I had a plot for a Seth/Bella story for a while now. It was an imprint story where Seth imprints on Bella. That story has change into whatever this is. So technically I kinda sorta have a plot. And that kinda sorta just a general direction to where this might be going. So I don't know how long this will be. My school work is pretty heavy this semester so I don't know when I'll update.

Twilight isn't mine!

The Sun Has Come

"I think it's time to go home," She says.

He looks at her and lets out a sigh.

He's been waiting for this.

There were times when he wanted to do exactly that. But couldn't.

But it's been a couple of years now and he no longer feels he needs to go home.

He no longer wants to go home.

He's found that with her. It's a good life.

She doesn't know it, because he hides it well.

He wants to know. Why now?

He looks at her until she faces him. When they're honest with each other their conversations are always made with eye contact.

He's found that it's in her eyes where the truth in her answers lie. He tries to be as direct with her as much as possible, because he knows that Edward wasn't. Because he knows that to her so many weren't.

"Why now?"


She looks down and away and he knows he's now waiting for a lie.

"…I really miss Charlie…"

He doesn't doubt she's telling a truth, but she's looking at the floor. And he doesn't buy that that's it.

"…and Jake…."

The mention of his pack mate makes him cringe. He wants to believe she has moved on from Jake and from Edward. The thought that she hasn't stings.

She's still looking away, fingers fiddling with the frayed ends of her jean shorts.

Her nervousness makes her look younger, almost childlike in this rare form.

She's always professional and adult. So much so that he feels like she's rubbed off on him.

"…I-I just think it's t-time for us to go home," she stutters, "and you have an…an imprint…"Her eyes finally come up to meet his. It's her first truth.

He narrows his eyes slightly at the mention of an imprint.

He had told her four days ago that he had in fact imprinted. He hadn't given her many details because she hadn't seemed to want them. But she had looked confused and maybe hurt.

His imprinting wasn't important. She'd found out only because it came up in one of their conversations.

It's not like he hid it. It just never came up.

He was annoyed that she was making assumptions about him. He would have gladly given her all the answers. They were always direct with each other.

Feelings aside, he didn't really hide anything from her.

And she didn't keep things from him either.

But now she was. And it started four days ago.

He found it childish. And he found himself wondering when he'd become the more mature of the two.

His anger simmers beneath his dark-golden skin. He wants to shout that she is lying and demand the truth. He wants to tell her that the girl that he imprinted on is not the one that consumes his thoughts. And that the imprint is a crush compared to want he's feeling for the girl in front of him now.

Though he wants to, he's also sure that he would never yell at her for the answers that he wants.

"When do you want to go?" He asks instead.

Relief covers her face.

"Tomorrow, Seth. We should start tomorrow."

Relief is loud in her voice.

He turns away from her. Not because he wants to hide too. He just can't watch her shut him out.

"Okay Bella, tomorrow."

He knows that when their back in Washington she will be able to hide very well. Because at home there's Forks and La Push and there's Jake and the pack and there's the girl he imprinted on.

A/N: I have started two paragraphs of the next chapter. I know it's not much, but I hope to update soon.