XashXdawnX- The last chapter. Sorry it took so long to update. School keeps me busy, plus I had a little bit of writer's block. Hope you enjoy the last chapter of Kanto Bands.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon or any of its respective trademarks. All rights for those go to Satoshi Tajiri, Game Freak, Nintendo, et al

Chapter 32: Now or Never

It had been about two months since Alice and Jack's relationship became known. Both managers allowed them to see each other, but they had to avoid the fans and news when on a date.

Dawn's POV

I laid on my bed starring at the ceiling aggravated. Alice came into my room and closed my door.

"Okay, what's wrong with you?" she asked sternly.

"Nothing is wrong with me." I replied.

"Really now? Something is wrong with you. Jack told me today that something is wrong with Ash too."


"Did you two have a fight?"


"Then what's wrong with you two?"


"Dawn! Something is wrong now tell me."

I pushed myself up and sat up. I looked at Alice annoyed.


"Dawn, you're my cousin. I'm worried you aren't acting like yourself."

"Fine, you win."

Alice waited patiently for me to speak.

"Ash and I we aren't even a couple. We can't see each other so it's like we aren't a couple...it's just-"

"Dawn, you two need to announce it. Let it be known."

"I- we can't do that." I muttered.

"Why can't you?"

I had walked pass Tessa's office one day. I heard her say Alice's name so I stopped and listened.

"No, I don't mind that they are dating. I just wish she would've told me." Tessa said.

"Why is she talking about Alice?" I muttered.

Tessa laughed and I heard her heels clicking towards the door and they stopped.

"That wouldn't happen. It would cause too much trouble."

"How? Do you not remember the interview of those two? They were accused of dating while he was in a relationship."

I bit my lip to keep quiet. Tessa was talking about me and Ash.

"If those two were in a relationship it would be trouble. News would be confronting the two. It would cause trouble with Misty. It just would be a disaster."

"What? What do you mean?"

I wish I knew who she was talking to and what this person was saying.

"His solo and the duet?"

I heard Tessa walking around in her office and heard the shuffle of papers.

"I don't think it would be a good idea if those two did date. Sure I allowed Alice and all, but the two singers dating? The singers from rival bands dating. That would cause trouble."

I stood listening shocked.

"So you agree with me."

"Oh..." Tessa said sounding sad.

"Okay. No I understand. Okay...talk to you again."

"I'm fine, I promise."

"Love you too and I miss you."

I heard a sigh and heard Tessa approaching her door. I quickly bolted the way I had just came and hid behind the wall.

"Tessa said it herself to whoever she was talking to. I quote when I say this "I don't think it would be a good idea if those two did date. Sure I allowed Alice and all, but the two singers dating? The singers from rival bands dating. That would cause trouble." That is why I can't let this be known."

"How do you know she said that?"

"Yesterday I heard her talking on the phone. I have no idea who it was but at the end of the conversation she said "Love you" and "I miss you" to whoever was on the phone."

"Is Tessa married?"

"I didn't think she was."

"Maybe she has a kid."

"You never know..."

Alice was quiet for a few moments.

"Well you need to let it be known though."

"I know...but I can't. Maybe this relationship should end."


I looked at Alice and just nodded my head. Alice didn't want me to break up with Ash and I didn't either.

"You know lets see if Tessa is married." I said suddenly.

"How?" Alice asked confused.

"It's called the Internet."

I grabbed my laptop case and took my laptop out. After it logged on I typed in Tessa Willer in the search bar.

I clicked on the result and I scanned through her information and found family.

"Tessa Willer-Stone

"Tessa Stone...Tessa Stone. Why does that name sound so familiar?" Alice asked.

"I know that name is familiar. I know Tessa Stone from somewhere." I said.

"Get the others!" Alice cried.

Alice walked to my door and slung it opened.

"BAND MEETING!" she screamed.

After five minutes the rest of the band was in my room.

"Okay does the name Tessa Stone sound familiar?" Alice asked.

"Why?" Abby asked.

"We're trying to figure something about Tessa out. Dawn heard her talking to someone and whoever it was she told them "Love you" and "Miss you" so yeah."

"Well what does the computer say?" Kat asked.

"Tessa Willer-Stone,"

"That means her maiden name is Willer and her name she got when married is Stone." Kat said.

"This is Tessa though. Stone? Her name is Willer." Abby said.

"Look at the family or relationships." May said.

I scrolled through and gasped.

