GLEE : Harvest Moon

Disclaimer ; I unfortunately still do not own Glee, I am just playing ar round in their world .

Quinn Fabray awoke with a start, arms sprawled out holding onto Puck's side, her blonde hair against his chest and recalled with vivid clarity the exciting night of lovemaking and couldn't resist placing a kiss against his torso. He stirred and reached for her as the alarm blared " Empire State of Mind " at the same time the very loud cries of Beth shattered any illusions the young couple had about continuing where they left off.

" Gah!" Puck bolted up in bed, eyes opening and staring at Quinn's sexy tousled hair ," did you set that thing ? Shit ,Quinn, its freaking 530 in the morning "

She rolled her eyes and leaned forward, kissing him leisurely " Morning "

He gave into the kiss, drawing her closer " Right so we have plenty of time "

Her lips curved into a seductive smile and rested her head against him," I wish "

Beth lifted her voice and cried , making sure that her parents heard her this morning .

" She is awake ," informed Quinn, covering her chest with the sheet ," your turn or mine "

" I'm faster at getting dressed for school," stated puck, reaching for the nearest pair of jeans from the floor and pulling out a clean tee shirt ," I'll get Beth , you shower "

Once dressed he walked into the nursery , picking up his red faced daughter who shut up once daddy entered the room." We heard you, Bethasarus ! "

She reached for his face and he blew her kisses making her squeal in utter delight .

" Today might be different , Beth," said Puck," you'll be staying with Grandma Judy while your Mom and I go to school. So I want you to do your daddy a good one and save your puking for Judy ….puke on grandma Judy "

Beth stared at him with her mothers eyes and shook her little head as if to say no.

" Come on, let's go see your mom before I feed you breakfast "

Quinn was wrapped in a towel when Puck and Beth joined her in the bathroom .

" Quinn," said puck," Beth wants to see her mommy ..'

Quinn, oblivious to the towel, took her daughter into her arms, kissing her cheek.

" There's mama's baby ," cooed Quinn," and Daddy too '

She lifted her face, Puck cupped her chin and gave her a lingering kiss .

" We've still got time , babe ….." suggested puck, making her laugh at him.

" You have a one track mine, pucker man," teased Quinn," are you wearing that to school?"

" Babe , this is how I always dress so the answer would be yeah ,I am "

" You could wear that nice blue polo shirt I bought you from Hollister "

Puck let out a tired sigh and ran a hand through his Mohawk. ' I thought I'd ,you know, save it for special occasions like dinner with your mom ,Quinn "

The shirt was nice and expensive but it looked more like something Finn would wear.

" I thought that you liked it ," accused Quinn," you told me you liked it "

" I do ," replied Puck, not wanting to piss her off this early ion the morning ," it was a great gift. I just..I don't think its for me to wear on the first day back to school"

Her lips thinned," It isn't a special occasion shirt, puck "

" I don't want to ruin it in case I get slushied ," said puck, quickly ," shit , Quinn, give me her. I'll feed her , you need to get your gorgeous ass moving or we'll be late "

" We have plenty of time " assured Quinn, matter of fact ," we will not be late "


Across town , Kurt and Mercedes were teleconferencing via the speakerphone as was customary in their morning rituals and especially today as they dressed for school.

It was important that whether they be noticed or not that they be the fashion barometer for most of McKinley high school and the Junior class.

" Do not wear the fuchsia hoodie ," implored Kurt ,' I know its your to go with jacket but not on the first day of school. You are wearing that white and gold tunic we bought at the outlets . Aren't you, Cedes ?"

He was already dressed in crisp new skinny jeans, a pale blue Marc Jacobs button down shirt he had got for a steal this summer as he perused his belts and ties .

He needed some more color , perhaps the multi color belt Tina had found for him.

" Mercedes , are you still there ?"

Mercedes rolled her eyes in response as she finished fastening her chunky gold hoop earrings and added another watch to her arm as in afterthought .

" Yeah I'm here ," reminded Mercedes," and would you relax, Kurt . You and I will be the undisputed fashion divas even if no one recognizes it .."

" I suppose your right ," conceded Kurt , adding the colorful thin belt like a scarf, knotting it just so around his neck," those Neanderthals at the school wouldn't know the first thing about fashion if it hit them squarely between their perfect skin and hair "

He moved across the room to finish his morning ritual of fixing his hair , perfectly .

