarse, but reflections none the less.

The Bar screamed 'Wise Guys' especially since it was filled with them, many with arm candy. Bimbo's lined them at their sides and sipped champagne clearly bored out of their minds.

I noticed their was a small dance floor and even a DJ for the occasion.

I assumed for later though, there was no way these old timers were gonna get down and dirty on the dance floor.

We followed Rose to the bar and each of us were given a martini, after we watched Jasper behind the bar whisper to the bartender.

Ally pulled out some cash from her clutch, when the Bartender waved it away telling us "Your money is no good here." and winked

"As it should be" and rose winked back.

Rose was then pushed tightly but gently into the bar, by Emmett who told her, loud enough for us to hear

"Why Rosalie, you look good enough to eat tonight."

She turned around and eyed him "You have to have a big appetite to handle this Mr. Cullen" and linked arms with Ally and nodded for me to follow them to a table in the center of the bar.

Emmett stood there undressing her teasing ass with his eyes.

We sat down at the table as guy after guy came over to talk to us.

I spotted Edward talking to a group of guys, but watching me like a hawk.

He whispered something in a guys ear and pointed in our direction.

The huge guy walked over to us. "Ladies" he nodded "Please have a good time tonight and if anyone bothers you I will be watching."

"That is not necessary, we like a little attention, but thank you" I said grinning and batting my eyelashes daring him to argue with me.

He turned and walked away

I watched as he repeated this to Edward, who crossed his arms clearly, not liking my defiance.

A younger group of people trickled in after awhile and slowly the 'wise guys' all left.

The Dj started to spin and the dance floor picked up.

All three of us stood to go dance and have a good time.

Edward, caught me by the arm, god he was good at that, I looked down at it and he didn't release.

He and I were constantly fighting for the dominant spot.

"Bella, are you going to fight me on everything I request for you?"

"If it were a request, and not a demand I would take it graciously" I told him licking my lips and leaving him standing there to join the girls on the dance floor.

We were out there swaying and moving to the music having a good time.

Rose hinted for us to look behind her, where all three of them stood at the end of the bar, watching us carefully.

"I take back what I said in the car, making them sweat a bit, could be fun!"

Ally and I agreed grinning

"Lets see how possessive they can get?" Ally yelled over the music

I wasn't crazy about seeing Edward possessive anymore then I already had and its not like he even made it clear that he wanted me he just pussy footed around it, but I went along with the girls wondering how hot he could get with this.

Just then the Dj blared "Down on me" by Jeremiah featuring 50 cent.

A couple of guys surrounded us as we were grinding on each other to the beat.

We normally hated guys dancing with us, but we allowed them to in an attempt to see how far the our three Cullen's would go.

I watched out the croner of my eye as Edward shifted his weight, antsy as all hell at what he was observing.

I stared challenging him, as the gentlemen behind me placed his hands on my hips, guiding me in his movements.

I poked at Rose who was doing the same thing and Ally looked up as well, as all three of them stormed their way over to us.

Rose grinned real wide and shimmied her way down her dance partners body and back up again, just as I was about to turn around and face the guy I was dancing with I heard Edward behind me very angry

"WALK AWAY" he gritted through his teeth at the man I was dancing with as Jasper then moved his Jacket aside to flash a peek at his gun, I looked to Alice who clearly drenched herself again.

The guys dancing with us, backed away with no argument.

Edward grabbed my arm and yanked me with him off the dance floor.

We flew by his father, Carlisle, who had a look of disapproval written all over his face.

He dragged me into his office and slammed the door shut behind us.

I rubbed my arm where he grabbed me and challenged his look with one of my own.

"What the fuck were you doing out there!" he roared at me

"Dancing!" I shouted back "Who the hell do you think you are putting your hands on me like that!"

Edward surprised me then by grabbing me and pushing me up into the back of the closed office door.

He grabbed the back of my neck and aggressively kissed me.

I felt his hands roam all over my body as I kissed him back.

He pulled down the measly straps of fabric that covered my breasts and bent down to capture one with his mouth while he angrily grabbed at the other.

I clawed at his scalp and gripped his wild and untamed head of hair.

He stood back up and hooked his hands under my thighs lifting me and wrapping them around his hips.

He held me up and grinded his hard on in between my legs.

I groaned at the friction. While Edward growled "Mine" over and over while he attacked my neck and my lips.

Holy hell I was actually turned on by his possessive side, we would just have to work on the public display of it.

Edward then pulled me away from the door, my body wrapped around him.

He gripped my hair as we kissed primally, again, both fighting for dominance.

