I am participating in a 30 theme challenge on LiveJournal and made a claim on SanUso. I have a few of these finished, so I'll be adding them here, but I'll probably replace some and rewrite them, depending on the kind of comments I get on LJ.

Title: Brave Disguise

Theme: #29 Lion

Claim: SanjixUsopp

Words: 480

Rating: K+ because Sanji flirts, but really it's not that easy to see.

Warnings: Boyxboy if you squint, Sanji has slightly bad language, but it's not his worst. This is also set during Movie 3.

Disclaimer(s): I don't own One Piece.

"Wait a minute, what the hell is this?"

Usopp frowned as he handed a pile of cloth and pans to Sanji. "Well when you put it on, you'll see it's a panda costume. It'll help us blend in with the animals," he explained.

"How does this translate to panda?" Sanji asked, holding up the cooking pot by its handle. "Wha- Are these supposed to be ears? And what's with the face?"

"Hey, I made a costume for you! It's the best I can do with limited resources," Usopp said. He crossed his arms over his chest and huffed, glaring at Sanji when the older turned to glare at him. "What? I gave the penguin costume to Zoro; that one doesn't look nearly as good."

Sanji started pulling the costume over his usual clothes, stomping his cigarette out in the dirt. After figuring out the top, or the sheet tied at the shoulders with the number 59 written on the front, he grabbed the gray pants looked up at Usopp, who was watching him. "Expecting a show or something?" he chuckled.

Usopp blushed and quickly looked away. He reached out and grabbed what looked like random patches of cloth sewn together, starting to pull off his orange jacket. "I gotta get dressed. Don't look," he stated.

"How can I not?" Sanji laughed.

The two dressed in silence, Sanji stealing glances at Usopp as he pulled his costume on. While the sniper kept his overalls on, Usopp placed his jacket and satchel on a nearby rock. Usopp finally finished getting dressed, turning his back to Sanji with an open zipper. "Umm, Sanji? Can you…"

"Sure," Sanji said. He pulled the zipper up then gave Usopp one last look over. His perverted gaze turned into a look of confusion in a matter of seconds. "Hey wait a minute, what are you?"

"I'm a lion, the bravest animal in the entire animal kingdom!" Usopp grinned. "It's only the best role for Captain Usopp to play amongst the animals of this island."

"Whatever you say," Sanji muttered. "But let me ask you this, oh "bravest animal in the entire animal kingdom." Why does your costume look like it has the most time and effort compared to the pot I'm wearing on my head?"

Usopp went silent for a moment, turning to Sanji and chucking nervously. "W-Well, I'm Captain Usopp! I'm known for the quality of my costumes!" he lied.

"Which makes the "quality" of mine…?" Sanji started, leaning close to Usopp and practically pushing their foreheads together. Usopp's long nose always got in the way.

He suddenly found himself alone, the brave lion running out of their changing area faster than the speed of light. Sanji laughed and pulled out another cigarette, lighting it and taking a drag before walking ahead with Usopp's belongings in his hands. "He makes lions look weak. Cute, but weak."