Stiles mind went into over drive, trying to figure out what had happen to him, not just a few hours ago. Stiles let out a breath, rubbing the back of his neck as he started to laugh in disbelieve.

"There is no way we just did that," He said below a whisper to him self. As Stiles stud up, he flinched as his back side shivered from pain. "Nope it is totally and utterly real," He hissed out, making his way down the stairs to the kitchen. He pulled a box of cereal down from the cabinet, quickly making himself breakfast.

Derek had driven Stiles home after having coitus. Stiles had been drop dead tried from their activates, but he damn well enjoyed them. Stiles face flushed as he remanded over over it.


"So does this mean you like me? Stiles had asked as his eyes started to close under heavy lids. Derek nodded his head, rapping his arms around Stiles. Derek pulled him closer, resting his onto of Stiles.

"Yes more then you could ever know Stiles," Derek said out of character, nuzzling Stiles.

Stiles ope n his eyes with what little energy he had left, a bright, but tired smile showed on his face.

"Really?" He asked, as Derek eyed him, "Do you feel more for me as if i was, well i don't know, your mater?" Stiles said as the mischief shown on his face. Derek let out a growl.

"Where you get that idea?"

"Internet," Stiles said quickly, as he closed his eyes. Derek sighed, taking in the smell that surrounded him and Stiles, before answering Stiles.

"Yes, your my mate," HE said picking Stiles up, "I'm taking you home" Derek said sounding slightly annoyed.

Stiles yawned.

"Good cause I had lied to my dad, he thinks that i was coming home hours ago," Derek let out a growl, as he drove Stiles home.


Stiles smiled as he thought over it all. His dad had been freaking out, but it ended up into anger once Stiles told him where he had been all night.

Stiles shook his head once more as he finished of the cereal. Stiles walked/limp back up to his room and sat himself down at his computer desk, lifting a note.

"Derek," He mumbled reading Derek name from it. A small smiled crossed his face as he unfolded it and read, the neer perfect hand writing.

Knowing you, when do you want to tell the Sheriff?

OK yeah its short, but this is it the ending. ^^

The last three chapters were sapose to be togather but i kinda didn't have it in me to put it all togather so yeah.