Hey there!
We got new promos! I'm so excited about the prison scenes! Sam took Freddie to meet her family!
Anyway, I've decided to mix everything in the promos and create one huge multichapter seddie arc. So here are iDate Sam and Freddie, iCan't take it and iLove you. It'll be like… iLove Sam or iCan't love Freddie…but that's a bit dramatic.
Big change of plans, huh?
But first Carly is going to end her story and then I don't know if I should do a Sam PoV or a no one's PoV… Whatcha think?
I'm gonna shut up now.
DISCLAIMER: Would I be writing some fanfics if I owned iCarly? NO.
WARNING: Long(!) chapter :)

Sam is late. What a surprise. Should I be getting ready? With a little bit of luck the date could be off. I imagine they set me up with some friend of Freddie in the A/V club. Who else would agree to take care of them on a date?
Well, me, of course…


"Spencer, pull up here. I need to get in immediately!" I almost yelled.
"Yes, ma'am!" He pulled up right in front the restaurant.
I didn't have time to waste, so he could park the car later or go home or whatever he wanted to do. But I needed to be sure that Sam hadn't kill or seriously injured anyone yet.
"I'm going back home to continue with the lawn." He told me. "Call me first if Sam sent someone to the hospital." I nodded.
Spencer has been doing this lawn lately, one day I came from school with Gibby and Spencer was making it and exclaimed
: "HI, I MADE A LAWN." Gibby said: "This is a lawn!" I could only respond to that with: "See, this is why I don't like to leave the house." Yeah, that's my brother.

I came into Petrosini's and there was a waitress to confirm the reservations and lead to the tables.
"I'm looking for Freddie Benson."
I supposed he made the reservations with his name, so…
The waitress looked at me weirdly, Sam was already there with Freddie, so maybe she was wondering what was I doing in a romantic restaurant looking for a couple.
"Ehmm…Sure." She said. "Right in the middle of the restaurant." She pointed.
"Thanks." I said quickly.

I ran to them scared of what I could see, but…everything was alright.
"Guys, I'm here. What's going on?"
"Geez, Carls, calm down." Sam said. "Everything's fine."
"Everything's fine." Freddie repeated.
"Then why am I here? What about the message you sent me?" I looked at Sam.
"We…" She looked over at Freddie expecting him to take over.
"We'd like for you to stay here. We want this to work." He said as Sam rolled her eyes. "Hey, Sam, don't act like it's a lie. So," He continued. "if you could stay here and help us…"
"Help you with what?"
"Fighting." Sam sighed. "You always try to stop our fights and now we need your 'gift' to…"
"Make this work." Freddie finished.
"You two are crazy."
"Please, Carly."
I looked at them conflicted with myself. If I stayed there, I'd be dragged in all their arguments and fights. But they needed me and I wanted them to be happy. *Sigh*
"Alright." I gave in.
"Yeah, Mama's haaaappy." Sam said in a silly voice. "Now, back to eat. I want my lasagna right now. This chicken salad is bugging me." Freddie and I chuckled. "You go sit over there, Carls. With you right here, it's awkward."
"Yeah, yeah." I dismissed it with my hand.

I sat down a few tables besides them and waited. Could I at least order something? I just ate pizza but a glass of juice is always nice.
I looked at Freddie and Sam to ask for permission. Not that I needed it, but this was a new territory and I didn't know exactly what they wanted.
"Benson, you can't deny it. It's so much better."
"Are we really having this conversation in our first date?"
"Well, we can move on when you admit it."
"I won't admit it. My version of Fredward Cullen is way better than your cowboy with the mustache." He stated. "Plus I looked hot."
"That's why you were just ONCE that stupid vampire?"
"Best things come in small packages." He smirked. Then his eyes opened a little bit than normal, I guess he just realized what Sam could do with that sentence.
"You make laughing at you too easy."
Freddie got back to normal and smiled a little bit. Sam drank a little bit and lowering her voice admitted: "But, yeah, you looked good."
"Did I?" He pulled his vampire face on.
"I just complimented you, don't push your luck, dork."
Freddie was about to respond to that but the waiter came with their plates.
"Two lasagnas here. Tripple cheese with extra meat for the lady." He smiled at Sam.
"Thanks, man, I'm starving." Sam said being oblivious to the guy's intentions.
"Do you need anything else?" He asked still looking at my best friend.
"Ehm, no." Freddie said. He seemed angry. "Don't you have work to do?" Go, Freddie! This was so cute, Freddie was jealous. Well, he didn't want that guy to flirt with Sam so that's jealousy. He said it sharply and threatening. Like it was no big deal to cut him in pieces, if he got near her. Wow, that was explicit. But I don't care! Woohoo.
The waiter looked at him annoyed and left. I don't think Sam noticed any of this because she was too focused in her lasagna. But she hadn't even touched it yet…why?
"You ready?" He asked.
They took their forks and ate slowly, savoring the moment.
"Mmmmmm." I could hear.
"Ohhh. Mmmm."
"This is the best lasagna I've ever had." Freddie said totally satisfied with his plate.
"I can die now happy."
I smiled. They're so weird and cute at the same time. I looked at my phone to see I had been just ten minutes there, how much time should I stay here? I feel…lonely. I sighed. I would love to come here with someone so special to me like Freddie is to Sam. But first I have to find him and that's the hard part. I thought Adam would be the one, but I think I scared him away the last webicon. And then Steven… Whatever. The perfect guy will come eventually. Sam and Freddie are the perfect way to show that anything is possible.
I sighed again.
"I'm just supposed to sit here and wait till you guys ever fight, so I can settle it?" I asked them.
"Pretty much." Sam looked back at me and nods.
"We'd really appreciate that." He agreed with her slightly smiling and goes back to eating lasagna.
I rolled my eyes. Thanks for your understanding!

