A/N: Sorry for the hiatus! Had a lot of school stuff to do. Well I'm starting to average 5 reviews per chapter and I started as 4 per chapter so I'm doing better which is exciting! I'm aiming for as much reviews as alerts so here's to hoping. Thanks for all the reviews/favorites/alerts and here's chapter 5! (: By the way, I'm going to start to switch points of view by chapter, rather than sections. I think it will flow better that way.

Sakura's P.O.V

As I lifted my eye lids and fingers, a round of applause filled the cafe. Among everyone, Amaya was the most excited and it was clear through her squeals, claps, and bounces. She was like a little kid who just watched their favorite cartoon. Xiao Lang was the only one in the audience who didn't show any signs of satisfaction. He just stared at me with those intense eyes of his. If he was trying to spite me, then he was doing a pretty good job. I stood up and took a bow before leaving the stage. I was planning to return to the table, but a crowd of people greeted me off the stage. They were all asking questions about my performance that I didn't know how to answer, but I wasn't listening. I just nodded my head and smiled at them as I tried making my way through, but by the time I got to the group, Xiao Lang was disintegrating.

"What was that all about?" I asked them. Everyone but Amaya just stared at me. The only one that did respond was Amaya, though, and all she could do was shrug and disintegrate as well.

"I don't know. All I know is that he was watching you and then poof. Decides to leave." Eriol explained to me. He decided to leave just like that? How outrageous and lazy of a body guard! I guess they started to feel awkward as I mumbled to myself because they all started to disintegrate as well. I ended up standing next to the bar by myself with simulations walking by me. I took one look around and looked intently at waitress Sakura. Why was Xiao Lang so spiteful of Tsubasa anyway? Nothing was really making sense. Then again, I guess that's what I get for being an amnesic. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I began to disintegrate as well.

The rest of the week didn't get any better. Xiao Lang would still watch me, but would keep little miss perfect at his side. He even told her to move in during my stay! I mean, if he loved her so much, why doesn't he just marry her?

"Something bothering you, Princess?" Amaya said as she poked a pen at me. We were sitting on the couch together watching television. Xiao Lang went off to do groceries or something today. Since I didn't 'know Chinese, going out for meaningless tasks was both pointless and dangerous' for me, so he made me stay home. Of course, he asked Amaya to tag along, but she insisted to stay and watch me for 'bonding time.' That stupid goodie two shoes always has to be nice and make me look bad.

"No, what makes you think that?" I asked as I plastered on the biggest, artificial smile I could muster. I accidentally made my voice go an octave higher and instantly regretted it, but she just brushed it off.

"Okay then. I tell you, Rachel and Joey would make such a cute couple!"

"But what about Ross? He's her soulmate!"

"Well Joey was the one that was there for her during most of the pregnancy, which was the hardest thing she had to go through. He knew her, he took care of her, and all Ross did was sulk around."

"It's not his fault that Rachel wasn't living with him!"

"Okay, fine. Sheesh, why so serious?" Amaya asked before staring at the screen again. I really didn't know how to answer her question, and that's what concerned me. Before I could retort, the doorbell rang.

"I got it!" Amaya chimed as she skipped off to the door. Her perkiness was sickening.

"Where's our favorite hime?" a voice called into the house. I cringed a bit. Amaya made the nickname catch on, which was another thing I hated about the woman.

"Here?" I called back weakly. Tomoyo and Meiling rushed to the couch with a bunch of shopping bags in their hands.

"Get up!" Tomoyo said as she and Meiling took my hands and pulled me up. I groaned. I wasn't in the mood for whatever they had planned, but I had a feeling that I was going to experience it anyway as they dragged me to my room with Amaya on my tail.

"What are you doing to me?" I groaned even more as they dumped the contents of the bags onto the floor. Make up of all colors spilled from one bag, jewelry flowed from another, and fabrics of all textures poured from the last one.

"We are getting ready for your first time clubbing in Hong Kong!" Meiling chirped as she twisted the brush out of a mascara case. I had to admit, in the short time I was here, I've grown attached to these girls. Except for Amaya, of course. Tomoyo giggled as she got some powder and together, they began to transform me. Amaya, on the other hand, was behind them, holding up clothing articles with one closed eye, probably trying to envision me in them. She lit up as she held up a dark silk green strapless corset and black skinny jeans. The corset wasn't trashy, though. It had a golden zipper on the front and was designed to be horizontal straps of green silk running through it. It covered a lot, but still hugged me and showed off cleavage. I was about to protest against it, but the other two squealed and got it on me quicker than my thoughts could process, which was surprising since the pants were practically skin tight.