" So your envious of Quinn," chuckled Mercedes," cause I gotta tell you, Kurt, that's funny . I think you won her over when you bought all those designer baby clothes "

Kurt flipped his bangs." Not Quinn "

He paused, deliberated, and decided it would be best to just bite the bullet and ask .

"Have you heard from Bo yet, honey ?"

There seemed to be a heavy thickness permeating the air at his subtle question.

In her own bedroom, Mercedes dropped the lipstick on the floor and bit her lip.

Moisture prickled behind her eyes and she squeezed them shut tightly, fighting them.

Her summer came back to her in a burst of wonderful, fuzzy moments .

Over the summer , She had met and fallen for one Bo Rhodes ( April Rhodes son it turned out ) and it had been a summer to remember for always .

However , Bo, who was a fledging chef , had been offered a position as a sous chef in training aboard the Branson Belle , where April performed .

" Bo called …last night ," answered Mercedes, cursing herself for cracking a bit ," He and April got to Branson just fine . Turns out his mom actually has a condo "

" Shocking but good ," replied Kurt, concern in his tone ," so this is the part where I ask how are you holding up, honey ?"

Mercedes sunk down to sit on the bed and was thankful Kurt wasn't here to see her .

" I am fine , Kurt ," stated Mercedes," I was fine last night after the 60 texts I got from everyone . Now finish primping and come pick me up because if I don't get me an iced coffee before school starts I may kill someone this morning "

" It's perfectly alright for you to miss Bo," told Kurt ," its been a day "

" That someone I will be killing with is going to be you, Kurt ," added Mercedes ," if you quote Rachel to me one more time. I got her three texts too last night after yours "

" Alright I wont ask again ," said Kurt ," even though we are your friends and obviously are concerned for your well-being . "

" I want the Lima Bean," went on Mercedes , stopping him before he could get started," and your buying . You want to make me feel better, spring for a chocolate muffin too "

" You got it ,' smiled Kurt ," give me ten minutes. I want to make sure dad ate breakfast "

" You have eight ," put forth Mercedes , good naturally ," and do not change again , Kurt "

Lima Heights Adjacent

Santana observed herself critically in the mirror as her eyes flickered back and forth to the perfectly pressed not a crease in the skirt of her Cheerio uniform hanging on the closet door. What would be the worse thing that her mom would do to her if she didn't quit the Cheerios ? Would Maria push more or go straight to Sue herself ?

She wondered this most of the last few weeks but decided it was probably in her own best interests if she just did as her mom asked of her even if it would kill her rep.

Santana smoothed the silky one shoulder long blouse and her best tight jeans , black heeled boots and her dark hair shone to perfection .

She was still hot , no doubt about it.

The uniform gave her prestige and was money at school but at the end of the day, it was really kind of nice to have her mom to come home to , even if this would make her officially the bitch that was in the glee club .

Her Cheerios uniform taunted her ,mercilessly , and she smiled sadly at it .

Being Sue's Head Cheerio had been a rush , people parted the halls for her and Brittany.

God how she was going to miss that !

In hindsight Santana now realized that her gold thong bikini fiasco thing had been a bad idea from the get go and forced her mom's hand with the discipline which was her quitting the cheerios or the consequences would be far worse.

Since that probably meant living with her Dad , she readily agreed to quit.

She had hoped at some point her mother would budge on the cheerleading thing but Maria had been firm on this or despite the fact that Santana had worked hard this summer .

Hell, she had practically been a damn saint the rest of the summer .

You think her mother would give her a break for that alone .

Dating Matt Rutherford only , she hadn't once shoplifted all summer, and she had even done laundry and fixed supper once or twice .

Making herself depressed with her own do-gooder list, Santana grabbed the uniform and went into the kitchen with it and found her mother drinking coffee and scrambling eggs.

" Morning , Mama "

Maria turned around , smiling at her daughter , warmly ." Oh Santana Maria , you look gorgeous " Maria handed her a glass of orange juice ," sit and eat "

Santana took a drink and grudgely sat in the chair. " Why do you hate me, Mom?"

" Honey, we have been through this a dozen times already," said Maria , placing a plate in front of her ," quitting the cheerleading squad will be good for you. You may not believe me now but trust me, Santana , you will see that I am right about this "

A pout crossed on the Latina's full lips ," if I don't come back home today , you will know that Sue killed me and probably dumped my body in 's yard or something "

" I think your over-exaggerating , Santana " said Maria ," the woman isn't right but I don't believe that she would go that far , young lady "

' Yes she would ," stated Santana ," no one quit's the Cheerios …ever '

" What about Quinn ?" interrupted Maria , hoping for a way out of this argument .

