Aug.26/2011: Hello! It's been a while. This new story, and a few oneshots are my attempt at getting back into writing. Hope you like it :)

Disclaimer: I do not and will never own the rights or characters of InuYasha. I am NOT Rumiko Takehashi.

"Sango, reading about love won't help you fall in love."

Sango's eyes raised from her harlequin novel. It was a steamy one, with an elegantly gowned maiden hanging off the arm of a ruggedly handsome pirate on the cover. She was about half way through, and was so far satisfied with the story. It was just steamy enough to counter how cheesy it was.

Maria, the heroine, was a woman of noble birth, who had been traveling with a merchant ship. Jack, the leader of the pirates had swooped in to take his fill of the loot, and found a precious gem instead. His words exactly.

"Shut up Miroku. I wouldn't expect you to find the appeal in forbidden love. Seeing as all but few of your many romances are fairly taboo."

"Oh, ouch," the tall, dark haired, handsome young man replied with the fakest of grimaces. He put a hand to his chest over where his heart would be. "That hurt Sango. I think you should kiss it and make it better. Hurry, or I might not make it!"

Sango rolled her eyes, but could barely hide her smirk, "Shut up, you idiot." She gestured lightly with her hand for her oldest friend to sit down.

They had met at a fundraiser for her mothers work, nearing ten years ago. He had pulled on her pigtails, and she had kicked him in the shins. It was instant friendship. They were there through thick and thin. When his father had died of a heart attack, she had sat up all night with him, silently watching the stars. When her parents had both been killed in a car accident, and she and her younger brother Kohaku had had to move in with her Aunt, he had helped her pack and move. He'd known just the right amount of space to give. They knew each other probably better than they knew themselves.

Miroku sidled his way into the seat beside her, folding his long legs beneath him. He was able to fit about halfway onto the seat, albeit uncomfortably.

"Did you have to choose the most cramped area in the library?" he grumbled. Then he plucked the novel from her grip, surveying the page she had been reading. "Maria sighed, as Jack lifted her up close to his chest. 'I love you, my precious treasure. Marry me.'" He paused from his reading. "Really, Sango, I'm serious. You should find yourself a boyfriend." Sango frowned and grabbed her book back, taking care not to rip it, or bend the cover.

"You know full well that I've never been on a date in my life. So, even in the unlikely event that someone were to ask me out, I wouldn't even know what to do. It's not like it's going to happen, anyways." Miroku chuckled.

"Excuses, excuses. I don't know, Sango. You talk like this is all under your own choice. Seems like you're scared to me."

Sango stiffened. She could hear the challenge in his voice, and felt the stubborn competitiveness rise up from within her as it often did when he was concerned. He knew how to push her buttons, that was for sure.

"I'm sorry," she fought to make her voice sound cold, "but not all of us can boast the 'expertise' that you can. Or the long list of references." She looked up, grinning victoriously, to see if her remark had hit a sore spot.

They had always been like this. It was a type of bonding, or so they made it seem. He would jokingly flirt with her. She would turn him down flat. She'd teasingly insult his previous relationships, and behavior towards women. He would act hurt, and thrown in some inappropriate comment on how she should make it up to him. It was a best friend thing.

The victorious smile on her lips faltered a little when she saw the mischievous glint in his deep blue accompanying smile was just as worrisome. She was thoroughly confused.

"You may not have the experience, but you do have the benefit of mine. I could teach you! All I would ask is for you to cook for me. Anything I want. Oh, and bake too!" A dreamy look drifted onto his face at the thought of Sango's homemade chocolate brownies.

Sango stared, not sure weather to take him seriously. His words seemed like a jest, but the expression on his face told her otherwise. She blinked.

"You're joking!"

"Actually, I am one hundred percent serious. Come on, you're my bed bud! Let me help you get-" A sharp look from a pair of deep brown eyes, ringed with dark lashes, cut off the inappropriate sentence. Miroku laughed lightly. "I really am serious. As you said, I have a lot of experience. I can teach you about dating. What do you say?"

Sango thought it through. It was a bizarre idea, really, but it actually made some strange sense. Who did she trust more than anyone? Miroku. Who always helped her out when she was in a jam? Miroku. Top that off with having more experience dating than anyone else she could think of, and it became clear. She sighed submissively and ran a hand through her long brown hair.

"Alright, sign me up. Where do we start?"

How did you like it! :) Please review!