Disclaimer: Yep, I own Harry Potter.  *several lawyers appear with a pop*  Damn!  *scowls at the lawyers*  Fine, I don't own Harry Potter.  I make no claim on him or anything related and so on and so forth.  But I do own Saerry Snape and the kids, so pah.  *sticks tongue out at the evil lawyers*

Summary: Set eleven years after Harry Potter and the Dark Defenses.  Harry and Ginny were married during the summer after Harry defeated Voldemort and now have three children; eleven-year-old James, eight-year-old Lily, and five-year-old Sarah.  Draco and Hermione's daughter Kallianne is now a 6th year at Hogwarts and their eleven-year-old son Damon will be a first year.  Sirius and Remus still teach their Dueling class, Snape still teaches Potions, and Hermione still teaches History of Magic.  Ginny took over the Transfiguration class when McGonagall retired from teaching after a heart attack that nearly killed her.  Draco has finished his time as Snape's assistant but stays around to help the aging professor and keep close to his wife and children.  Harry continues teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts and has had Saerry as his assistant for two years.  Life is peaceful.  But a new threat has begun to rise in the magical world . . . .

Harry Potter and the Dark Reborn

Chapter 4 – Classes Begin

"Harry, would you please…"

"Explain what is…"

"Harry, could you…."




Harry banged his fists down on the table and aimed a furious scowl around the table.  Nearly all of the professors except for Draco, Hermione, and Ginny turned away, as the three of them had faced his scowl before.  Harry scowled at them for a moment longer then took a deep breath, closing his eyes.

When he opened them, he said, "If you will be quiet, I will tell you all what is going on."

There were several grumblings from the gathered professors but beyond that they were silent.

Harry rubbed his temples then said, "Last night there were Dementors at the train station."


"What on earth…"

"Why would Dementors…"



Everyone jumped as Harry thumped the table and scowled again.

"Yes, there were Dementors at the station – shut up, Thomas – and I do not know why.  Hermione, Ginny, my self, Sarah, and Lily were the last the leave the platform and saw them."

As Thomas Lancaster, the new Muggle Studies teacher, glared at Harry, Madam Pomfrey raised her voice.

"Lily and Sarah were there?  Why didn't you bring them to me?"

Harry fixed her with a mild glare and growled, "I think I should know how to cure that ailment, Poppy.  I spent third year around them and then seven more years.  I believe that is plenty of experience to know how to treat the effects of being near a Dementor, don't you?"

Pomfrey glared at him and began, "Just because you're Deputy Headmaster doesn't…"

"Be quiet, Poppy.  I know you are a mediwitch and know much more than I could ever wish to in that field, but I believe I know the Dark Arts and how to fight them."

Pomfrey looked away now.

Harry sighed then said, "Now, we don't know what the Dementors were here for, so let's not panic.  I may have an idea but I want to speak with Albus about it first.  Does anyone know where he went?"

"With Severus," squeaked Flitwick, "And Sirius, too."

"Where did they go?" asked Hermione.

Flitwick gave a tiny shrug and Remus replied, "They didn't say."

Harry sighed again and asked, "Does anyone know when they'll get back?"

Several heads shook at the table and Harry closed his eyes, rubbing his temples again.  Ginny touched her husband's arm and he half-smiled at her before turning to the other professor's.

"That's all for now."

They all nodded and left, save Remus, Draco, Hermione, and Ginny.  Harry sighed and leaned back in his chair, looking up at them.

"The three of them gone and nobody knows where they went."  He frowned then added, "Speaking of missing people, where's Saerry?"

Remus replied, "She said something about looking for a potion or curse in the Library."

"Argh.  You guys had better get to your classes.  Draco, you're teaching Potions?"

"Of course," replied Draco smugly.

"Okay, then.  I am going to go find my wayward assistant."

Harry rose and left the room quickly, not noticing the concerned looks the four people behind him were giving him.

~ * ~

Saerry Snape sat in the library at a table in the Restricted Section.  Madam Pince has some prejudice against her for a prank pulled in second year and almost didn't let her in the section.  Saerry shook her head and continued to leaf through the book she was looking through.  The title of the book was worn away from both cover and spine and the pages were old and brittle.  But a simple charm kept them from falling apart in her hands, which she was grateful for.  Just as she was leaning closer to the page a soft voice near her ear said, "And what would you be doing in the Restricted Section, my dear?"

Saerry snapped to attention and turned in her chair to see her instructor standing over her.

