A/N: I own nothing.

Chapter 1: Sorrowful Desires

"For he loved her, as you can only love someone who is an echo of yourself at your time of deepest sorrow." - Orson Scott Card

The liquid dripped down her pale neck, staining her once white blouse, crimson.


The smell of it drove him insane, almost to the point of madness. Deep down he yearned for every single drop of her blood. He wanted to drain her while having his arms around her slim waist, pressing her close to him with her hands clinging onto his pale shirt.


He was a monster. A creature that deserved to drown inside the darkness of his own misery. Her kindness, her love, her caring heart, everything, he wasn't worth receiving it. He tried to push her away, keep her in a safe distance but she always came back to him. No matter how cruel he was to her, she kept smiling and caring.


Why would anyone want to get close to a monster? A monster like him?

In his mind, he thought of a dozen possibilities on how to put an end to his pathetic life. He was so close to end it all, to just throw everything away. The emptiness inside his cold heart was almost unbearable to handle. He wanted to let go but…

But then she always came and saved him. Every time. She saved him from falling deeper into nothingness. She saved him from ripping himself into pieces. She saved him from going insane. She saved him from himself.

But now here he was, his cold lips pressed against the nape of her neck and his pearly white fangs buried inside her warm, delicate skin. For four years he tried to suppress his animal side that starved for her blood but time has come where he couldn't hold it in anymore. His humanity was slowly fading away, day after day and there was nothing he could do about it. Only by drinking her blood could his body and mind be in ease, even if it was just for a moment.

Such a disgusting and selfish need.

"Ahh, Zero." She whispered his name, sending him chills down his spine. Zero selfishly continued drinking from her as if his life was depending on it. Locked in a sort of an embrace, he drew his face away from her neck only to lick away the remaining blood on her skin. After a few moments of silence, he finally pushed himself back against the cold wall and wiped away the red liquid from his mouth with the back of his hand. Her big, brown eyes were staring at him and for a second, his own stared back at her.

He could still taste her sweet blood on his tongue. But unfortunately it wasn't the only thing he could taste…

She would never know. And he would never tell her.

His unconditional love for her would always remain in the shadows of the night.

He wanted to make it all his, her heart, her body, her mind.

But he couldn't. He wasn't allowed to for there was another man who had already stolen her heart.

In his dreams, she belonged to him.

But she would never know.

For her, he would forever suffer in silence.

For her, he would forever…

…love her in silence.

A/N: Hello :3 This is my first time writing a fan fiction and I know the first chapter is very short but I promise the next chapters are going to be longer. I would really appreciate it if you could review my work and let me now if you liked it or not. :)