Warning: AU. This story is the sequel to Before the dawn and Blind future. Bromance but not slash.

Where we left…

Arthur's hand touched the blood mark that now stained the stone before him. Even after the long winter, it was still there, the place where their blood had mixed as one, where both of them lay dying together.

It had been a while, but when Arthur had finally recovered enough, Gaius told him what happened that fateful day. The older man mentioned that the spell Merlin had cast was very powerful, maybe even too powerful. It was a spell that had been created to make magic disappear; so when it was cast it destroyed every magical entity nearby. Because the demon had managed to infiltrate Arthur's mind the Prince had been hit by the power as well, and Merlin, having been born a creature of magic, didn't stand a chance. Once the words had passed through the warlock's lips, it consumed his own magic.

Gaius had fought for two days trying to keep Merlin alive, but even he knew the boy needed more help than he could offer. Finally he and Lancelot went out to seek help from The Great Dragon, and it was then that Kilgharrah took Merlin from their care. The dragon left with him, and that was the last time he had seen him.

The sound of the door opening snapped Arthur out of his thoughts, and he looked up to see Gwen clutching an arm full of yellow flowers.

"It's officially springtime." She commented. "Just look at these flowers, aren't they beautiful." She smiled, walking up beside him.

"They are" Arthur agreed. "Beautiful just like you Gwen." He smiled brightly before kissing her gently.

"Should you be here?" Gwen murmured with a hint of worry.

"Gaius gave me permission; he said that I'm fine now." Arthur assured.

"I'm glad to hear that."

Gwen's gaze turned mournful as she let her eyes pass over the blood stain. "Do you think he's still alive?" she whispered sadly.

"I hope so." Arthur answered honestly.

"Then why after all this time has there been no word from him?"

"I myself took the whole winter to recover. For Merlin and the magic he possesses, I believe it must have been much harder." Or at least that's what Gaius had told him, but even the old physician wasn't for sure.

"I miss him so much." She admitted. "It was a hard winter with your recovery and all, and when he's not here it's, it's…" Gwen's voice broke and Arthur pulled her to him in a firm embrace.

"I know." He murmured understandingly "And I promise you Gwen, if there is no word from him by midsummer I'll go and find him myself."

Gwen nuzzled, burrowing her head into the Prince's shoulder, and Arthur hugged her tighter. There was a couple of months to go before he gained back his full strength, but he promised himself he'd be ready when the time came. "I'll find him Gwen." He swore. "I'll find him and I will bring him back to us."

Future to remember


Arthur turned to look at his father, who looked too uncomfortable to stand there, in middle of the courtyard.

"Yes father?" Arthur tried to be patient.

"I, I'm not sure that you should do this." Uther's voice was quiet.

"Father, we have discussed this before. We need to know."

"I understand that, but he is… he is a sorcerer Arthur." Uther tried again.

"Yes he is father, and you know what he has done. Gaius told us. I told you what happened when I discovered his magic. He saved my life, again. So don't be hypocritical. And, you know Merlin too. Do you think that he can do anything bad? To us? To anyone?"

Arthur was disappointed in his father. He learned what had happened with his mother. He knew why the purge had started. The fight had continued for days. Uther didn't reply. He didn't look at Arthur either.

"Besides, father. We don't know if he is still alive. And, that possibility is… small." Arthur hated do admit that. They had passed midsummer and there was no news from Merlin. Nothing. Even the Great Dragon was gone.

"But if he is…" Uther begin but Arthur shook his head.

"Please father. I know how much you hate magic, but about Merlin, I can't say anything now. I really want to know if he is even alive. Then we will see what happens. And remember your promise father."

Arthur hoisted himself into his saddle. His eyes sought Gwen, who stood in the stairway beside Morgana. They looked worried. They said their goodbyes before so there wasn't anything more to say.

"Goodbye father. I'll be back before the autumn."

Uther just nodded and backed off. He really didn't like the idea of letting Arthur go on this quest. All winter they had argued about the magic and the reasons of the purge. The fight between them had gone so far that they stopped talking to each other. But the fear of loosing his son was more frightening to Uther than anything. And he eventually had to admit that he was indebted to Merlin.


Arthur looked to the other side, to Gaius.

"I know Gaius. I will bring him back home." Arthur promised. They both know that if the worst scenario was true, and if that was possible, Arthur bring back Merlin's dead body. Gaius patted his knee. Arthur was free to go and the fire inside of him to find his friend was burning. He hit his heels in his stallion's sides and was soon gone.


Far in the north, beside a small lake, Gwaine thought that the boy in front of him was probably older than he seemed, maybe in his twenties. His raven hair was long, the ears were ridiculously big and outstanding. He was tall, skinny and pale. Too skinny and pale. He was more bones than flesh. He limped on his right leg. The boy looked at the campfire with hungry eyes where the rabbit was frying.

"So, what is your name?"

The boy looked at him, his big blue eyes like a lost puppy.

"I don't know."