" Sue found out she was pregnant and kicked her off the squad ,' repeated Santana ," I told you all of this last year. Do you even listen, Mom ?"

" Do not use that distrustful tone with me, young lady ,' warned Maria , softly

" Sorry," managed Santana, taking a bite of the toast ," and I was serious. If I don't turn up then you should check 's yard because I'm sure that Sue would get off on pinning my murder on him. "

" I have on speed dial " assured an amused Maria ," and speaking of glee club, I am happy that you are continuing with it this year "

" Mom, I like glee ," admitted Santana ," don't rub it in or anything "

" of course not ," remarked Maria, knowingly ,' because you liking something fun like singing is detrimental to your reputation at that school "

" You said it " said Santana as her cell blasted and she flipped it open.

We are here -Brittany (:

" Looks like the gang is all here and in our driveway " announced Maria, waving at them.

" Is Brittany driving ?"

Santana stuffed the rest of scrambled eggs in her mouth, chewed, washed it down with juice and collected her things ." No, Mom," stated Santana ," Mike is probably driving since he thinks she's a dangerous driver. Crappy boyfriend , if you ask me '

" Santana ! " admonished Maria ," Mike chang is a nice young man "

" Whatever but I've ridden with Britt dozens of times ," told Santana," she's a good driver . Look I gotta go before Matt decides to be all old fashioned or crap and come in the house and pick me up…bye, Mom "

Maria pressed a kiss on her daughters cheek. " Have a good day and you should just talk with Coach Sylvester right off, Santana . Be easier , I think "

' Right so I can be humiliated the rest of the afternoon ..' Santana let the door slam and with a wave at Brittany, she climbed in the backseat of the car with Matt .

" Good morning, Santana " greeted a cheerful Brittany from the front seat ," oh , its weird seeing you not wearing your uniform. Though you look really hot "

Mike glanced at his girlfriend with a slight frown then exchanged a look with Matt.

" Don't any of you say a word," warned Santana , clutching the red and white uniform on her lap," I've got to face sue this morning so I've got to be totally fierce "

Matt leaned in, drawing her into a reassuring kiss that had her clutching his shirt, forcefully . " I am really proud of you for doing this, Santana "

" Aw shit, don't, Matt ," muttered Santana , trying not to cave in with his sweetness," this isn't a fucking easy thing to do. I could still change my mind before we get there '

" You won't though " matt put an arm around her shoulder ," you will be great "

" I love you, Rutherford , but all this gushy lovey crap is done once we're at school'

" I am not pretending I don't love you , Santana " argued matt ," we talked about this "

" My rep is gonna be on the damn floor after I see sue ,' informed Santana , clearly," I just need for you to be cool and back me up here , Matt "

" I do back you up but we're together now ,' Matt laid the ground rules once more ," I'm not gonna go back to being the by toy of the week for you '

" Oh shut up," Santana kissed him, hotly ," you know I love you"

Mike held Brittany's hand in his as he drove, taking in the conversation in the backseat of the car and shook his head , worried for his friend .

Santana was gonna castrate Matt before the end of first week back , without a doubt.

It wasn't going to be a pretty sight .

" I can still quit the Cheerios with you, Santana ' offered Brittany , hopefully .

A small smile worked itself around the way of Santana 's mouth as the girls eyes met, lingered on each other for a moment then held a beat .

" thanks but I don't want you to do that ,' muttered Santana , honestly ," not for me "

" Who else would I be doing it for ?" questioned a wide eyed Brittany .

Mike squeezed his girlfriends hand and sent her a warm smile which she returned .

" I think that if quitting is something you want to do, Brittany ," interjected Mike, feeling as if he was somehow missing something in this conversation ," you should. I mean, you don't need to do it for Santana but for yourself . Sue is evil "

" I know but I'm somebody when I'm a cheerio , Mike " explained Brittany ,softly .

" You are someone , Brittany," replied Mike ," someone that I love "

" Vomit ' cut in Santana , earning her a glare from her own boyfriend .

