Chapter 13

Yes, I am back! I know I haven't posted anything in an awfully long time and I am very sorry for that. My final exams start in less than a month and my teachers kept coming up with all sorts of projects and papers they wanted us to finish before that time. On top of that I was completely lost with where I was going with this story as well as my other stories. But I found my way back and a new chapter just seemed to pop out.

I want to thank each and every one of you that has reviewed my latest chapter I truly appreciate your wonderful reactions and I really do feel bad about making you all wait while you were so sweet! Also, I wanted to thank and welcome those of you who just recently alerted me or this story. It is great to know that even though I'm absent, there are still people reading this story!

Again, I'm really sorry for making you all wait so long for this next chapter, especially with how it ended. I don't know how much time I have to write during my exams, but the wait won't be as long as this one. Also, there was a request that I write longer chapters... it didn't really work with this one, but I was quite anxious to post again and I will do my best in the future.

'Buddy, you're a drug dealer, murder and god knows what more dirt you've got on your hands. You really think I was ever really on your side?' Sam asked. She smiled at that. How could Jay really think that Sam wasn't in there from the start just to take him down?

'Hey, where are you going?' Boyd voice suddenly came to them.

Andy looked over at Oliver, who had a slightly concerned look on his face. What had just happened? Had Jay escaped

'Hey! Stop right there!' she heard other voices say. Then there were gun shots fired. Andy sat frozen in her seat. It seemed to take forever before the radio came back to life to inform them on what had happened.

'We need an ambulance at the scene right now. Officer down. I repeat officer down.'

She couldn't move. She couldn't see anything. Had she been able to look up she would have noticed that they were getting really close to the harbour. But her mind was running overtime and all she could do was keep her eyes closed shut, hoping for it to be alright, hoping for it not to be Sam. She wished she could have done something, to stop him from doing this, but somewhere deep inside she knew that was impossible. If only she could have convinced him to let her come along...

Oliver had flipped on the lights and siren and hit the gas, causing them to be at the scene in just a matter of minutes. An ambulance had already arrived and they came to a stop right next to it. Andy was now frantically looking around the scene, trying to locate Sam. She couldn't see him anywhere, however she did notice a small group of people that were gathered around a seeming laying form. She didn't hesitate a moment and got out of the car, sprinting towards the group of people. She vaguely noticed Oliver's footsteps as he rushed behind her.

'What happened?' she asked as she came to them and nearly ran into Boyd.

'No need to fuss, McNally, the bullet didn't go in deep. He just has to go to the hospital to get it removed but he should be fine,' Boyd was holding her back so it took her a little while to process the words that were being said to her. It took her even longer to process who was actually saying them to her. It seemed as though when her body froze, her mind froze with it.

She stopped trying to get past Boyd and he moved aside. In the midst of the people gathered she saw a pale man sitting, being held up by a couple of medics. When he noticed her he offered a weak smile.

'Don't worry, Andy, I'm gonna be fine,' Dov said, smiling broader as he saw her face relax slightly.

Sam was alright. He wasn't hit. He was alright. was all she could think as she looked over at how Dov was being taken away to the ambulance and she saw Oliver following him. The group around her seemed to dissolve as people went back to what they had been doing moments earlier. It took a moment before relief started to wash through her. She took a deep breath to calm herself down.

'You ok?' His voice came up from beside her. Andy looked at him before throwing herself at him.

'Sam!' He really was alright. He was alright and he was here, holding her. They stood for a moment simply holding on to each other as the scene started to clear out.

'Are you ok?' she asked after a little while, looking up at his face. He seemed tired and had a couple of nasty bruises. Yet, he managed a smile.

'I'm good now,' he said pulling her closer and brushing his lips against hers. All events from the night seemed to be forgotten. The fact that they were still at the scene and there were still people walking around gathering evidence didn't matter. Sam let his hand go through her hair while pulling her closer with his other. As he deepened the kiss she let her hand slip down his jacket and held on tight to him. When she felt him wince she pulled away to look at him.

'I'm fine, Jay got a little violent in the end, though. Guy throws a good punch.'

'Do you need to stay here, for a debrief or something?' she asked. She didn't mind staying here with Sam, but she really just wanted to go and get away from this place as fast as possible.

'Gotta get to the station, Boyd's waiting for me there. Also, the truck is there and I have to see Best for a moment, but we can leave this place.'

'You guys ready to go?' Oliver's voice came bursting in. He had walked away, obviously giving them some privacy, but apparently he had now decided it was time to leave.

They made their way over to the squad car. Sam opened the passenger side door for her and she got in. The door behind her opened and he slid in the back seat. Oliver started the car and they got back on the road.

'You ok in there, bro?' Oliver asked as they drove.

'Yeah, starts to get a bit old though, ending up in the backseat after an undercover op.' His eyes met Andy's through the rear-view mirror and he gave her one of his dimpled smiles. She felt the heat rise to her cheeks as she thought back to her first day at the job. But it had only been her first day and she had learned a lot since.

They made small talk for a bit, mostly Oliver filling them in on what had happened while they were gone. Just as a silence fell over the car, they pulled into the station parking lot. As they got out of the car and started to make their way over to the station entrance, Sam placed his hand on the small of her back, guiding her along softly.

When they entered the barn, the whole room seemed to explode. Everybody was cheering and congratulating them. They took it all in, until Best cut in, guiding them to his office where Boyd and another detective where already waiting.

'Officers! Good to have you back!' Best said, once the door closed behind them and they had sat down on the chairs in front of his desk.

They both muttered their thank you's and waited for him to speak again. However it wasn't Best that spoke next.

'Sammy, I need your statement now if you don't mind. I've got people breathing down my back. Despite the evidence we've got piled up against them and the fact that we caught them red handed, we still mightn't be able to hold them very long without it.'

