Present Day

March 16th, 2012
8:50 p.m.
Jareau Household

Jennifer Jareau collapsed on to her living room couch and let out a deep sigh, grateful that she finally had a moment to herself. It had been a horrible day, which by JJ's standards was saying something. The role she had been forced to play made her feel sick, and deceitful, but most of all it just made her feel sad.

It was the first anniversary of Emily's "death", and being that it was a Saturday the team had all decided to get together for a celebration of her life. They met at her grave in the late afternoon; there they had a silent moment together before saying a few words. Afterwards, they all went out to eat at one of Emily's favorite restaurants. The mood was light and friendly, and the team shared their favorite Emily stories. There was a lot of laughter, and some tears.

When the meal was finished they walked out of the restaurant and stood for several minutes, taking in the cool nighttime air. Each team member felt a certain reluctance when they began to say their good byes, but still each knew they needed time alone, to honor, and remember Emily in the way they each saw fit.

Rossi was heading out to his cabin with Muggie and a bottle of scotch, Garcia was going home to share her collection of girl's night out pictures with Kevin, and Reid decided he would read a couple of Kurt Vonnegut books. But it wasn't until JJ realized that Morgan was heading back to the cemetery that the impact of what they had done hit her full force.

As she and Hotch watched the team head their separate ways she began to cry, silent tears slipping down her face. If only she could tell them the truth. It would only take a couple of minutes to explain what had really happened, and it might take a while for the team to forgive them, but at least their pain would be taken away.

That was all she wanted, was to take away the deep, throbbing pain of loss. Because not matter how bright and hot the pain of betrayal might burn, its life was short and the pain would eventually be extinguished with time and care.

"Do you ever regret what we did?" JJ asked Hotch, her voice wavered slightly with emotion.

"No." He turned to look at her, "Do you?"

"No," JJ sighed as she watched a group friends stumble out of a bar across the street, laughing and joking as they went. "I know what we did was for the best… I know that faking her death was the best option we had… But sometimes I think keeping it from the team was a mistake."

"I know what you mean." Hotch said heavily as he took out a tissue from his pocket and handed it to JJ, "But what's done is done. All we can do now is hope that she comes home soon, and that when she does the team will be understanding."

JJ nodded in agreement and dabbed her tears with the tissue.

"Well, I should head back. Will and Henry will be home soon."

Hotch nodded and gave JJ a small smile.

"I'll see you Monday then."

"See you." JJ turned and started to walk toward her car.

"JJ!" Hotch called.


"If you ever want to talk… My door is always open."

JJ smiled, "Thanks Hotch, I'll keep that in mind."

JJ let out another sigh and looked around the living room. It looked as if a tornado had touched down, Henry's toys were everywhere, and some couch cushions and pillows were piled up making a small fort in the middle of the room. JJ stood up and began picking up the toys and putting them back were they belonged. She wished Henry were with her, she really needed a hug and a chance to hear his laughter. As she began to deconstruct the cushion fort she noticed another toy sitting inside it. JJ's heart leapt once she recognized the small toy and pulled out of the cushy fortress. It was a stuffed bear that Emily had given Henry on his first birthday, now three years later it is still his favorite toy.

JJ felt her eyes starting to well up with tears again, "God Em, I miss you."

Just then the front door was thrown open and Henry came running into the living room.

"Mommy we're home!"

"I see that!" JJ said smiling, "Do I get a hug?"

Henry giggled and jumped into JJ's waiting arms.

"Oh I missed you so much!" JJ said, "How was you're day?"

"Good! We went to the park, and we got ice cream, and I got two scoops!" Henry proclaimed proudly.

"Wow, that sounds yummy!" JJ said as she made her way over to Will.

"Yeah! And I ate it all and we got popcorn at the movies, and soda, and candy!"

"Well, someone certainly hit the sugar jackpot today."

Will shrugged sheepishly, "He asked nicely."

JJ laughed and kissed Will, "Well, as long as he asks nicely I guess he can have whatever he wants."

"Really?" Henry asked hopefully.

"No." JJ and Will replied in unison.

Henry frowned slightly in disappointment before he noticed what JJ was holding.

"You found Agent Cuddles!" He declared.

"Yeah, he was in your fort." JJ said handing the bear to him.

"He was looking for it all morning," Will said, "He wanted to take Agent Cuddles to see the movie."

"Oh Mommy! The movie was so cool!"

JJ's cell phone began to ring and Will looked at her uneasily.

"I hope that's not a case."

"We can only pray." JJ muttered as she picked up the phone, "Jareau."

"And then the cars turned into robots!"

"Shh Henry, Mommy's on the phone …Hello?"



"Turn on your TV now!"

"Then there was a huge explosion!" Henry shouted as he demonstrated the magnitude of the explosion by knocking down the rest of the fort.

"Henry, be quiet I'm trying to listen … What did you say Hotch?"

"Turn on the news!" Hotch said, his voice seething with anger.

JJ quickly crossed the living room and turned the TV on to the news channel.

She frowned, "Um... this is just showing me the weather forcast."

"Just wait a second." He growled, "It's coming up."

"JJ, what's the matter?" Will asked, moving over to stand next to JJ. She shrugged helplessly, confusion and worry written all over her face. She hadn't heard Hotch sound this angry in a long time.

"Then the other robot started shooting and-"

"Henry, please!" JJ practically shouted, "Sit on the couch and wait till Mommy is off the phone, then you can tell me all about the movie."

Henry nodded sheepishly, shuffled over to the couch and sat down heavily.

"Hotch please just tell me what's going on!" JJ said exasperatedly, she wasn't in the mood for jokes or games. But at the same time she wished it was a joke because from what she could tell by Hotch's voice, she was about to get some very bad news.

"You might want to sit down." Hotch growled, as the weather forecast started to end. JJ started to back up slowly toward the couch when Breaking News flashed across the screen.

The news anchor began to speak and JJ felt the color drain from her face, her hands shook with anger.

"What…the…fuck…" JJ gasped.

"Hey!" Henry declared excitedly pointing at the picture that had just appeared on the screen. "It's Auntie Em!"

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