But it could go worse. In fact it did. Not only that the waiter that attended Freddie and Sam tried to flirt with me, too. What a jerk. You can't just go flirting with every girl you meet!
But because Sam and Freddie (surprise, surprise) fought. It was starting to be loud and aggressive. I had to calm them down.
"You shut up, nub! It's not that easy!"
"Come one, Sam! What do you want me to do?"
"I don't care what you do!"
I got up and walked to them.
"Yes you do. Or you wouldn't be this angry at me."
"I hate you."
She doesn't mean that, seriously she doesn't mean that.
"Hate you too."
"Sam! Freddie!" I interfered. They ignored me.
"If you hate me so much, why are you here?" She asked.
"Good question. Maybe I should leave!"
"You should have left when I told you to leave at the lock-in!"
"SHUT UP!" I yelled.
The whole restaurant was looking at me. I was embarrassed and angry right now. Angry because I of the embarrassment. I didn't want them to look.
"You people mind your own business!" I told them and they stopped looking. I went back to Sam and Freddie. "Scoot over, Sam!" I ordered. She did as told. Thank you. "This is incredible! You guys really can't be two minutes without killing each other." I picked up a fork. "Why don't you just pick up your forks and jab each other in the eye?" I asked frustrated and slammed it on the table. They looked at me shocked. "If this is the way to show much you like each other, the fine! but no blood. And do you guys hear yourselves? You were threatening to go" I said to Freddie. "And you said he shouldn't even be here in the first place." I told Sam.
"Because it's true! This is just wrong. We would never work out together!" She said.
"What?" I couldn't believe it, they're perfect for each other.
"We are too different, Carly. She's right. I don't know what I was thinking."
"You are seriously saying that? Are you blind or something?" This was so frustrating. I felt like my lungs hadn't enough air. "You like each other so much! Don't you see it? The arguments and the fights it's because you think you aren't good enough for each other, but you are!" I literally had no air. Where's my air? I seriously couldn't breathe. "And- and…" I tried to take a long breath but it didn't work, I felt I was going to die at any minute because of the lack of air.
I felt the same way ten years ago.
"Carly! Are you ok?" I heard Sam.
"Asthma…" I tried to say.
"Freddie, what do we do?" She asked really scared.
"Calm down, Sam. Let's get her to the floor." I was then lying on the floor. What a scene was I causing, but I didn't care, I didn't want to die.

The next moments are blurry. I know an ambulance came. They brought me to the hospital and when I was good again, Spencer came in.
"Hey, little one." He said giving me a smile. "How are you?"
"Fine, I guess."
"I almost died when they told me you were at the hospital."
"It was just the asthma striking back."
"I love you, Carly." He hugged.
"I love you, too, Spence." I hugged him back. "Hey, where are Sam and Freddie?"
"Waiting outside. I wanted to come in first and they understood." I raised an eyebrow. "Well, Freddie understood and kept Sam with him. She is eager to see you. We were all really worried."
"I'm fine."
"And I'm glad you are." He smiled.

***No one's PoV *** When the ambulance arrived ***

"Are you relatives of her?" A man asked Sam and Freddie.
"No, but we are like family to her." Freddie answered.
"That isn't enough."
"Can we go with her?"
"Just one of you." The man answered. "Can you give us information about her parents?"
"She lives with her brother. If we tell you his phone number can we both go with you?" Sam asked talking for the first time since they put Carly on one stretcher. She was so worried that she wasn't able to say anything bad to Freddie when he held her waist.
The man sighed. "Alright. Get in there quickly and carefully."