"Merlin's sake, professor, you nearly gave me a heart attack."

Harry smiled and replied, "People your age don't get heart attacks."  He leaned over to look at the book sitting in front of her.  "What are you looking for?"

"A curse Sev told me about.  I've spent a week looking for it."

"Perhaps I know it."

Saerry shook her head.  "Sev said it was a spell very few know.  Only those with a very high knowledge of the Dark Arts can even do the spell."

Harry gave the twenty-six-year-old a skeptical look and said, "I think I might qualify in that area."


"Saerry, it's Harry – not 'sir'.  And just tell me the curse.  If I don't know it, I'll help you look during free periods."

Saerry blinked.  "But…you spend that time with Lily and Sarah, don't you?"

"They can help."

"An eight-year-old and a five-year-old?"

"A very knowledgably eight-year-old.  Sarah can watch."

"Can she read?"

"The only book I know she can read is Hogwarts, A History and that's Hermione's fault."  Harry shook his head then said, "C'mon, class is about to start.  Bring the book with you and tell me about this curse on the way."

Saerry nodded and sent the other books she had gathered back to their shelves with a quick spell.  Gathering up the book she had been looking in, she followed Harry out of the library.

~ * ~

"Hey, look, James.  We've got your dad's class first!"


"Look and see."

James grabbed his schedule from Damon and let out a groan.

Damon arched an eyebrow at him and asked, "What?"  James simply pointed as his schedule and the other boy read it.

8:00  DADA – H Potter (Slyth & Gryff)

10:00  Trans – G Potter (Slyth)

2:00  HoM – Malfoy (Slyth & Huff)

4:00  Pot – Snape (Slyth & Gryff)

"Oh, I see."

"Yeah.  My dad, then my mum, then Aunt Hermione, then I get to see Uncle Draco."

"Jeez.  What about tomorrow?"

8:00  Duel – Lupin/Black (Slyth & Gryff)

10:00  Herb – Sprout (Slyth & Raven)

2:00  Char – Flitwick (Slyth)

4:00  CoMC – Hagrid (Slyth & Gryff)

Damon gasped, "We're with the Gryffindors four times?  And in Dueling too!  We're going to get hurt."

James sighed and nodded his head.  All of the Malfoy and Potter children had heard enough arguments between Draco and Ron to know that Slytherins and Gryffindors fought in school.  The ex-Slytherin and ex-Gryffindor were at each other's throats often enough.

"So, you ready to go, Jamesi-boy?"

"You call me that again and I'll set Perseus on you."

Damon's eyes widened slightly.

"You wouldn't."

James smiled maliciously and said, "Wouldn't I?"

"You.  Are.  Evil."

"Thank you.  C'mon on.  Let's get this over with."

James got up and left the Slytherin table, followed quickly by Damon.

"Why are you dreading your dad's class?  I'd think it'd be cool to have my dad as a professor."

"Yours is."

"No, he's Professor Snape's assistant."

"But he'll be the professor when Snape retires."

"If Snape retires you mean," said Damon.

"Good point," said James.

"Oh look.  Two little Slytherins lost in the hallways."

James and Damon turned to look up at a third year Gryffindor who reminded both boys of Damon's dad's school friend Vincent Crabbe.  They had seen a picture of him in their parents Hogwarts yearbooks.

The boy sneered, "Are you took little Slythies lost?"

When they didn't reply he continued, "Poor little Slythies.  Can't even find their way down to their dungeon like the snakes they are."

Damon bristled and glared coldly at the third year.  James grabbed a fistful of his robes as he glared daggers at the older boy.

The boy then noticed something and said, "Your Professor Potter's son!"

James smiled ferally and sarcastically said, "What gave it away," knowing full well it was his hair, which was exactly like his father's, even to sticking up in the back.

The boy frowned then scowled and said, "Be careful little Slythies. Be real careful."  With that he turned and ran down the hall.  As soon as he was gone, James let go of Damon's robes and began to walk towards his father's classroom.

After a moment Damon asked, "What was that about?  He seemed – y'know – scared of your dad."

James sighed and said, "Who wouldn't be?  Heckit, there's been times I've been scared of my dad."

"I know, but he was – well, he was scared shitless."

"Oi!  Your mum hears that and we'll be yelled at."

"Or my dad."

"Your dad?"


"Jeez.  Hey, there's the classroom."