" You know , I did gain like 2 pounds since yesterday ," bemoaned the blonde , ruefully ," it was those damn barbecue chips Kurt made me eat. I might not have to quit because when we do the morning weigh in, Sue might kick me off the squad "

" Two pounds ?" repeated mike ," That's nuts !"

" it's the price we have to pay to be this hot " agreed Santana , simply .

" I am so glad we're dudes ," declared Matt ," Chang , pull into McDonalds , man "


Sam Evans was nervous and not in a fan boy way either .

First day at a new school was something he just wasn't looking forward to and this was with having a vague sense of what to expect at McKinley high School.

He combed his sun kissed blonde hair ala Beiber style , and surveyed his outfit in the mirror . Figuring his new Avatar tee shirt would label him a geek right off and he really had his eye on being popular , Sam had went with a regular pair of jeans and a nice blue Aeropastle tee shirt and sneakers. It was a look and a casual, cool way of it.

Being the new kid was probably gonna really suck but it wasn't like his family would be moving back to Tennessee anytime soon so he was stuck.

Lima ,Ohio was home now.

On the plus side he wasn't going to be going into the new school completely friendless.

He had been fortunate this summer when he had met Kurt Hummel and been introduced to his own group of friends who had been cool about taking him into their little cliché .

He enjoyed hanging out with them and they were a pretty interesting group.

Sam wasn't sure where they were on the cool factor but from what he had pieced together from fragments of their conversations he had overheard , he didn't think they were.

Even if Finn Hudson swore he was really cool.

Not that he cared about that cause having friends was cool in itself but if he established his cool,right off, it would probably make his life easier .

For an Avatar loving comic book dude with dyslexia he needed an edge.

Giving his hair one last look, Sam grabbed his backpack and headed for the bus.

He would do whatever it took to get to the top of the McKinley ladder .


Tina smoothed the skirt of her vintage drop waist white and black dress , added her favorite pair of black fishnet fingerless gloves, and decided it was a good look.

She had a moment of pause questioning whether the dress was a bit too Rachel but then changed her mind and bought it anyways .it called her name Tina buy me .

The dress was pre-baby doll and probably wouldn't be considered by Kurt standards since it was ala early 1990's Hot Topic and she had been perusing the online sites for bargains and bought it at a five dollar steal and was instantly taken with it.

She was adapting her look a bit this year maybe a bit Victorian Goth here and there.

Nothing drastic or unrecognizable but a little lighter .

Tina wondered if Artie would even notice the difference .

Glasses or none, her boyfriend could be blind unless he was checking out her breasts sometimes . He was such a guy but he was hers .

Tina brushed some bright pink eye shadow across her lids as her phone blasted Beoyance .

Another text from Mercedes .

The girl was texting like crazy this morning and Tina figured it had a lot to do with Bo being gone than her friend worrying about getting to school on time .

They would have to do their best to be there for Mercedes and cheer her up.

She ran a brush through her hair and contemplated whether the pink streak worked .

She liked the look but it might be a bit Nymphadora Tonks than Tina Cohen Chang .

Her cell blasted some Michael Jackson 'Thriller ' which was her ring tone for Artie 's text and picked up her cell from the bed where she had tossed it earlier .

Almost there , Tee . See you soon .Love , Artie

Grinning at his dorkiness and joining in his excitement that he would now be driving them to school rather than one of his parents , Tina sent him a quick reply.

" Tina ," Sandra Cohen-Chang dressed in a crisp navy blue power suit and heels entered the bedroom to fix her daughter with a look," you're wearing that to school?"

Tina frowned and tried for subtle sarcasm with her mom.

" No, Mom," remarked Tina , sarcastically ," I was going to change into sweats after first period. Yes, this is new and I am wearing it to school "

Her mother pretended she didn't hear the tone of her daughter's voice .

" Well it is very becoming on you ," said a critical Sandra ," though I believe that style dress was popular during the early 90210 years so I am surprised you chose it "

Tina rolled her eyes and busied herself sending a text to Mercedes .

" it's just a dress , Mom," informed Tina ," I'm not going to be going to the Peach Pit or anything . Did you want something or did you just come to give me fashion advice ?"

