Author's Note: Right, Well, Hmmmmm...I wasn't going to do this. I was sure of myself. I held all the cards after all. But ill hand it to NaruSaku19. He asked the one question I didn't want to answer. What would I do if I was the readers instead of the writer? Would I have the faith in this story that I kept asking of you all?

Truthfully, I never would have gotten so far into the story. I would have given it away after chapter one. So, a very big thank you to those who have more patience than me.

And so, without any further delays, I am proud to present to you, a rewrite.

Now, don't be thrown by the title. It will all be clear by chapter's end, well, sort of. The pairing remains, and always was, NaruSaku.

Oh, yeah, for those who are starting with this chapter, welcome. This story takes place in a slightly tweaked Narutoverse, Madara isn't the leader of Akatsuki, Pein is, or was, this starts about 12 - 18 months after his defeat. We also don't have Sasuke meeting Madara, as such. Tsunade didn't fall into a coma, and there was no manga war, consider events to have branched away from cannon somewhere just after the Pein fight.

Also I have decided to add a new section.

New section: Reviewer response. Well, here is where it would go, but since this is the reboot chapter there aren't really any reviews for the previous chapter yet.

So much for no further delays, huh? Anyway, here we go...again.

Note 2: I updated spelling in this chapter.

Rise of the Fox Sage (Rewritten)

By Ben Vilhaven

Chapter 1: The Wedding

Haruno Residence

Morning of Sakura and Sasuke's wedding

There she sat, trying desperately to drown out the noise around her. Her best friend, and maid of honour, Ino, wouldn't be quiet. She just kept droning on and on about how lucky Sakura was. Meanwhile, Inner Sakura continued the party she had been throwing on and off over the past two months, ever since Sakura had said yes to marrying Sasuke. But to top it all off, Sakura still couldn't shake the steadily growing feeling that something was, not wrong exactly, but certainly not right either.

"It's just nerves," she quietly reminded herself, but even to herself she didn't sound convincing.

She consoled herself, as she had for the last three weeks, with the memory of her first date, but it seemed that, with the stress of the coming wedding, the finality of her plans for this particular day, it all came out differently. There was no solace, no comfort there, only a growing, gnawing worry that wouldn't desist.

Sakura put on a brave face and took a deep breath. She wouldn't stop the wedding for a feeling, after all she loved Sasuke, and he loved her. They would figure this out together, and if that didn't work she would ask Naruto when he returned from his mission.

Not for the first time she wished Naruto hadn't accepted that mission.

Three Weeks Earlier

Naruto stood upon the Hokage monument, and looked out over the village. Little sign of the damage his fight with Pein had done remained, and the village bustled with new life. He drank in the view, relishing the sound of life that wafted up to his perch.

"Well Dad, I'm off, things to do, you know..." said Naruto to the stone engraving of his father's face, an air of sadness permeating his words.

Naruto had planned this day for weeks. He had spoken to the Hokage, all that was left was to speak to Sakura and Sasuke, and then it would be done.

His final objective in mind, Naruto summoned his ever present smile to his face, and set off in search of his two friends.

He found Sakura first. She was walking down Konoha's new main street. She was out shopping with Ino and her mother. Preparations for the wedding, he supposed. It didn't take much persuasion to get a few moments alone with her, the two of them ducked down a side alley for a little privacy. It was then that Naruto dropped his bombshell.

"Wait, Huh? What?" was all Sakura managed to get out.

"I won't be able to attend your wedding, I'm sorry, I have a mission," Naruto repeated.

The pink haired kunoichi couldn't believe her ears. Her best friend wouldn't be at her wedding because of a mission? Her legendary temper flared and Naruto had to dodge backward to avoid going through the wall of the building behind him.

"You...You Baka, what mission could possibly be more important than your best friend's wedding?" Sakura's voice rose with rage and Ino, hearing Sakura's raised voice, began walking towards the two friends.

That was when Naruto brought Sakura up short, with one word no less.

"Akatsuki," was all he said.

Sakura's rage cooled in an instant, and was instantly replaced with concern.

"Explain, Naruto," she demanded.

Naruto did just that.

"We have a lead on the last two Akatsuki members, and I am being sent to hunt them down before they can move on or recruit. I cannot, I will not, risk other lives on this, and the Hokage agrees. I am truly, truly sorry, but I have to go and I have to go now. I leave before nightfall."

"Wait, you're going alone?" Sakura's surprise was palpable.

"I beat Pein alone, besides, the tip off came from the Sand village, they are trailing them already, I'm just reinforcements. I need to see this through personally. This is Akatsuki. I can't let them hurt my friends again."

Sakura looked into Naruto's eyes, and saw only sadness buried there, and she knew that if he didn't go, it would all be for nothing.

