Chapter 1

"Mommy," Ziva and Tony heard their son call out.

Tony watched as his wife left his arms and slipped on her silk robe, "Coming baby," Ziva went to her son.

Seraphim Ary DiNozzo was his father made over, but he had Ziva's nose and eyes. Seraphim or Phim for short was a completely a mommy's boy and the apple of his father's eyes.

Entering her son's bedroom Ziva went to see what her son needed, "What's wrong, honey?"

"Beary under bed," he babbled "Mommy save from monsters."

Ziva smirked as she looked under the bed and said, "Any monster under the bed better get lost or I'm going to get you," she grabbed her son's teddy bear, Beary.

"Beary," Phim clapped his little hands.

"Here you are little one. Beary is safe and sound and there are no monsters. Time to sleep," Ziva said as her son fell fast asleep. Smiling Ziva covered up her son and kissed his brow, "Sweet dreams."

Going back to her room that she shared with her husband Tony asked her, "Is he alright?"

"Dropped his bear and had a monster under the bed, "Ziva slipped off her robe and crawled back in bed with Tony, "I want to tell you something."

"What Zi?" Tony pulled her into the safety of his arms.

"Do you recall January second."

"How can I forget," Tony replied happily.

Smirking slightly, "You're going to be a father again," Ziva revealed.

"Are you sure, Zi?" Tony was dumbfounded but happily surprised.

"Yes," Ziva said happily, "I took an EPT this morning. It was positive."

Tony gave Ziva a kiss that was filled with love and passion, "Did I tell you how much I love you."

"You just did," Ziva smiled as Tony's warm hand moved over her still flat stomach, "I love you, Tony."

"And I love you," Tony said then kissed her still flat stomach, "Daddy's first kiss."


Coming to work the next day after dropping Seraphim off at the day care center at the Navy Yard, "Morning guys," McGee said with a smile.

"Morning, Probie," Tony returned the smile.

"Where's Gibbs?" Ziva asked as she sat down on her seat behind her desk.

"Head," Gibbs said coming into the bullpen.

"Gibbs," Ziva took a deep breath, "I need to tell you something," Ziva finished.

"Talk," Gibbs replied looking at her he already knew what it was.

"Smiling at her boss Ziva's eyes meet his, "I'm pregnant."

Gibbs smiled and gave her a hug, "Congrats, Ziva."

"Thanks, Gibbs and please don't head smack Tony," Ziva pleaded knowing that the last time that Ziva told Gibbs she was having a baby Gibbs hit Tony on the back of the head.

"I won't promise," Gibbs said but gave Tony his famous stir.


They all were ready for something to happen. Tony was shifting through some papers; Ziva was reading a file as was Gibbs and McGee was typing on his computer.

When the phone rang they all stopped and waited to see what to do, "Grab you gear. Ziva, stay and wait for my call."

Ziva remained sitting as they left, Gibbs always made sure she remained safe. When she was pregnant with her son, Seraphim and not this one. Ziva would not admit she was grateful for that.


Gibbs showed up at Georgetown National Park around the same time as Ducky, "what do you got, Duck?"

"Gunshot. Double shot to the heart. TOD 0400," Ducky said.

"Name?" Gibbs asked McGee who got the ID from Ducky.

"Lt. Marcus Waters," McGee said holding up the ID for Tony to take the picture of it.

Gibbs called Ziva and told her to get all she could on a Lt. Marcus Waters when a black SUV showed up and six people got out, "Can I help."

"Special Agent Aaron Hotchner FBI and you are?"

"Special Agent Jethro Gibbs, NCIS," Gibbs flashed his badge, "How can I help you."

"We believe that this victim is a serial killer," Hotchner said seriously.

"This man was a Marine that makes it our case," Gibbs replied giving him a famous stir.

"I'll talk to your boss. If this is a serial killer we have a joint investigation," Hotchner said the one thing Gibbs hated.

"Fine." Gibbs half growled to Hotchner.

Tony and McGee looked at each other while Ducky and Palmer loaded up the body, "Tony this isn't good."

"You think, Probie," Tony said with a sigh.


Special Agent Aaron Hotchner was talking to Director Vance while Ziva was filling her team about Lt. Marcus Waters.

"Lt. Waters was just out of high school when he joined the Marines. After boot camp he married his high school sweetheart. Two years later his parents died in a car crash. Three months later Waters only son, Matthew was born. He did three tours in Iraq, and he was just promoted to Lt.," Ziva said, "No sign of a criminal record," she finished as Director Vance came down with Agent Hotchner and his team.

"Gibbs, Hotchner explained the situation ..." the ding came from the elevator interrupting Vance. One of the sitters came from the day care came in holding a crying Seraphim in her arms.

"Director Vance, I'm sorry but he won't stop crying and I tried everything. Ziva take him," the woman was in a panic.

Ziva walked past Director Vance and took her crying son who cried in his mother's arms. "His only one Amy. If you can't handle a crying child you shouldn't work in a day care. Go I'll take care of my son."

The woman named April left mumbling something in French under her breath. Ziva yelled something in French. Making the woman look back at the smirking Ziva as she got into the elevator.

"That woman can drive a saint crazy," Tony said taking his son from his wife's arms, "Hey buddy what's with the tears?"

"Phim," Ziva said putting an arm around Tony, "What happened? Tell Mommy."

"Amy, meanie," Phim said, "She say mean tings about mommy and Tawi."

"Tali and me?" Ziva looked at Tony confused, "Why? She doesn't even know my daughter or me."

"Amy says Tawi was no good and you was a mean word," Phim cried harder.

"Come here, baby," Ziva took her son and looked at Vance, "What is the woman problem," Ziva turned back to her son, "Phim, Tali was a bright, beautiful, and good girl and she was no meanie," Ziva picked up a picture of Tali that sat on her desk and handed to her Phim, who hugged it, "Tali would have loved you," Phim put is head on Ziva shoulder and went to sleep.

"Take him to Abby, Ziva," Gibbs said, "I'll find out what her problem is."

When Ziva left Gibbs turned back to Vance, "You where saying?"

"Till we know if this a serial killer or not the BAU will be working with you," Vance explained, "Do you understand?"

"I don't have a problem with that has long as they don't profile my team," Gibbs said firmly.

"Not a problem just be sure you listen to what we have to say before jumping to conclusion," Hotchner said still trying to put together what he saw between Tony and the brunette.