Skulduggery Pleasant- Troubled Times

Hello guys. This is the second chapter ( as you probably didn't know XD) . I would like to thank Snickersluv, DuskTillDawn95, Blaze Repose, Radius Flame and an Anonymous reviewer again for giving me 5 brilliant characters, but enough with pointless chatter, lets get started ;)

Disclaimer: Me no own Skulduggery Pleasant, no matter what you say ;)

The Bentley pulled up by a warehouse. Valkyrie and Blaze got out of the car lightning fast. Skulduggery got out of the car slowly, his façade on, mumbling. He looked annoyed.

" You two better tell me a good place for car cleaning".

" Skulduggery, it's not my fault Blaze dropped shrimp all over the backseat of the Bentley", Valkyrie replied and Blaze started to giggle.

" Skulduggery, you were the person who insisted we eat shrimp." Blaze said, still giggling. Skulduggery sighed and was about to close the Bentley's door when he stopped. He looked around, looking cautious, then deactivated the façade. His skull seemed to gleam.

" We're being followed", he whispered as he pulled out his revolver. The ground started to splinter and crack as Sanguine appeared.

" Hello Funny bones", Sanguine said, then looked over to Cain. " It is nice to see you again Cain, you seem to be bigger than the last time we met. Maybe the burgers are getting to you". Valkyrie's retort died on her tongue.

" Sanguine, you've got 5 seconds to move before I fire my revolver". Skulduggery said then paused for a moment. " I'm sorry, that offer has ended." Skulduggery fired the revolver but shadows rose up and swallowed the bullet. The shadows seemed to swirl and a figure appeared from the middle of them. The shadows died down but the figure was still there. She had shoulder length black hair with red bangs and wore tight black jeans with a black jacket that had wide sleeves and a hood. All the shadows in the area seemed to be moving. Valkyrie realized why. She was a necromancer, and a very powerful one at that if all the shadow were under her command. Sanguine just grinned. Blaze moved in, and fired red daggers at Sanguine. It reminded Valkyrie of China. Sanguine hurtled back and Valkyrie summoned shadows then hurled them at the woman. She simply waved her hand and the shadows disappeared. Valkyrie stared in disbelief. No necromancer, not even Solomon Wreath, could dispel shadows that easily. Valkyrie saw Skulduggery hurtle backwards, his suit burning ferociously. A man in a white suit stepped forward. Valkyrie couldn't afford to focus on him. She pushed at the wind and the woman went flying back, hit the wall but just re-bounded back and ran at Valkyrie. Valkyrie stepped to the side then put her leg out. The woman just jumped over it then caught Valkyrie in the face with her right leg. Valkyrie winced in pain then sent shard of shadow at the woman. She summoned up a barrier of shadow but Valkyrie knew she was going to do that. It was necromancer instinct. She moved in and caught the woman with an uppercut. She stumbled back then screamed. The area was filled with a yellow light and the woman crumpled to the floor. Valkyrie looked around and saw Blaze, a yellow symbol glowing on her hands. She heard a breath behind her. Valkyrie turned and instinctively lashed out. The figure dodged then threw a knife at Valkyrie. The knife hit Valkyrie in the shoulder and she jerked back. She didn't seem to realize what had happened as she pushed at the wind and the figure went flying back into the wall. The figure was another girl. This one had black hair, a black with red stripe shirt and fingerless gloves that were the same color as the shirt. Valkyrie looked up and saw cats on the roof. The figure stood up and snarled. She pulled out a gun then fired. Valkyrie dodged it, then attacked the figure with a barrage of attacks. Hooks, kicks and the occasional fireball. The figure bent over in pain, then her eyes seemed to glow a vivid red. She reached for her neck, and ripped it off. The skin followed and the vampire stood on it's hind legs. Valkyrie didn't understand. Vampire's only transformed at night. This was very weird. The vampire rushed at Valkyrie and Valkyrie moved to the left, barely dodging the charging vampire. It seemed to have a problem with it's left leg. Blaze stepped in, and charged at the vampire with blue symbols glowing on her neck. The vampire swiped at Blaze but hit an invisible barrier. Blaze punched the vampire but it didn't have any affect. That thing was vicious. Valkyrie turned to help Skulduggery but was blocked by another figure. Damn, too many people. This one loomed above her and was a man, not a woman. It was the man from earlier, Valkyrie realized as she backed off. The man followed her.

" Who are you", Valkyrie asked as he prepared herself to fight. She still hadn't noticed the knife sticking into her shoulder.

" I am Kobra Fists".

" What do you want".

" For the world to become solid". He threw something at Valkyrie and Valkyrie caught it. She cursed when she saw what it was. Skulduggery's head.

" Hello Valkyrie", Skulduggery said.

" Even when he has lost his head, he is still very humorous", Kobra said.

" Why are you talking to me like I'm a friend?" Valkyrie asked and Kobra shook his head.

" I am not your enemy, but you're right, I am not your friend. I am nothing… and that is what makes me so special". Valkyrie sent a wave of shadow into Kobra but he just laughed and put his hand out. The shadow stopped dead in it's tracks, then came hurtling back at Valkyrie. Valkyrie was swept back and slammed into the wall, her nose gushing with blood. She still held onto Skulduggery's head.

" My power is the ability to reverse and control things", Kobra said, still smiling. Valkyrie wanted to get that smirk off his face.

" You're a lunatic." Valkyrie said but Kobra just shrugged.

" So I've been told." Valkyrie heard a grunt and looked around to see Blaze slumped on the floor. Three others were also on the floor. One was the vampire, one was the necromancer and the other was Sanguine.

" Well, your team certainly put up a valiant effort", Kobra said, admiring the scene in front of him. " But I always say quantity over quality". Valkyrie leaped up and punched him. He didn't even stumble. He grabbed her arm and Valkyrie seemed to shudder before collapsing. Her breathing was heavy as she looked around. Kobra was sitting on a brick, shaking his head.

" I expected better from you". He picked up Skulduggery's skull then the three prone bodies of Sanguine, the Necromancer and the Vampire, then walked off.

" Skulduggery", Valkyrie called faintly as blackness crept over her vision.

A/N: Not as long as my usual stories but hey, not that short either. This story shouldn't be too long, maybe 15 chapters, but I'm happy with the way it's progressing. And only one day till Death Bringer is released ( In my time zone). I can't wait for it, and my later chapters may have a few spoilers. Anyway, till next time, keep it real :P And don't forget to review if you like ;)