They stepped in and sat down next to Carly. Sam couldn't look at anything that wasn't her. She was really scared and worried and had the feeling it was all her fault. She shouldn't have fought, she shouldn't have agreed to the date. She shouldn't have kissed him in the lock-in. None of this would have happened.
She felt Freddie's hand holding hers, but she couldn't look away from what she had done. He squeezed her hand to show her support. He was as worried as her. It all seemed so surreal to him. Twenty minutes ago he was enjoying dinner with her and now he was on his way to the hospital fearing for her best friend. The feeling of guilt wasn't that strong on him. He felt bad for sure; he had been so stupid to fight over that stupid topic.
He looked at Sam and her concerned and beautiful face. All he wanted to do was to hug her and say that everything was going to be alright. That Carly was strong and awesome and she would be fine. But he was scared of her reaction. He knew Sam was blaming herself and only herself for what happened. She shouldn't do that, it wasn't her fault at all. Freddie felt impotent, he couldn't keep his best friend alright and he couldn't make Sam feel better. As he felt the urge to yell, Sam's head rested on his shoulder and it made him feel a little better. He laid his on hers. Sam didn't stop looking at Carly the entire drive.

"Her name is Carly Shay, she's with her brother, Spencer Shay." Freddie answered to the nurse's question. "He should be listed under her emergency contacts. We already called him on our way here."
"Yes." The nurse nodded reading Carly's file. "Thank you."

He went back to Sam who sat on a chair waiting. She looked vulnerable. It didn't look like Sam, but at the same time it made total sense. There wasn't anything as important to Sam as Carly. And she didn't even notice how she was reacting; she just wanted Carly to be fine.
"Sam." He said sitting next to her. "Carly's going to be fine, you can stop worrying." He tried to take her hand, but she pushed his away.
"You don't get it. It's my fault. This proves I was right."
"We can't be together. Look what we did! We sent Carly to the hospital."
"No, don't "Sam" me. This shouldn't have happened. She never had an asthma attack while we were best friends, now we get together and she has one. Coincidence? No."
"Are you breaking up?"
"How can we break up when this was never official?"
"Well, we were on a date."
"That was ruined. That
we ruined and dragged her into all this." She sighed and looked into Freddie's eyes. "I'm going to be normal for once and say what I feel." She paused. " I really like you, Freddie. But Carly is my best friend and if I have to choose between my best friend and the boy, you lose."
Freddie looked down frowning and sad, then he looked back to her.
"I know you love her no matter what, but we can work this out, Sam. We haven't had the best relationship ever and we still found out that we had feelings for each other." He said he brought his hand to her cheek. "I don't want to lose the opportunity to have something with you."
"WHERE'S CARLY?" Spencer came running into the hospital freaking out. "I NEED TO SEE MY SISTER!"
"Sir, calm down." A nurse told him.
"I can't calm down! My sister is in the hospital!"
"Spencer." Freddie went to him looking one last time to Sam before meeting him. "She's ok. She had an asthma attack."
"What happened?"
"She had an…"
"I heard you! Why did she have one?"
"We were fighting and-"
"Yes, she got very angry that we didn't face our feelings or something like that."
"Sam said we shouldn't be together. And I agreed because I was angry at her and Carly couldn't believe we were saying that and she started to lose air and…"
"Oh my god. I need to see her."
"The doctor will tell us when we can go in."
"But…" He whined.
"Spencer, you can't just go in."
"Yeah, you are right." He sighed and sat down in front of Sam.
Freddie returned to his place next to his…next to Sam. A solemn and worried silence surrounded them.

Until people started to come.
"Gibbeh! How's Carly?" Gibby asked.
"She's surely going to be alright, Gibs."
"Awesome." He smiled.
"Hey, Freddie, "Spencer said. "does your mom know about this?"
"Yes, she's working here she should-"
Mrs. Benson entered through the door and ran to hug Freddie. "Freddiebear!"
"Speaking of Crazy." Sam muttered.
"Are you alright, Freddiekins?" She asked. "Did something happened to you?"
"No, mom, the one with the doctor is Carly."
"Well, I'm glad this time you aren't in there instead of her."
Sam shot her a glance, one full of hate.
"Mrs. Benson, how is Carly?" Spencer asked worried.
"I figure she's fine. The doctor should come out in a while and talk to you." She replied. "I have to go, Freddie, but stay safe. Please as far away from these girls as possible." She looked at Sam.
"Mom, don't –"
"Just go, Crazy." Sam said.
"Goodbye, Samantha."
Sam was about to attack her for saying her full name, but thought it better and just looked at her with a killer look.
"I will see you at home, Freddie."
"Bye, mom."

