Himayura Hidekaz owns Hetalia.

Warning- May contain some racial slurs or "speaking the lord(s) name in vain." I don't mean to offend ANYONE!

I started out as I did because I figured that America would still be weaker than Russia after only two years of independence... And wouldn't know of him much...

But now that I'm awake, and not playing a game... I came up with something that makes more sense...


April 27, 1930

The world meeting about the great depression ended, and Russia took Lithuania home. The ride was pretty quiet, so Russia could think to himself.

'I have never seen America so weak before, ever in his life... And yet, he still has hope left in his eyes...' He gripped the steering wheel tighter. 'That stupid, prideful... The light in his eyes... I want to break him, and I want to see those eyes dull...'


Lithuania turned his head towards Russia. "Hm?"

"Exactly how much trouble was America having?"

"I don't know, exactly... But I know that he made machines that can make stuff faster than any human worker can. That day, he bought some top quality meat."

"Really? That doesn't sound bad."

"Well, the next day, he realized that he would need to sell the stuff to someone, but he didn't know where and who to sell it to."

"So he wasted a ton of money in the end? It's a good thing I'm taking you back..."

"I feel bad for America, though..."

'Wait a minute... America's at his weakest right now! I'm helping Lithuania by taking him back... If I were to take America as well, he would thank me in the end!' He grinned maliciously.

Lithuania could feel the air changing. "R-Russia..?"

Russia snapped out of his thoughts. "Yes, Liet?"

Lithuania looked away. "N... Nevermind..."

"What is it, Lithuania? Is something wrong?"

Lithuania looked back at him. "No! Nothing is wrong!"

"Well, if you say so. It will be better, having Lithuania around again!"

"I-I'll work my hardest..."

Once they made it to the fairly large house, Russia went right up stairs, wanting to plan this idea he had out and put it to motion as soon as possible.

'It would probably be best to use drugs to weaken him... He may be weak, but he is still America, and he has colonies to help him out...'

Russia searched around his desk until he found what he was looking for- a half-empty bottle of chloroform, a needle, and another bottle of "liquid sleep"- a tranquilizer, just in case. "That's not going to be a problem." He smiled to himself.


Russia knocked on the door to America's house and waited He had his arms behind his back to hide a soaked rag. He took a step back when the door opened.

"Hey, Russia! What are you doing all the way to my house?"

'There's that stupid grin on his face...' Russia tilted his head. "Let's not waste time with idle talk- I think I can help you with this great depression."

America's eyes widen. "You... You can?"

"Да,* I'm pretty sure I can."

America jumped out of his house, arms spread for a hug. "Oh, thank y-!" Russia pushed the rag to America's face and grabbed a fist full of blonde hair with the other hand. America's eyes widen in fear as he struggled against the much stronger nation.

"Don't struggle~! I'm trying to help you~!" America screamed in protest, but Russia kept his grip on the American's head until he finally passed out in Russia's arms.


When America woke up, he felt even more groggy than before. He noticed a strong scent around him right away. The scent was fogging up his mind, making his words into unintelligent sounds coming from his throat.

"Are you awake?" The voice sounded a bit muffled.

"Wh-Wha..?" America had a hard time focusing his eyes. 'Before... Russia came over, and...'

"Can you not even form a single word?" Russia asked behind his scarf that was now pulled up to his face.


Russia clapped his hands together. "There you go!"


Russia smile was hidden behind his scarf. "We're in Russia, of course!"

America felt his heart jump. "W-Why?"

Russia tilted his head. "Why? I thought you wanted my help..."

"Not... Helping..."

"I think I will be in the end... But, to be honest, I just want to see you break under my thumb."

"...Why me?"

Russia giggled. "You're a smug little bastard that hasn't been independent for even three decades, and yet, you act like you were the world's superpower. I hated the pride that was always in your eyes... You don't even know what real Hell is."

America looked straight into Russia's violet eyes. "Gr-Great depression..." Russia stomped in between America's legs, making him yelp in pain.

"That is nothing compared to what I had to go through... I'll show you real Hell. Have you even noticed? You're chained to my wall, in my basement, completely naked, and surrounded by rose-scented candles... Are you a virgin?"


"You see, I think I can use that piece of information to help you, by selling your body~!"

"To who..?"

Russia stared at the ceiling to think. "...That's a good question. Well, I suppose I could make a deal with Germany..."

America's head slumped over when he lost the energy to hold it up any longer. "Why Germany..?"

"I'll answer your question, when you answer mine."

"Not... A virgin..."

There was an angry glint in Russia's eyes. He started grinding his boot against America's vitals. "You're not? Who took you?"

"N-None of your business..!"

"Well, that depends... Was it Toris?"


Russia took his foot off of America. "Then I suppose that it really is none of my business."

"...Why Germany?" America asked again.

"Oh right, your question..." Russia placed his hands behind his back and smiled. "He happens to be into bondage~!"


"Rose-scented candles,(1) some drugs, a gag, and a bed, and that should get him in you within seconds!"

"But, he's hurting worse than I am..."

"Again, I'm sure I can make a deal with him."

"What kind of a deal..?"

"That doesn't concern you."

"But... I fought f-for Independence..."

"But now you are weak, and you have been conquered. You are mine now, Америка..."


(1) The scent of roses can also be used as an aphrodisiac. Not as powerful as ylang ylang, but it works.


"Америка" - "America"

"Да" - "Yes"

"Нет" - "No"