"You're going to look so hot!" Meiling proclaimed as she curled my hair. A little puff of steam was released as my hair submitted to the heat and became these bouncy little curls of brown. Tomoyo and Amaya were sitting on the other side of my bed, squealing about god knows what as they got themselves ready.

Suddenly, Meiling jumped in front of me and just stared. I felt incredibly awkward and just blinked, so she chuckled.

"She's ready!" she announced and the two squealed even more as they rushed to my side. I had to admit they looked hot. Tomoyo was wearing a strapless black dress that had black sequins bordering the top of her dress. The sequins also were in a sideways triangles patterns starting on her side and getting thinner until it reached her other side to contrast the black fabric. The dress itself ended an inch above her mid thigh and hugged every single one of her curves.

"Oh, Sakura! You're so gorgeous! I'm so jealous!" Tomoyo said in a voice that just kept getting higher as she talked. She was playing with my curls and such, so I sweat dropped.

"Don't be silly. You look hot." Amaya winked at Tomoyo as she giggled and twirled a bit. Even in 5 inch pumps, she still manages to be every bit graceful as a swan. Amaya just laughed at her gesture. As much as I hated to admit it, she didn't look so bad herself. She was wearing a high waist black pencil skirt that was as tight and short as Tomoyo's dress. She also had on a tight, blue silk tank top. To top it off, she had black ankle boots with 3 inch heels. Meiling wore a red halter top and black spandex pants, so she was just a piece of eye candy as well.

"Yeah, yeah. We all look good. Guys, we want to get there before the desperate creepers walk in! Hurry up!" Meiling commanded as she put on her black heels and handed me mine. It might have been all the preparation, but I was actually really excited to do something for once.

Then it hit me. I've never been clubbing. Ever.

When we finally got to this exclusive club that I didn't know the name to since I still couldn't read Chinese, I was just amazed at this huge line leading to it. I didn't know people did it so much! I could feel the bass from the club's music all the way in the parking lot. I had to fan myself with my hands once I got out of the car. I mean, I'm fine with the whole dancing thing. I'm even fine with the idea of being in heels for hours. I'm not fine with the idea of grinding on some stranger's junkular area, though. Call me prude, but it's just not happening!

"You alright?" Tomoyo sweetly asked as she grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I swear that woman is the epitome of all that is good in this world.

"Fine! Just fine." I said with conviction, then faded. It was mostly because the neon sign of the club was getting so close as we walked to it. Apparently, Amaya knows the owner or something, so we didn't even have to wait in line. That time spent in line could have been mental preparation time. Little miss connections just has to ruin everything! The bouncer instantly recognized her and just let all of us in. Amaya, Meiling, and Tomoyo all blew kisses and winked at him on the way through, but I awkwardly waved. All I could think was I was so out of place.

The club atmosphere was everything I expected. It smelled of perfume, sweat, desperation, and pure seduction. The heating wasn't on, but the temperature in here was at least twenty degrees (Fahrenheit) higher than outside. The energy of the music pulsated through my body as a blur of colors and lights flickered on and off. We made our way to the bar and, instinctively, I found bizarre, so I just asked for water. Then I remembered that I'm already past 21.

"Water? Why?" Amaya booed me as she pouted at me.

"Bartender! Get me 3 Jack Daniels with coke (A/N: Sorry, I don't know the names. I just know what's in them)." Meiling said with a hint of excitement.

"Oh and a sex on the beach for our little princess!" Amaya winked. I nearly spit out my water because of the name. Amaya could tell and just bursted out laughing. The bartender just gave a good natured laugh and got the drinks ready fairly quickly.

"To new friends!" Tomoyo cheered as she raised her glass. Our glasses clinked and I hesitantly took a sip. I instantly regretted it. Alcohol tastes exactly like how it smells and that's not a good thing. Of course, it still tasted good and I'm guessing this drink is extremely fruity compared to others. I finished it and, although I wanted to skip out on their drinking session, they kept egging me on, so I just kept going until the alcohol was practically like water. I felt this warm aura in the pit of my stomach and suddenly, things were great.