He wanted to talk to Sam more than anything and he didn't know how to do it, besides Spencer and Gibby were right there and it wasn't so private. But Sam's hunger always comes back and she needed money.
"I wanna eat. Where's the machine?" She asked looking around for it.
"At the end of that hallway on the left." Freddie answered. He had been there several times before including the taco truck accident, but the other times just because his mother worked there.
"Come on, nub." She said already going ahead.
"Can you bring something for us?" Spencer asked.
"Buy it yourselves." Sam replied without looking back.
"I'll bring you something, Spence." Freddie offered.
"Bring anything with chocolate. Carly loves chocolate." He mumbled the last sentence.
"I want liquid soap!" Gibby exclaimed.
"There isn't liquid soap in the machine."
"Well, there should be!"
"There's in the bathroom, for free."
"Even better! I'm going there."
Freddie shook his head at the kid's weirdness.
"Fredduccini! You coming or what?" Sam 's voice was heard.
"I'm coming!"

They arrived at the machine and Freddie gave her money. She took out seven fat cakes. She ate three in twenty seconds. Freddie was thinking about how changing her mind.
"I don't want to talk, I just needed your money." She said like reading his mind.
"But Sam, Carly had an attack because we were talking about not being together. And now we are still breaking up?"
"I'm eating."
"You always talk while eating."
"Shut up."
"No. I don't want this to end without even trying." He told her.
"I shouldn't have kissed you at the lock-in." She muttered. " None of this would have happened."
"So that's it, you blame you feelings. Well, then you should blame me for telling you to go for it. Or for kissing you at Troubled Waters." He said. "But I don't regret any of that. Not for a moment, not for a second."
"Stop being this way."
"What way?"
"That way." She replied. "Thinking that with a few pretty words everything is going to be fine. Well, it isn't fine. My best friend is in a hospital because of me."
"No, your best friend is in a hospital because she wants you to be happy, but you think you don't deserve it." He raised his voice. "Sam, you are great, you deserve everything good that happens to you."
"That's not true."
"Of course it is! In fact, you are the one that deserves it of us three, just because your life hasn't been good enough for you, doesn't mean you deserve to live the rest of your life that way."
"Leave it, Benson."
She walked away with two fat cakes one in each hand. Freddie sighed.

The doctor came out and told them Carly's situation. She was fine and she could check out today, but she had to stay in bed a few days and have a calm recuperation.
"Can we see her? Spencer asked.
"Yes, but one at a time, please."
Spencer started to go, it was understandable that he should see his sister first.
"But I wanna go." Sam said.
"Sam, come on, you'll see her next." Freddie told her and Sam pouted.
"Ugh, alright."

***Back to Carly's story***

"So I can go home?" I asked.
"Yes, we can leave right now if you want."
"Ok, let's go." He smiled.
I grabbed my things and changed while Spencer talked to the doctor. I went to Sam, Freddie and Gibby and they gave me a huge hug.
"How are you, Carly?"
"Are you ok?"
"How do you feel?"
"I'm great, really." I smiled at them. "We are going home. Spencer, you ready?"
"Let's go!"

On our way to my apartment I noticed there was something going on between Sam and Freddie and it wasn't good. After all I had been through and they had still doubts? They are SO stupid. I need to do something.
When we arrived, I laid on my bed with a big asthma thingie for some couple of nights. Just to be sure I was alright.
And since Sam was going to spend the night here anyway, I should get Freddie to spend it here to. Have a sleepover, just us three. Sorry, Gibby, it's not because of you. I'm just trying to put these two in the same room for a whole night. See if I can fix whatever happened.
"Spencer, can Sam and Freddie sleep here tonight?" I asked him when he was setting the asthma thingie.
"Sure, it isn't good enough that they spend every day here, now the night, too."
"Sam spends almost every night here."
"Does she even have a house?" He asked but I know he was kidding like many other times. "Should I adopt her?"
"As long as I get meat, YES." She said entering the room with Freddie.
"You are spending here the night." I said.
"I always sleep here."
"I wasn't talking only to you. Freddie is going to stay, too."
"What? No, the nub's going home." She shook her head.
I ignored her and asked Freddie if he wanted. He looked at Sam while saying: "I'd love to."


And so continued my terrible night. No, I'm not done yet.
There are still some things to say. *Sigh* Even when they are dating, I get caught in the middle anyways.

That's a wrap for today guys!
Wow, a little bit of drama, huh? Maybe too OCC? :S I hope not much. It has turned out a little more dramatic than I wanted in the first chapter, if you remember Carly says that Seddie told her that she was being melodramatic.
I'm gonna continue this story with iCan't take it. Now iDate Sam and Freddie is going to fade into iCan't take it. So, I'm going to follow the promos but in a way that makes sense with my story.
And sorry if going to the hospital was a little too much, I have asthma but I never got an attack, so just imagine it was a BIG one for Carly.

As always hit the review button ;)
Love you all!


Ps: reference to the episode "iGet caught in the middle" it was the first name of iCan't take it ;)
Ps 2: I'm starting school tomorrow *Hits the "awww" button of Sam's remote* so I won't be updating so often.