" Er, not exactly ," Sandra picked up the framed picture of Artie and Tina from the dresser , examining it ," well, sort of , I was thinking that I am sure that it wouldn't be any problem at all for Mike Chang to pick you up for school. It seems silly for you to wait for Artie when you have a friend practically right around the corner …"

" That would be fine, Mother , if Artie ," remarked Tina ," my boyfriend wasn't picking me up. Mike and I are just friends and we're going to stay just friends "

" Arthur is a nice young man ," started Sandra getting on her soapbox ," but honestly , I just don't understand what the two of you could possibly have in common . Glee Club isn't the answer to everything either , Tina and especially not a relationship "

Tina closed her eyes and wished she had agreed to spend the night with Mercedes instead.

She decided that walking down to the curb to meet artie sounded like a plan.

She needed to get as far away from her mother as possible or she would kill her.

" Artie gets who I am," reiterated Tina, passionately ," he gets me and I get him, too. I don't know how many times I have to tell you for you to believe me "

Sandra sat the picture down and moved to stand in front of her daughter , brushing her dark black hair off of her shoulders and marveling at how grown up Tina looked .

" I am just considering your happiness ," told Sandra ," you wont even consider Mike "

" Noooooo, Mom, I wont ," growled an aggravated Tina ," I love Artie . I cannot believe that you of all people are prejudice against my boyfriend "

" Tina Cohen -chang ! " Sandra froze ," you are never to take such a tone with me. Or you will find your punishment might be a week away from your boyfriend "

Tina grabbed her book bag and faced her mother ." Stop putting Artie down ! " declared Tina, getting overly emotional," I am sick of hearing it from you all the time "

" Someone has to think about your future , young lady !" called Sandra as Tina strode past her mom, ran downstairs and out of the house as fast as her new boots could take her .Don't cry, don't cry, do not cry .

The tears were hiding behind her eyes, she could feel them prickling but she was fighting the need to cry against Artie finding her crying on the side of the road and besides her mascara wasn't waterproof . It was markdown Voltare mascara for 2.32 so it hadn't mattered when she had bought it but she didn't want to have mascara running down her face on the first day back to school .

Why couldn't her Mom just be kind and warm and accept Artie as her boyfriend ?

Why did everything have to be about her Asian background ?

She was proud of who she was but she was in love with Artie Abrams and it didn't matter to her that he wasn't Asian or that he couldn't move his legs.

He was dorky , funny, smart, and they loved each other .

Tina was walking down the sidewalk lost in her thoughts and contemplating drastic measures such as borrowing Mercedes copy of Twilight and reading it in front of her mother but decided she really didn't care to read about sparkly vampires and a moody girl even if it would piss her Mom off . There would be another better way .

" Tee ," called Artie from the rolled down window of his car ," need a ride ?"

" Artie ! " Thrilled to see her boyfriend, Tina opened the door , flung herself in the passenger seat, even as she was reaching over to press her lips to his in a greeting .

" Good morning " said a chipper Artie ," why were you walking ? I am not that slow of a driver … its like 5minutes to your house , Tina "

She pasted a smile across her face and settled comfortably beside him .

" I needed the fresh air this morning since there was none at home ,' told Tina , cheekily ," besides I couldn't wait to see you, Art"

He drove them in the direction of McKinley High School , glancing carefully at her out of the corner of his eye and noticing the faint worry lines etched in her face .

" Are you alright ?" asked Artie , hedging ," cause your eyes look…wet "

" Cheap Twilllight mascara …." grumbled Tina , more to herself .

" You hate Twilight ," picked up Artie ," vampires have mascara ?"

Tina let out a little laugh ,loving the fact that he knew exactly what to say to cheer her up.

" I do but I needed mascara ," explained Tina, matter of factly ," I'd wear Death Eater mascara if it was three bucks . To answer your question I am perfectly fine "

" You know I could go for you in some Bellatrix Lestrange leather " teased Artie

" You wish …" Tina giggled and rested her head on his shoulder ," I'm okay "

" For the record ," said Artie , teasing glint in his eyes ," im all for role-playing "

" Just drive, Artie " urged Tina , content to let him crack jokes and hold her hand .

Blaine Anderson adjusted his red and black tie , making sure the wisdor knot was perfect , and straightened the creases from his matching blazer with a bit of trepidation.

The Dalton crest embellishment gave him a measure of comfort .

Unfortunately the downsizing of his fathers company had yanked their lives up in an upheaval of circumstances and he had been uprooted from Dalton Academy .

He thought that he was handling it with maturity even though he dreaded returning to a public school without the safety of a private school provided .

Dalton Academy had been his everything and he loved the experience but it was past .