Both boys ran for the door and threw it open, dashing inside.  Harry looked up from where he stood behind his desk and Saerry half-smiled in the direction of the eleven-year-old's where she sat in a chair off to the side of Harry's desk.

"Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Potter, how good of you to join us.  Have a seat."

Damon and James looked at each other then went to the only seats that were left; which were on the Gryffindor side in the front.  One boy glared at them then turned to whisper to his friend.  Harry suddenly barked, "Mr. Bannon!"

"Sir?" came the feebly, quavering reply.

"Would you like to share what is so important that you must tell Mr. Axle to the class?"

"No, sir."

"Good.  Then be quiet.  Now, I am Professor Potter and this is my assistant Saerry.  And as you all know, this is Defense Against the Dark Arts.  The first thing we will be covering this year are Grindylows.  So, turn to page 15 in your books – not your Potions book, Miss Finnegan – and we shall begin."

They took notes for most of the class until ten minutes till the end, Harry told them to pack up then sat on his desk, hands resting on his knees.  He looked around at the class and said, "Now.  For all my first years, I let them ask me questions for ten minutes before class ends for the entire first semester.  You may also ask Saerry a question.  So, who wants to go first?"

Nobody raised their hands.

"No one?  Surely someone has a question."

A hand slowly rose.

"Mr. O'Hanlen?"


Harry arched an eyebrow.

"Sir….ah….is it true what my dad told me about you?"

"What did he tell you?"

"That you were a Death Eater."

Saerry looked up sharply at that and looked at James and Damon, who stared straight back at her.  Or at least Damon did.  James' eyes were on his father.

Harry sighed and said, "Yes, Mr. O'Hanlen, I was.  Did your father tell you the circumstances lying with that decision?"

"No, sir."

"Fool," muttered Harry under his breath, then louder, "Alright.  I'll make this the summarized version as we only have about eight minutes left.  In my seventh year I received a letter from Voldemort – don't cringe, Mr. Bannon – saying that I could either join him or watch those I loved die.  I joined him.  Seven years later I killed him and all of the Death Eaters that were still alive.  Unfortunately, Voldemort wasn't truly dead – stop cringing, boy! – and came after me and those I loved.  He kidnapped my godfather, who you will find is Professor Black – or Professor Padfoot, as he prefers to be called – and my wife Ginny, Professor Potter to all of you.  Also, he took Saerry here."

Saerry nodded numbly, her black eyes slightly glazed.  Harry looked at her out of the corner of his eyes as he continued.

"Luckily, I found out where Voldemort was holding them and went to rescue them, along with Professor Snape.  I managed to defeat him but almost died in the effort.  A few months later my trial was held.  As you can see, I was proclaimed not guilty."

Several in the class chuckled then ran for the door when the bell rang.  James strayed behind as he watched his father turn and gently shake Saerry's shoulder, only having to duck his head to look into her eyes, as she was almost as tall as him.  Damon jerked on his arm but James stayed firm, watching.  Saerry was an occasional visitor to their house, coming over to talk to both of his parents and sometimes him and Lily.  Sarah always loved her coming too.  James watched as Saerry gave a little shake, the life coming back into her dark eyes.  She gave a little whimper and Harry wrapped an arm about her shoulders.

"Shhh.  It's okay, Saerry.  James!  Damon!"

The two boys jumped and looked up at Harry with wide eyes.  Harry frowned at them and said, "Get to class before you're late."

James began, "What about…"

"I'll take care of Saerry, James.  Go to class.  You've got your mother, correct?"

The two boys nodded.

"Then you don't want to be late.  Now go.  Go."

Damon and James nodded and the blond left.  James stayed behind long enough to say, "I hope she's okay," before he took off after the other boy.

Harry shook his head after them then led Saerry over to her chair.  Dragging his over, he said, "Saerry.  Saer.  C'mon, girl, drown those damned memories!  Voldemort's dead!  You're safe at Hogwarts now.  C'mon, c'mon.  Saerry!"

Saerry jerked, eyes flying open, then relaxed, giving a little shake.  She looked up at him then after a moment, smiled and whispered, "Thanks."

Harry smiled in return and patted her shoulder.

"Your welcome.  Severus would kill me if he came back and you were stuck in the past."

Saerry chuckled softly and Harry's smile widened.  He then asked, "Will you be okay for next class?"

"Who is it?"

"Fourth year Hufflepuffs."

Saerry gave a short bark of laughter and said, "A pushover."

Harry laughed and shook his head before getting up to let the fourth years in.