'What?' Andy asked shocked. How was that even possible? They had tons of evidence. How could they possibly not be able to hold them?

Boyd sighed and shot a look at Best before looking back at them.

'I can't tell you, but there are reasons to suspect that someone might be leaking information.'

'You mean someone from us is on their side?' Sam asked.

'Didn't say that,' Boyd said, but the look on his face said something completely different. 'Now, let's get to interview one and get this over with, shall we? Maybe we will get home at a decent hour.'

As she cast a quick look at the clock, Andy knew that was impossible already. Sam pinched her hand softly before getting up. She watched as Sam, Boyd and the other detective walked out of the room.

'Andy?' Best said, getting her attention back to the room. 'You did a good job these past few days.'

'Thank you, sir,' she said.

'Now go home. I'll see you back here on Monday.' She smiled at him as she got up from the chair and walked out of the room.

As she walked down the stairs she was immediately surrounded by a group of people.

'You're back!' Traci screeched as she hugged her close. 'Are you alright?'

'Yes, Trace, I'm fine,' she said. She looked around at the people and suddenly she felt very tired. Traci seemed to notice it. 'Why don't we go get you changed?' Traci pulled her along to the locker room. She opened her locker and got out her own clothes and phone. As she switched it back on, she saw the dozens of missed calls she had received over the past few days.

'So, tell me everything!' Traci said as she sat down on a bench. Andy looked at her knowing she wouldn't be able to get out of this one. She sat down too, and started to tell her friend about everything that had happened. What had only been a few days, suddenly felt like weeks as she tried to recall every detail like she had done only hours before. But this time around, she didn't have to focus on the bad things that she had encountered, she could focus on herself and what she had felt throughout it all.

'So, you guys are together now? Like, really together?' Traci asked as Andy finally finished talking.

She smiled into the distance for a moment before answering. 'Yes, I guess we are.'

'Oh my God!' Traci exclaimed as she got up and hugged her again. 'I am so happy for you!'

'Thanks,' she said as she grabbed her things from her locker. I'm gonna go see if Sam's finished yet.'

'Well, I guess I don't need to ask you if you need a ride home,' Traci said smiling. 'See you tomorrow at the Penny?' she asked.

'Sure, see you there!' Andy replied before walking off to find Sam.

As she entered the viewing room she had a faint sense as if she shouldn't be there, but as she saw Sam sitting there all of that disappeared.

'Do you believe that he is innocent?' Boyd asked.

'No, I don't. He was there the entire time and he was participating just as much as the others,' Sam said. Andy wasn't quite sure who they were talking about, but she was sure Sam would explain it later if she asked. She watched and listened as he talked on about what happened. It was strange to hear him recall everything, to hear how he saw and experienced everything.

She was caught of guard as she suddenly heard the door open behind her. As she turned to see who it was, she saw Luke standing there. She had to fight the urge to roll her eyes.

'You're back!' he said as he walked up to where she stood and embraced her. She let him, too tired to fight him off. 'Are you ok?'

'I'm fine,' she said turning back to the interview.

'So, hey, if you want some company tonight, I mean, I could understand if you don't want to be alone right now…'

'Are you serious?' Andy asked as she turned around and looked at him.

'Well, yeah, I mean, I want to be there for you if you need me.'

'I don't need you.' Seriously, when was he going to give this up?

'You're just saying that because you're tired and confused. I bet you haven't had a good night's sleep in a while.'

That was true, but not for the reason he thought.

'Luke, I don't need you to stay with me tonight, or any other night.'

'Andy, you shouldn't be alone tonight.'

'I won't be,' she said as she walked to the door and into the hallway.

'Wait, Andy,' Luke called after her. She didn't listen to him. She kept walking until something stopped her. As she looked up she saw Sam's face staring down at her. She smiled as she saw him.

'Hey,' he said as he steadied her. 'Ready to get out of here?'

'Yeah,' she said as she threw a quick glance over his shoulder. Luke stood at the door, looking at them with a stunned look on his face. 'Let's go.'

The station was quiet now. Only a handful of people were still present, the rest of the shift was out on patrol. They walked out of the door and Sam guided her to his truck which was parked at the back of the lot. It was stupid she had missed that now over a week ago. Why hadn't she gone out to look for his truck? It would have given her some sort of confirmation that he was still around.

As they drove off Andy leaned in to him, resting her head on his shoulder. They remained silent as they drove, the events of the last couple of days catching up on them. They hadn't discussed it, but it was clear to the both of them that when Sam cut the engine when he arrived at his home, they would both be staying there. He led her up the steps to his front door and got his keys out of his pocket. She had no idea when he had picked those up from his locker, but she was glad he had. She just wanted to get inside and sleep till noon. She was sure that the sky was already starting to get a lighter shade. As they walked in to the dark and cold place, Andy was suddenly reminded of the last time she was here. It was odd that that occasion should pop to mind in that instance, and yet at the same time it made perfect sense as Sam led her up to his room.

'I should probably change the sheets,' Sam muttered as both fell onto the bed, exhausted.

'Hmm, probably,' Andy muttered as she nestled her head in the crook of his neck. He pulled the sheets up so they were covered. 'I'm glad you're alright,' she added.

'Me too.'

It had been a terribly long day and it was taking its toll on them now. She was so happy she was back in his arms. For a moment earlier that evening she believed she would never be able to do that ever again. Her hand slid up his chest as his arms encircled her body. Sleep was so close to taking them both over, yet a small part of her brain was still functioning as she held back the words that had been on the verge of breaking through for the past few months. The time wasn't right just yet.

Again, I am really sorry that you all had to wait so long for me to update. I will do my best to update as soon as possible, but please remember this is quite a busy time for me. as always, thank you for reading and feel free to let me know what you thought of it.