AN: I'm updating because of the weekend~ Thank Kami-sama its Saturday... School has been a bit tough on me. Should I update Black Bird or Bloody Red Rose, Snow White Orchid? If you guys like Vampire Knight, I made a fanfic for that! Thank you to all who read this! And oh my dear GrimmIchi smutty goodness, .Cake reviewed my story! I feel so grateful to have that in mind, you truly are an artist with your hands dear! Here's the update of Sweet Revenge!

Warnings: Yaoi, OOC, AU, violence, and swearing.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Sweet Revenge Pt. 2

Ichigo P.O.V

What. The. Hell. I swear God is just out to get me today. In the morning, I spilled my bowl of cereal all onto my lap, making me look like I pissed my pants. Unable to find another pair due to Yuzu doing laundry that exact day, I had to hastily take them off and dry them off using a hair dryer. That caused me to be ten minutes late to class, getting an earful from Ochi-sensei, and having to stay after school to help out the other teachers. Near the end of school, I just had to be confronted by yet another girl who wanted to tell me her feelings for me. I hated it, the guilt going through me like a blade as I declined as softly to them as I could, but still I had to deal with the tears and fake 'That's okay' smile from them. Then, me being stupidly clumsy, I bumped into somebodies hard shoulder, making all the things the art teacher, Ukitake-sensei, made me take to the storage room clatter and scatter all over the floor. But that somebodies hard shoulder was Grimmjow Jeagerjackes shoulder to be exact. Bumping into the sex gods shoulder and falling flat on my ass wasn't the planned way of meeting him for the first time. That was until he helped me pick up the art supplies and papers, putting them in my frozen hands before going up all in my face and asking me out. I swear I could feel heat radiating from his body, making me feel a bit hot myself. He smirked the devilishly handsome smile, and I almost died from bloodloss. But hold up, God just had to sprinkle extra bull crap onto my already monstrous sundae of doom.

He kissed me. On the fucking lips.

"I'm so damn confused! Dammit you stupid idiot Grimmjow!" I punched my pillow hard as I stuffed my head into the soft marshmallow-ey fabric. My 'date' was in two hours, and I had no fucking idea what to do. Sighing, I raised my head from its soft confines, weaving a hand through my orange spikes in frustration. Glancing over at my sliding closet, I closed my eyes in exasperation. What was I going to wear?

Two Hours of Barraging Through the Closet Later...

"Yuzu, Karin, Dad, I'm going out! Start dinner without me!" I yelled over my shoulder as began putting on my shoes.

"Okay Ichi-nii! Good luck on your date!" I heard Yuzu's sweet voice reply in the kitchen followed by fast chopping of vegetables on the wooden cutting board. Karin lounged on the sofa, switching through channels on the television every five seconds, flipping her obsidian eyes over to my direction, she gave a lazy smirk.

"Yeah, good luck Ichi-nii. For once, you're actually going out. This must be one lucky and special lady." She drawled lazily. I blushed. If only she knew the truth... I had yet to tell my family that I was homosexual, it didn't feel at the right moment to do so. Maybe Grimmjow is finally my chance to tell them. I gave her a smirk back.

"Shut up, I–"

"ICHIGOOOOOOOOOO! MY DEAR SON IS GOING OUT WITH A PRETTY YOUNG LADY! PLEASE DO REMEMBER TO USE PROTECTION MY SON! I WOULDN'T WANT YOU TO– UGH!" Giving a swift kick to his manhood, I shut my idiotic and mental father up. He whimpered as he held onto his lifeline, and I glared daggers at him.

"Shut up you freaking old man! I'm not doing anything like that!" I growl as I give a last kick to his head before yelling good-bye and slamming the door behind me angrily. Breathing in the cool, crisp night air, I exhaled and walked over to the side of the house. Going near a object with a large blanket over it, I flipped the cover off, revealing a glistening red and black Yamaha motorbike. Smiling proudly at my prized possession, I sat on top of the leather-padded seat and inserted the key, its jingling sound making me smirk wider. Turning it, I gripped the handles and revved the engine, listening to the engine purr to life. Grabbing my helmet from the floor, I placed it on over my head and fastened it. Unhitching it from the floor with a swift twist of my foot, I turned the motorbike towards the street and I was on the road. Getting a call earlier from Grimmjow –how the hell he got my number is beyond me– he gave me directions to a pretty swanky restaurant in the heart of the city. As I began entering the lively city-town part of Karakura, which consisted of bright flashing lights, hundreds and thousands of cars on the roads buzzing past each other, tall skyscrapers, hotels, and many restaurants and malls. Nightlife here especially was busy. Clubs opened up, swarmed by hundreds of young people trying to get in with fake ID's, woman in scantily clad dresses with hyped up amounts of over-done make-up, and perverted bastards with no life trying to find a good fuck.

