A/N: I'm back. Finally. Sorry it took so long, I had a very, very, very serous case of writer's block. But, I'm back! So, here goes.

~*Sky Magic*~

Chapter Thirteen

I flipped into the room, why I needed to enter Adrian's cousin's room to get the letters was unknown to me, but I didn't care. It was a career for me and nothing more. "So we have a panthress stalking the night," an amused voice, masculine, said from behind me, as someone pressed a knife tightly against my throat, holding me against a firm chest with the other arm.

"I do not mean you harm," I sighed.

He let go of me, letting me turn around and face my attacker. He was shirtless, probably getting ready to sleep, heavily muscled (very handsome) and looked alarmingly like Adrian. "What makes me so sure of that?" he asked.

"Nothing," I replied.

"What says I should not kill a Tortallan spy right on spot?" he demanded.

"I do not know," I replied. "Why don't you tell me?"

"I think you may be able to help me," he sneered.

"With what?" I inquired. Kemen, Adrian's cousin, was suspected, in the Tortall, for wanting the thrown, half the reason I was here.

"You give me information about Adrian's doings and I don't tell your little secret," he said.

I stared at him for a while and then thought about it. It couldn't hurt, not that I liked someone who would betray their king, but then again, I had no other choice. "Deal," I said.

"I'll arrange a meeting," he said. It actually firmed up all the suspicions that he was indeed a traitor.


"Myles!" I protested, speaking into the mirror. "I can't do that! He knows who I am and well, if I do say 'no, I'm not going to help you,' I get turned in!"

"Kalea, calm down," Myles replied calmly.

"Calm down? Calm down?! You expect me to be able to calm down!?" I demanded, my voice rising until it broke.

"You're not going to get anything done if you continue to shriek."

"Did I mention that Adrian kissed me?" I inquired.

"Kalea, breath, you're starting to turn blue in the face," Myles said almost impassively.

"I don't really care!" I said.

"Kalea, I need you to go into the administrative wing again. This time we're looking into the spymaster's files. We have suspicions of several spies placed around the King," Myles said.

"I'll do it tonight, I know where it is," I muttered.

A/N: Sorry bout the short chapter. I need to thank many people for their ideas. All my schoolwork's been piling up and stuff so it took forever! I only have three more real days of school, so after four days, I'll be able to write a lot more and produce more chapters!

~*Sky Magic*~