Gina: Good afternoon. Is everyone back from where they have been?

Rachel: Yes ma'am.

Gina: Good. Now, we have changed rather a few things.

Smithy: What, ma'am?

Gina: Miss Nixon has got herself arrested, we have passed the suicidal case along to Barton Street and I am in charge of this now, Jack is busy.

Smithy: Have you really?

Gina: Really what?

Max: Arrested Gov?

Gina: Yes, I have. She kept crying and she wouldn't tell me anything so we'll interview her later.

Smithy: But m...

Gina: If any of you want to change our story around, wait until it's your turn.

Mickey: Ma'am.

Gina: Now, the doors are still being monitored but so far there has been nothing. Rachel and Smithy, correct me if I am wrong, went to talk to Stevie, Leon was helping Eddie, Max and Mickey were looking up Sam's whereabouts and Millie was and still is at the hospital.

Rachel: Correct, ma'am.

Gina: Max and Mickey first, then.

Max: Well, Gov has no alibis whatsoever for any of the forty minutes she was missing last time we tried. Does anybody here know where Gov was between half ten and twenty to eleven, or half twelve and one.

Gina: Anybody?

Mickey: I'd take that as a no.

Max: Ma'am, I remembered Stevie said she was going to the toilets about twenty minutes before I said she was lost.

Gina: That would have been helpful when she was lying in the toilets!

Max: Yeah, I know ma'am, I'm sorry.

Gina: Never mind. Anything else, Max?

Max: No, ma'am.

Gina: Thank you. So, Leon?

Leon: Well, Eddie says she definitely didn't do it to herself, because the blood up the wall looks like it was pulled out by someone else. He hasn't got the identity yet; it's going to be about two hours, and also the person may have worn gloves.

Gina: Thank you, Leon. Rachel, Smithy, you have been dying to tell me something for the last ten minutes, I believe?

Rachel; Yes ma'am.

Gina: Go on then.

Smithy: Stevie says she was in the toilets at the time of the attack. She was apparently washing her hands. She didn't see the person properly but she saw the reflection in the mirror.

Rachel: Black hoodie, white trainers. About same height as Smithy. She says they grabbed her from behind and stuck a knife in her, then shoved her to the ground and started kicking her around. Apparently she can't remember anything else until she got to the hospital.

Smithy: She's sustained head injuries, but by the look of things she hasn't lost her memory. She's got a broken wrist and a stab wound in her side.

Rachel: And she's covered in bruises. She's dislocated her left shoulder and her left knee, and she's twisted her ankle.

Gina: Done yet?

Rachel: I reckon so.

Smithy: She's alright, really.

Gina: You really convince me!

Smithy: So, anyway, the point is, before she was attacked, she made up with Sam. Apparently Sam was in the toilets when Stevie went in, which was about twenty to one, apparently, and they made friends, or sort of as close to friends as you can get with the DI.

Rachel: Stevie told Sam she wasn't going to press charges, and then Sam left the toilets. We don't know where she went for the rest of the time until one o'clock, but we know it wasn't Sam who attacked Stevie because Stevie wasn't in the toilets that long, and her attacker came in two minutes after Sam left.

Gina: She could changed outside the toilets?

Smithy: Sam is less than five foot, I'm six. Bit of a height difference.

Gina: Mmmm.

Rachel: Maybe you'll have to let Sam go, her solicitor won't like this.

Gina: Mmmm.

Rachel: Are you going to do it, or shall I? Why is it that all the bosses around here stand around and tell us what to do?

Gina: Sgt Weston, do not speak to me like that.

Rachel: I'm sorry, ma'am, I didn't...

Gina: This conversation is finished, sergeant! Smithy, go and let Sam go, I would rather not do it. Then Max and Mickey, you can go and tell Jack what's happened and what's happening. Leon, you can go and see if Eddie's got the fingerprints yet.

Leon: Ma'am.

Gina: Sgt Weston, my office.