His dress code might be a bit too conservative for a public school , in fact it was probably was bad idea , but he figured he might as well be comfortable before he faced the wolves at his new school . It was his suit of armor .

Thank God he had his own car because the bus would be hideous .


Finn Hudson was not a big fan of school in general but he was actually looking forward to going back. He and Rachel had a awesome summer together and he had a pretty good feeling that this would be a good year for them. Plus they had been together a while now so they weren't new news anymore so hopefully no one would pay much attention to them.

Which he knew would make his girlfriend relieved and that was sort of important .

He parked his truck outside the Berry house and had just started walking up to the door when Rachel stepped outside and threw her arms around in his neck in a hug.

" Good morning , Finn " says Rachel, cheerfully , lifting her face for his kiss.

" Morning back " Finn kissed the shell of her ear ," you look pretty this morning ,babe "

" Thanks ' smiled Rachel, " and you'd be pleased to know that Tina found this for me .She said it looked like me and I agreed that it was too cute to pass up "

" Oh " answered Finn, reaching for her waist," I like it on you "

Rachel wore a short dark blue slip dress with a cap sleeves .

" So should we go in so your Dad can interrogate me before we go to school ?"

" I think your safe this morning ," says Rachel with a small smile ," Dad had an early morning meeting in town and Daddy adores you so it isn't really necessary "

" That's good ," sighed Finn," cause its really early and I'd probably say the wrong thing again . Still Kind of worried about the restraining order thing …."

" Dad was joking ," insisted Rachel as he helped her into the truck ," he was upset over how you we handled our break up and that is the only reason he even said that. He knows that we are solid in our relationship now and he trusts you with me "

" Good ," Finn slid in the drivers side and leaned over to give her another lingering kiss ," cause your Dad can be a little scary sometimes , Rach . So I came by early because I figured I could take my girl for some breakfast before school "

" That is very sweet , Finn," murmured Rachel, holding onto his arm," and very thoughtful of you. " She scooted closer to him," Are you starving ?"

" I am starved," confessed Finn with a sheepish grin," there wasn't even a pop tart in the house . I was thinking we could either hit the Lima Bean cause I know you like that fruit plate they have or McDonalds . Take your pick, Rachel "

" I think either one of those places sound lovely , Finn "

Finn turned to look at her , curiously. " What is the matter , Rachel ?"

" Nothing its just a new school year ," confessed the tiny brunette," and we're coming back as the power couple of glee as well. Though I am seriously questioning whether we actually need to have any sort of power thing ,what with Noah and Quinn together as well. Truthfully, I really don't know if I want to put myself into an instaneous combative situation over our status which is bound to irritate Quinn …"

" I'm not sure I understood all of that but I think us just being together is all that matters "

" You're right , of course ," allowed Rachel," and as part of a previous power couple ..I mean when I was with Jesse " Finn's jaw tightened at the mention of her ex-boyfriend.'

" Well, I suppose that didn't bode didn't turn out so well and us and I are more important than the power " she let out a breath," I sound like Quinn "

" Not so much " Finn wrapped his arms around her ," how about you stop freaking out . You and Quinn kinda got along this summer so I'm hoping no combat -though it might be super hot . I don't think we should have any titles except boyfriend /girlfriend and well, Co-captains of glee . Might make it easier and the others less likely to hate us "

" Good point ," says Rachel ," it's just that it has been such a wonderful summer . I'm..I am just so happy right now and I don't know what to expect with school "

Finn tilted her chin up and took her lips in a devastatingly tender kiss that took her breath away .

" I am pretty happy too," reassured Finn, gently ," and what is going to happen is we're going to walk in that school together . If we get slushied , it will be together . "

" I really don't want an early morning slushie " worried Rachel, biting her lip.

" I am proud that you're my girlfriend ," continued Finn," and I'm going to tell anyone that challenges me that I love Rachel Berry "

" Your not worried …about your reputation ? I know it is a concern for you "

" No," declared Finn, fiercely ," for once in my life , Rachel, I am sure . "

He kissed the top of her head " now let's go get us some breakfast so we have plenty of time to make out in the parking lot before first period "

" I like that plan " agreed Rachel, cuddling up next to him," I love you , Finn "

" I love you back " stated Finn as a yellow bus with a load full of teenagers passed them en route towards the same destination that they would eventually embark too.

It was official now and there was no going back.

Summer was over .

William McKinley High School loomed on the horizon, awaiting them all.