I felt him lower me to the floor in the middle of the office, I noticed when we first came barreling in, there was a couch, but Edward clearly couldn't wait.

He yanked of my thong and I ripped open his dress shirt and he unbuttoned and kicked off his pants.

The man's cock was huge and my girly bits were inwardly begging for this.

I watched as he slid down my body and rest my thigh on his shoulder as he then devoured my pussy.

I moaned and arched my back when he slid a couple of fingers between my folds, he pumped and curled them inside of me.

"Who do you belong to Bella Mancini" He gritted through his teeth

I clawed at my scalp and flailed a bit ready to come.

He pumped me faster and asked again, this time biting on my nipple

I couldn't believe the words were about to leave my mouth…but they did

"Yours" I panted

"I cant hear you?" he said twisting his fingers in and out of me

"Yours, Edward, Yours" I yelled and then came really hard hearing him chuckle at my response

I didn't have time to catch my breath, when Edward kissed me and pushed his cock inside of me.

"Fuck, you are so tight" Edward moaned in between sliding his tongue in and out of my mouth

I raised my thigh higher on his hip, giving him better access and grabbed his ass.

"Harder Edward" I panted

Edward groaned and picked up the pace pounding into my pussy over and over and over.

"GOD!" I shouted into the emptiness of the room

"ungh" Edward moaned each time he thrusted into me

"unghhhhhh I'm coming" I shouted out

Edward slammed me really hard and came powerfully, gasping.

"Mine" he whispered on my lips, slowly caressing my tongue with his, like he did the night before.

I whimpered in his mouth, as my legs were shaking almost uncontrollably.

We laid like that kissing for the longest time, still intimately connected.

It was Edwards version of slowing things down becoming passionate and putting away the Cave Man.

We caught our breaths and stared at each other, neither of us knowing what to say.

There was a loud pounding on the wall from the next room, it must've been going on for awhile, but we were to into the moment to notice.

Edward dropped his head on my shoulder laughing. "God, you guys are irresistible."

"Huh?" I asked him confused

Without lifting his head, he pointed to the wall "That's Jasper's office"

"Oh!" I said both of us cracking up laughing hearing the moaning after each thump on the wall.

He climbed off me and lifted me from the floor gently.

I pulled down my dress, which he lifted in his haste, and pulled up my straps recovering my breasts.

I watched as Edward picked up my torn panties from the floor.

"Well those are a lost cause" I said giggling

"Yes they are" he said placing them in his desk drawer

"oh my god are you a teenager or something?" I chastised laughing

"sometimes, can you handle that?" he asked stalking back over to me grinning

"Can I handle what?" I asked

"Me" he said, stroking my face and lightly grazing my lips.

Holy Christ the man could completely hypnotize me

"I think I proved that already" I said pointing to the floor

"That's not what I meant Bella" he said looking into my eyes

I sighed knowing exactly what he meant

"Just spend some time with me, no promises, just…." he started to rant.

"Ok" I whispered

He looked up at me, smiling real big at my response

"BUT! You need to ease up on the Cave man shit!" I told him seriously

"I thought you kind of liked it," he cooed in my ear, pointing to the floor himself

"you know what I mean" I said getting breathless again as he attacked my ear and neck, just his hands on my hips was making me moist all over again.

"yes I do, and I'll work on it." Edward promised taking my hand and walking us out of the office

We walked out and bumped into Jasper and Ally looking devilishly guilty themselves.

The four of us chuckled at ourselves, just then the maintenance closet door opened and Rose and Emmett came tumbling out, Emmett fixing his shirt and Rose tryng to flaten her hair back out.

"God we are all whores!" Alice giggled

The club was still hopping as we told the guys we were going to head home for the evening.

They walked us out to our car and nothing was said as we waited for the valet, we stood their coupled up and embraced.

Rose handed me the keys, clearly wobbling a bit.

Once we climbed in and drove away we all fell into a fit of hysterics at how slutty we were tonight.

And so it begins…

***********I hope you all liked the first chapter, there will be some drama to help with the appeal of the lifestyle, but it wont be drawn out. Many lemons to come so if you cant handle it don't read, trust me. Send us your reviews Perfectly Imperfect and myself love us some reviews************


"Cosa c'è di sbagliato wth te, tu sei ragazze belle che hai così tanto da offrire un uomo e ho scelto tre dei migliori per voi"

What's wrong with you, you are beautiful women, you have so much to offer a man and I chose three of the best for you

Papà sei ridicolo!

Papa your being ridiculous