Author's note: 1/18/12: I've had this story published for a while now, but I decided to extend it/really finish it. So I rearranged the chapters, (yes, they are slightly shorter) and I did add a new chapter, Chapter 5 - I'm Going Home. I hope you enjoy!

Just Believe

Chapter 1- Difficult Memories

"Just one morning at church, Susan?"

"William, please. The last time I was there was for - my whole family's funeral. Susan thought but instead said, "You know." And William did know what she was talking about. "I don't want to go back."

"Susan, one day at church might change your whole life around. One day," William pleaded. Susan sighed and gave in.

"Very well. Just once!"

"Good, we'll be here to pick you up at nine tomorrow morning." William picked up his hat and left the house, closing the door behind him.

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow..." sang the congregation.

If all blessing come from God, he must not care about me. Susan gloomily thought. My parents and siblings are dead. That certainly didn't seem like a remembered the day they died. When she answered the ominous knock on the door of their home in Finchly, a uniformed man addressed her.

"Miss Susan Pevensie?"

"Yes?" Susan answered hesitantly.

"I regret to inform you that your family had been involved in a serious railway accident."

"No!" she gasped. "Are they all right?"

"I'm sorry, miss, but they were killed." The man said sadly.

"All of them? Peter, Jill, Professor Kirke, Miss Plummer?" Susan searched his face hopefully. "Even Edmund, Lucy, Eustace and Mum and Dad?"

He nodded his head. Susan turned away, shocked. No, she wouldn't believe it. It just couldn't be true. Yet, in her heart she knew he was right. Susan began to cry. Softly at first, but it grew stronger until she felt that she would burst. They were all gone. Her brothers, Peter and Edmund, her younger sister Lucy, Mum and Dad, cousin Eustace, his schoolmate Jill and Professor Kirke and Miss Polly Plummer, old family friends.

"Please turn to first Corinthians 13: 4-8." The words interrupted Susan's thoughts and she nervously shifted in my seat.

"Are you alright, Miss Pevensie?" asked an elderly lady, who was seated next to her in the pew. "You have tears in your eyes."

"What? Oh yes, yes I'm fine," Susan lied. Her mind began to wander as the pastor began reading the sermon text.

"Love always protects…" he read. Protects. That was Peter. He protected Susan from a wolf once…in Narnia. Narnia was the made-up land she and her siblings used to play in when the four were little kids. Peter and Edmund were kings and Lucy and Susan were queens. But it was only pretend, although curiously, the others believed it was real. That's why they had been killed on the train! Susan clenched her fists in her lap. Peter had insisted on digging up some old "magic" rings out of the ground somewhere. Susan felt tears come to her eyes again as she remembered his pleading face.

"Please Susan, come with us. We might be able to get Eustace and Jill back to Narnia."

"What funny memories you have of our childhood games. Narnia doesn't exist. When are you going grow up and stop believing in fairytales?" Susan replied heatedly.

"Narnia is real. It's not just a game. Have you forgotten about Aslan, Susan?" Edmund implored.

"Aslan?" Susan scoffed. She'd never believe that childish fairytale. "Come on? Really? A talking lion?"

"Please Susan, we wouldn't lie about this," Lucy begged.

"No! I'm too old to be chasing fairytales," Susan exclaimed, storming out of the room. The three of them stared after her with a mixture of sadness, hurt and disbelief on their faces. Now Susan wished she would have been nicer and hugged them tightly before they left. She might have even gone with them if she had known it was the end.

"Susan? Susan!" William tapped her shoulder. Susan was jerked out of her thoughts again as William and his sister Anna looked at her expectantly.

"Is it over all ready?" Susan asked.

"Yes, Susan. We're ready to leave when you are." Anna replied.

"Please pass the rolls," Susan politely asked Mrs. Edwards, who was William and Anna's mother.

"Didn't Pastor M'Kethe's sermon this morning have a good message?" Mr. Edwards asked. "He was right when he said love isn't easy. It isn't always easy to love everyone, but Jesus calls us to love our enemies and to do good to those who hate us. The apostle Paul says in the same passage that faith, hope and love are the three most important things but love is the greatest of the three."

"Amen!" Everyone agreed and turned back to the appetizing meal.

"Love conquers all," quoted Kara, the youngest member of the Edwards family. Peter once saved her from drowning in the nearby lake. She had just been a little girl then, now she was almost fourteen.

"Polly, would you like to play a game of chess after dinner?" asked her brother Andrew. Andrew and Edmund used to get along splendidly before Edmund, um, died.

"Susan, would you mind if I accompany you on your walk home?" William politely offered.

"Thank you. I would enjoy the company." Susan accepted and rose to her feet. "Thank you for the delicious meal, Mrs. Edwards."

"What did you think of today's service?" William asked as they strolled down the block.

"Um…well," Susan hesitated. She honestly didn't remember much of it; she had been too wrapped up in the past.

"Not quite what you thought it would be?" William smiled and Susan quickly nodded. "Would you like to come next week?" he invited.

"I-I'll have to think about it." Susan answered and then started to cross the street.

"Susan, wait!" William franticly yelled. She looked over her shoulder at him, confused. He was waving his arms and pointing up the street. Susan looked up as a speeding car raced straight at her. She heard the screeching of brakes and a thud as everything went black.

Author's note: For those of you who don't know, or can't tell: Yes, I am a Christian and I'm not afraid to include that in my writing.

Poor Susan! Read the next chapter to find out what happened. Also, this story is half bookverse, half movie verse. The memories a lot of times quote from the movies while the present story is based on the information C.S. Lewis gives during 'The Last Battle.' And yes, Susan really does turn away. That's why only she survived the train crash.