"Hey princess! You don't look so hot." Meiling commented loudly to beat the volume of the music. She was flushed, mostly because of the alcohol, so I just laughed at her face.

"Yeah! Everything's great! The music is great, the drinks are great, the lights are great, and the people here are just so attractive." I said as I scoped the room. The lights were blurry and everyone was moving. The energy was so contagious! I was practically bouncing in my chair. I was right, though. The bouncer probably let a bunch of attractive people in just now because, wow, these people were so beautiful. From what I could still process, anyway.

"Let's dance!" I was bursting with excitement when Tomoyo said this. I bounced off my chair, grabbed her hand, and practically ran to the center of the dance floor. Between the music and the alcohol, I was in a state of euphoria in my intoxication. Nothing mattered anymore; not the fact that I'm hours away form my family, not the fact that I'm in a country full of strangers that I couldn't communicate with, not the fact that I don't even remember anything. I'm not even annoyed by the fact that Xiao Lang is with little miss perfect again!


I stopped dancing, looked over to the bar and spotted the two chatting and taking shots. I didn't even know he got here and he's supposed to be my bodyguard! I made my way through the crowd and to the group.

"Hime!" Meiling chirped on the lap of this boy. He had messy jet black hair and these golden eyes. His face was well defined, but kind. Judging from his tight shirt under his leather jacket, he had a nice build and even sitting down made him look tall!

"So you're the princess!" the guy commented. He struck a nerve, but I flashed a smile anyway.

"Oh yeah! Sakura, this is Akio, my boyfriend. Akio, this is the princess!" Meiling gestured as he smiled and rested his head on her shoulder.

"Charmed." Akio said as he extended his hand. I shook it and just kept smiling. In the corner of my eye, I saw Amaya and Xiao Lang sitting on stools next to each other and talking. It's amazing how damn close the two are.

"Hey A-" I started, but was rudely interrupted by Meiling pulling me off to the dance floor. Of course, Akio followed suite and danced with her, so I was somewhat dancing by my lonesome; that is, until I felt a body pressed up behind me. I turned around and saw a complete stranger. I was going to slap him or something, but I had to admit he was cute. Nice build, defined hazel eyes, and unruly blond hair. Tomoyo and Meiling were mouthing something in approval as they danced against their guys (Guess Eriol wanted to join in on the fun). I looked over at the table and saw Xiao Lang staring right at me.

"So what's your name?" the guy yelled in an attempt to drown out the music. Wow, Japanese!

"Sakura!" I screamed back.

"Raiden!" and with that, we continued to grind to the music. I had to admit this whole dancing with a stranger thing was fun! I looked over to Xiao Lang a couple times, whose eyes were fixed on mine each time. Amaya went off to god knows where, so he was sitting there, alone, the whole time. It eventually got really hot, so we went back to the bar. I was really chatty for some reason. Must have been the alcohol.

"So you're from Japan?" I asked him.

"Yeah. I came here a few years ago when I graduated military school for official business. How about you?"

"Oh, I've only been here for like, about a week? Yeah, sounds about right."

"Is that so? So why did you come here?"

"Uh. That's a long story. My mom basically thinks I need 'protection.'" I said, emphasizing protection with my tone and air quotes. He laughed.

"Protection? Protection from what?"

"She believes a conspiracy is going on that aims to track me down. Yeah, she watches too much TV." I shook my head. We continued a conversation for a while and it was great. He gave me a vague description about all the missions he goes on and I told him about what I've been doing (ie nothing). Just when I thought things couldn't get better, they did.

"Well, I got to go, but if you ever need a tour guide or something to do, call me." he said as he checked a very expensive looking watch. He quickly jotted down his number on a napkin, but just as he was handing it to me, the napkin was intercepted.

"Hello." Xiao Lang said with the napkin held in his tight fist. His face was expressionless, but he wasn't looking at me. His cold eyes were sending daggers to Raiden.

"Hi. You feel like letting go, buddy?" Raiden coolly replied with a cute, boyish grin. His hand was still extended with a corner of the napkin between the tips of his thumb and index finger.

"Not really. You see, I'm her body guard, so I need to protect her from any threats, including some guy she just met at the bar." Xiao Lang retorted with a tone that sent shivers down my spine. Raiden let go, but still kept his composure. He seemed totally unfazed!