Scoffing, at many heads turning to look at me, I ignored the obviously appreciative, curious looks from the women, and some men who were waiting in line at one of the clubs. Revving the engine, I took a left and entered a large parking garage. Finding a space in no time on the top level, I entered the lobby of the place, my mouth almost dropping at the size. Damn. Everywhere was decorated with gold, the walls, ceilings, even the ink I saw someone signing on a piece of paper at the front desk was fucking gold.

Going into the – you guessed it – golden elevators, I pressed the top floor, the restaurant floor from what Grimmjow had informed me. Reaching the floor, I exited the elevator and immediately entered the restaurant with a name I couldn't pronounce. La.. Le... Is that a R or L? Las... No..ches..Restaurante... Some kind of Spanish cuisine restaurant? I mused to myself. Shaking my head, I was greeted by a tall male with a pale face and only one eye, the other covered by a white eyepatch standing behind a small cherry-wood podium.

"Welcome sir, to Las Noches Restaurante. I am Shawlong Fang. Do you have reservations?" Nodding, I told him Grimmjow' last name, and he nodded after checking the little leather notebook on his podium. Taking me into the restaurant, he sat me at an empty red clothed table before leaving two menus and bowing before taking his post back at the stand. Looking at the empty seat in front of me, my heart clenched.

Maybe this was all just some joke. I shouldn't have come, he probably tricked-

"Hey berry, yer early. Nervous fer yer first date?" I felt hot breathe tickle my ear. I yelped, jumping slightly in my seat. I turned my head to meet with burning aquamarine eyes that had me suck in my breathe.

"G-Grimmjow. You're here." I stuttered, slightly surprised. Blue eyes suddenly blinked confusedly before a finely trimmed blue brow lifted up.

"Of course I'm 'ere stupid. I asked ya out rememba? Or did ja ferget even yer own name when I kissed ya?" He chuckled an octave lower than usual, the sound making me feel light-headed.

"N-No. And I didn't even get to tell yes or no yet..." I mumbled.

"But yer 'ere aren't cha?" He smirks devilishly. Dear Kami, if he keeps smirking like that, I won't last through dinner. I gulp as my face is engulfed in flames.

"Yeah..." I murmur shyly.

"Then there ya go." He smirks again.

Forty-Five Minutes Later...

"That was delicious, I had no idea Mexican food tasted so... refined. I was picturing just a taco or something, but it looked like a work of art! I'm pretty sure there was freaking caviar in there too!" I exclaim as we both walk out into the cool air of the highest level of the parking garage. Hearing Grimmjow chuckle beside me, I turned to him with curiosity.

"What?" I asked. He just shook his head and smirked at me, showing off his bright white canine-like teeth.

"Nothing, just thinking about how too cute you are." I blush hard, turning my head away from him. It was like that the whole time we were at the restaurant, him constantly flirting with me and making my face resemble a tomato. God, I swear I was falling for him even more now.

"Thank you for tonight Grimmjow, I really enjoyed it." I smiled softly at him. Aquamarine eyes widened, before the softened, and he stopped. Standing in front of me, he bent down and placed his lips softly on top of mine. Then, he swept his tongue over my closed lips, I open them willingly, allowing him and I to enter a swift lip lock. Moaning softly as his tongue caressed mine, my arms found way to the back of his neck as I edged closer to him. Our tongues fought for dominance, and I loved every bit of it. Finally feeling the need to have oxygen back in our lungs, we depart, a trail of saliva connecting us before falling onto my chin. I flush deeply, Grimmjow's eyes sparkling with mirth.

"Well that was nice." He purred, nuzzling my neck. I stroked his teal hair locks that were surprisingly quite soft, slowly.

"Yeah.. Grimmjow?" I said suddenly when he grabbed my wrist and started to pull me towards his car, and past my motorbike. My eyes darted back towards my precious bike before going back at the back of my date. He looked over his shoulder and smirked.

"Don't worry 'bout yer bike. I'll have it by yer house by midnight. I have more of a surprise to our date Ichi." I scowled.

"Huh?" I asked dumbly.

"We're going ta a good club I know." Gulping, I nervously looked at him. A club? What was I going to do?

That's it! :D I decided in reviews that this was going to be more than two-shot now.