"Here it is. Tessa married Jay Stone after a year out of high school. Tessa and Jay have a daughter; Jazmine Leigh Stone (5). After being married for four years they divorced. Tessa's mother; Kylie Willer helps Tessa with Jazmine." I read.

"Poor Tessa..."

I walked from the kitchen and passed Tessa's office.

"Dawn was that you?" she asked.

"Yeah..." I trailed.

"Could you come in here for a second?"

I walked into her office and closed the door.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Sit please,"

I walked over to her desk and sat down at the chair in front of it and looked at Tessa, waiting.

"Dawn, may I ask you some questions?" Tessa asked.

"Sure?" I replied confused.

"Are you hiding anything from me?"

I looked at her for a while. Her face didn't show anger or anything it was just a plain expression.

"If you are I won't be mad. I just need to know."

"...I-" I started but stopped.

"Dawn, may I guess what I think you're hiding?" Tessa asked looking at me.

I didn't trust my voice at the moment so I just nodded my head.

"I think you're dating someone. Someone that we both know."

I remained silent not sure what to say.

"May I guess who it is?" she asked.

I shook my head wanting to say "I'm not dating anyone." but my voice I couldn't find it.

"Well I'm going to guess anyways." she said.

She shuffled through her papers she had in front of her and she removed a few papers and laid the papers down flipped over.

I bit my lip because I recognized one of the papers flipped over.

"Dawn I know you are dating him." she said slowly.

She flipped the paper I recognized over. Sure enough it was what I thought it was. Alice had drawn a picture with my name and Ash's name in a heart.

She then flipped over another paper, but it was a picture from this summer. It was when I had Ash's hat on.

"Dawn, are you two dating?"

I remained silent and just looked at her waiting for her to finish talking.

"If you two are dating I'll allow it."

It was time for me to step in.

"Not too long ago I heard you on the phone. You told someone it would be horrible if we dated." I said.

"Yes, but I've been thinking about it. Two people dating from bands is very common now a days. So will you please answer my question?"

I removed my phone and sent Ash a text message. Tessa shuffled the papers on her desk and slid the two papers that were mine to me.

"How did you get my things?" I asked.

"I walked into the practice room and they were lying there. I just picked them up and was going to return them."

My phone went off and I looked at the text message.

What? Go ahead and tell her. I'll tell Gary and then we can let it be know. Got the perfect way.

Okay I'm going to tell her. Text ya in a few :)

"Tessa. Ash and I do date." I said.

She just nodded her head.

"Thank you for telling me Dawn. Now when it gets known to the world if you decide to let it be known make sure you two do the same as Alice and Jack."

"Oh we will. You aren't mad?"

"No Dawn I'm not mad. I think you two are very good together."


"You may go,"

I nodded my head and walked out of her office.

She's fine with it :)

I got a reply instantly.

Gary suspected it and wasn't surprised. Meet at the beach in 10?

Okay :)

I grabbed the keys to the Jeep and left the mansion. I parked and got out of the Jeep. I started walking towards the sand when I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"So what's your plan?" I asked.

"Easy and simple. The news didn't believe Alice and Jack until they kissed. I don't want to be interviewed and asked all the questions. This will just get known by us being seen kissing. I know the paparazzi are around, no idea where though. That okay with you?"

"Perfectly fine with me. I hate interviews anyways." I said smiling.

We walked to the beach and I stopped walking. I glanced around the beach and didn't see any paparazzi.

I faced Ash and we kissed. I heard someone yelling something about being rich and getting a promotion. I could care less right now though, because Ash and I could finally be a couple and not have to worry about hiding anything. We were finally known.

I sat in the living room waiting for Celb Channal to come back on. Sure enough when it came back on mine and Ash's kiss was the picture on the screen behind the anchorwoman.

"Well it's finally been caught. Ash Ketchum and Dawn Berlitz the singers and rivals of the Teen Bands in Kanto must be dating! We've tried to get any information from the two, but can't get in touch with them. Not even the managers. Well folks the Heartthrob of Kanto is taken and the Sweetheart of Kanto is too. I'm Halley Autumn here with the news of the newest relationship."

"When did you become the Sweetheart of Kanto?" Abby asked.

"I have no idea." I answered.

"You are no sweetheart." Alice joked.

"Shut up," I said laughing.

"Of course she is. To the news anyways, but we know she's not." Kat said laughing.

"Her horns hold up her halo." May said smiling.

"So true!" I cried laughing.

Our relationship was finally out. What would follow this though? Only time will tell...

Please R&R