"I see. Well, I can tell you're doing a good job! My name is Raiden." he gestured and held out his hand for a handshake. Xiao Lang hesitantly accepted it with the hand that didn't have the napkin.

"Xiao Lang." he replied and gave him a firm shake.

"Well, I have a job to get to early tomorrow morning, so it was nice meeting you! You can give Sakura my number when you feel like it. Ja." Raiden said as he turned around and walked away in triumph. I could swear that man was the mere essence of charm. Then, I remembered that Xiao Lang had his number, so I tapped him in the shoulder.

"What?" he scowled as he turned his head towards me.

"Can I have the number now?" I asked nicely. He mumbled something as he handed it to me and walked away grumpily. I didn't care, though. I had his number!

The way home was more awkward than the encounter. Xiao Lang insisted on driving me home, so I thought he wanted to talk, but no. We just sat there in deafening silence. Half the time, I was wondering if I was supposed to start the conversation and the other half I was wondering if it would be okay for he to turn on the radio.

"We're here." he said before quickly removing his seat belt and going inside. I rolled my eyes as I stepped out the car.

"Don't worry. It's only because he cares." a voice said to me from behind. I turned around and saw Amaya smiling at me and leaning against her car.

"About me? Please. It looks like he cares about you more than anyone else." I snapped at her. She just kept smiling, though, and walked towards me.

"If there's anyone who knows about Xiao Lang caring, it's me. He's been babying me since my parents died. Now, quit being a child and just be grateful. He may not know how to show it and can be a handful sometimes, but he cares. You're lucky you have him to watch you." she told me as she stopped smiling and stood right in front of me. I was dumbfounded and she continued walking inside.

"Does my life really have to be a soap opera?" I mumbled to myself as I followed her.

I washed the stuff off my face and changed into girl boxers and a pink v neck. I paced in my room as I brushed my teeth, deep in thought. Amaya's parents really died? How? Why would Xiao Lang care anyway? How do the two know each other in the first place? Questions just kept popping up and I just made weird conclusions. I gave up and just spit the excess toothpaste into the sink.

"Hey princess, better get some fluids in you if you don't want a hangover tomorrow." Amaya said as she knocked on my open door, "By the way, nice ass." she humorously added and left. I blushed a little, realizing my position, but went off to the kitchen anyway. The place was still like a maze to me, but at least I knew where the kitchen was! I drank cup after cup, until I felt like I could burst. Even then, I filled my cup and walked up the stairs.

Then I run into him.

Him. In his gloriously tanned body. With his godly chest exposed. In his dark blue pajama bottoms a few steps up. With his mysteriously sexy expression he always has. Oh my god.

"Look, I'm sorry about earlier" he apologized with a softer expression. He actually apologized. I began to sip the water in order to buy myself time.

"I-i-it's alright You're only doing your job!" I managed to get out. He chuckled. Like, legitimately chuckled. I was in disbelief and blushed at his cuteness. I just continued to sip my water.

"Getting water?" he asked. I nodded, still sipping my water like an idiot.

"Same, but mind if I take a sip?" again, I nodded, but this time, I removed the glass from my lips and began to extend it to him.

Then it happened.

In one swift motion, he was on my step and kissed me. I didn't know how to react, but I just got into the kiss. His hand traveled down to my hips, then he squeezed my butt a little. I squeaked a little, but I enjoyed every second of it. Then he broke the kiss.

"Well, I need to get more water in me too. By the way, you're getting a new body guard tomorrow morning. We might not see each other after that. I'm not sure. Anyway, good bye and good night." he said as he trotted down the stairs.

What the hell man. You kiss me like that and then you just leave and say you're probably never going to see me again. What the actual hell. The glass of water was still in my hand, so I continued to drink it all the way to my room.

Being an amnesiac sucks.

A/N: Well that took much longer than I expected. Sorry for the delay! I'm still brainstorming filler, but I got the entire next chapter planned out! Now to get it from my mind to my computer. Anyway, review please!

Fashion Fairy 26: I don't know~ you tell me (;

EndlessSugar: I guess you'll have to stick around to find out!

: Well, she is technically barely a teenager in her head, but yeah, it is. I honestly just wanted to keep the parallelism between Tsubasa and this story!

redeyes143: Thank you! Hm. I never read that. OR maybe I did and just don't remember haha.