She embraced him tightly.

"It won't be the same without you," was all she ended up saying.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Stay safe Naruto!"

With that Naruto was off, up to the rooftops, and onto his last errand.

Sakura was left in the alley, her mother and Ino close by. Sakura was left with the task of relaying the news as a feeling she couldn't quite begin to describe or understand slowly began to blossom in her chest.

Naruto found Sasuke and told him the same news he had told Sakura. Sasuke's stoic gaze and cool demeanor never faltered as he heard of how and why his best man had to leave him in the lurch. Naruto finished his story, and was about ready to depart, but he had one more thing for the dark haired nin.

"Sasuke, this is for you," said Naruto as he held out a sealed envelope. "I want you to read it the morning of your wedding, and give it to Sakura when the time is right, you'll understand when you read it," Naruto explained.

Sasuke took the letter and with a muttered "Good luck," began walking away from his blonde haired friend.

Naruto, his errands done headed to his home to gather his equipment, and then headed out the main gate, waving goodbye to the guards as he departed.

Three Weeks Later

Sasuke Uchiha's Residence

Sasuke stared down at the letter in his hands in disbelief. True to his word Sasuke had opened it the morning of his wedding and it had thrown everything right out the window. The only question now was what to do about it.

"Naruto..." Sasuke growled, "I'll kill you for this."

Sasuke sighed, and ran his hands through his hair. He knew what he had to do now. He didn't want to do it, but it was the right thing.

He left his home, dressed in his finest clothes and headed straight for Sakura's house. There were things that needed to be discussed.

Haruno Residence

"What? No...Don't say that!"

Sakura's voice could be heard throughout the house. Sasuke had arrived a few minutes ago, much to everyone's surprise, and demanded to speak with Sakura.

Sasuke replied in a calm and controlled voice. Much as he was also upset, he figured at least one of them had to stay calm, and it certainly wasn't going to be Sakura.

"Read the letter for yourself," was all he said as he held it out to her.

Sakura grabbed the proffered letter and began reading. The feeling of wrongness she had been trying to suppress resurfaced with renewed vigor and gnawed at her.

Sasuke and Sakura,

First off I have to apologize. This eats at me even now as I write this, knowing what I am planning. I lied to the both of you, and I am truthfully and deeply sorry.

Secondly, I am not coming back to the village. The mission to hunt down Akatsuki is a cover for my departure, there is no mission.

I care deeply for you both, you are the closest thing to a family I have, but seeing you two together will tear me apart. So I do the only thing that I can do to keep you both happy, and preserve my own sanity.

Please forgive me.

Protect the village in my place Sasuke. It is your home now too.

Sakura, I am sure you have blossomed into a happy and strong kunoichi.

Live well together,


Naruto was gone.

Naruto was gone!

Sakura couldn't believe it. One might as well have tried to convince her that the sun no longer shone.

Sakura collapsed into a chair as the feeling that had once gnawed at her soul erupted into full blown panic. Her hands began to shake and became weak to the point that she couldn't even hold onto the letter. It slipped from her grasp. She tried desperately, but in vain, to catch it before it hit the floor.

Sasuke bent down, concern evident in his face.

Pain, Panic, Despair. These were all Sakura knew. She didn't know why she felt this way, and as she reached vainly for something, anything, to beat back this tide of darkness, she instinctively grasped at the memory that had been her solace against the dark over the preceding weeks. But that wasn't what came to her mind.

All she could see was blond hair, blue eyes and a dazzling smile.

Over and over again, she had seen this face. It's smile blinding her each time.

Time and time again, it's warmth had been her guide.

Naruto, he had been her rock.

Sakura finally began to see. All the times he had been there. Everything he had done. All for her, without a moment's thought of reward.

Sakura had something that people could only dream of, and in a moment of revelation, a spark of crystal clear clarity, she finally understood what had been wrong, what she had been feeling, and what she had to do.

Tears began to flow, and she hoped beyond measure that it wasn't already too late.

Sasuke just stood there as Sakura began to weep, his alarm growing more obvious with every passing second.

"Sakura, are you ok? Sakura!" he demanded of the tearful woman.

With a deep breath, and every ounce of energy and determination she could muster the tears stopped flowing. She had to tell Sasuke what she had learned, what she had decided, whatever the consequences. To do anything else was to betray her own soul.

She turned to the dark nin, a man she loved, and said four fateful words.

"Sasuke, I love Naruto!"

To Be Continued

A/N: Well, that took a long time to write, and a cliffhanger, what will Sasuke do now?

I would also like to take the chance again to thank everyone who has been so patient with this fic. I will try to update more often, but you know me, I always say that. Although I am no longer working 52-hour weeks, so that should help a little.