Chapter 1: Change

Word Count: 5,442

IMPORTANT NOTE: Italics in the story means that it's a different language. There's a lot in this and I was too lazy to get the actual translation. Sorry if things are incorrect. Hope it isn't too confusing.

It wasn't exactly normal for the countries to throw a sort of drinking party right after the G8 meeting. Of course it wasn't common for Prussia, Antonio (and China for some reason) to sneak in with alcohol and suggest such ideas either. So, after Prussia had convinced Germany to relax a little (with a little help from Italy), the meeting was called to a close and drinking was set in, though England was already on his way to being dunk at that point. And so, with plenty of drinks to go around it was quite interesting to say the least.

Germany, while not quite sober himself, tried to keep a drunk Italy from shedding his clothes. Though, soon they weren't to be found in the meeting room. Matthew who tried to ovoid the situation, also ended up quite buzzed and laughing a little too much at Alfred's dumb jokes. Gilbert and Antonio were holding a drinking contest with each other, which Japan and China where watching. England was the most drunk but was somehow still going while Francis was there trying to perv on him and Russia sat, drinking vodka and watching happily as the chaos insured.

"I think you have had enough to drink, mon ami." Francis said to Arthur, who was trying desperately to grab back his bottle of whiskey from the French man.

"Give back- Bloody frog!" Not really a complete sentence, but it was enough to be made sense of...for now.

"Non, we always go over this. You may end up doing something that you regret." Francis said, though really he didn't mind, maybe if Arthur was drunk enough he would give in to him. With that in mind, Francis gave the bottle back, which Arthur grabbed and protected with his body as though Francis might take it away again.

"I used to be repecttaded-"


"Don't interrupt!" Arthur snapped, hiccupping a bit, "And you wouldn't ave dared to try to take it!" Arthur said.

"Oui, but that was a long time ago, you are always so stuck up in the past." Francis sighed, thankful that England was no longer in his pirate stages...that still gave him nightmares sometimes. England scowled at the French man in front of him.

Ivan got up, all the vodka in this bottle was gone. But there was a decent sized table near one of the walls that held all sorts of alcohol. So, he made his way towards mentioned table, wishing that he could converse with his fellow nations and for them all to have a good time together. And maybe by fate, some supreme being or shear bad luck, Ivan walked by the arguing duo just as Arthur pulled out his trademark yellow wand, and aimed it at Francis as he did a spell. Unfortunately, being drunk, his aim was a little off, and it hit Russia square in the shoulders. Said Russian promptly fell face first into the floor. The whole room went dead silent in less than five seconds. All eyes locked onto England, who in turn looked stunned.

"Shite." England cursed. Francis thought about grabbing the other and running like hell, but he was frozen to the spot, staring at Ivan.

"What did you do?" Francis asked, looking at England, Arthur opened his mouth to respond when Ivan stirred.

"My Head" Ivan muttered in his native tongue, slowly sitting up. Where was he? He looked around to see strange people all staring at him. No wait, wasn't that Yao? And the Teutonic Knights? What were they doing here? Well he wasn't in his home land, that was for sure. He felt kind of funny, but people where watching him, why? Was he suppose to do something? Ivan looked down at himself, he was in a beige coat, much to big, it was falling off one shoulder and covered his hands completely. Ivan, ignoring the people staring, raised his arms to move the sleeves down, he saw gloves, which were also much too big, he slipped them off and rolled up the sleeves.

"Oh. My. God." Somebody said, Ivan looked around, not sure who it was from or what they had said. Was that English? Maybe it was from what's his name...he couldn't remember, the little island country. Oh yes, England. What Ivan didn't notice or could possibly know, was that he had been a grown man not a minute ago and now he was back to his teenage self, with no memories of anything between. And he looked hot as hell, and that tid-bit did not go unnoticed by anybody in the room. Especially France. But the question that was going through everybody's head was 'is he going to kill England.'

"Ah...Russia?" France asked. Ivan hesitated before looking at him, wasn't that France? Was he talking to him? Ivan stared at him and France couldn't help but imagine all sorts of perverted things he could do. And Russia looked so much more innocent, without that doom cloud around him.

"Yes?" Ivan asked curiously, tilting his head to the side slightly.

"….." Francis lost his train of thought, "Come, the ground looks very uncomfortable from down there." Francis said, rape face in place as he offered a hand to the young Russia.

"France, are you seriously trying to molest Russia, aru?" China asked, a little shocked, not that he could blame France. Russia looked cute and well...penetrable like this. China blushed, and shook away his thoughts.

"Well, I do not see a problem with it, what do you Russia?" France asked. Ivan did not know if he could trust France, but he was being friendly at the moment. Ivan accepted the hand, accepting the unneeded help to stand, but he was not a couple of inches up when he withdrew his hand and sat back down, a dark blush over his face that he quickly hide in his scarf as he shifted uncomfortably. His pants where much too big and they had started falling down.

"Ah, what is the matter do you not trust Brother France?" Francis asked.

"He is not a child France, he is a teenager, I am sure he understands that you are plenty dangerous!" China said, coming over. Ivan brightened, Yao was isolated, but he recognized him more. Especially when they were under Mongolia's rule.

"Yao!" Ivan said happily, but Yao usually didn't come out of his country let alone with so many other countries, oh well. China blushed deeply at his name, thoughts unwillingly going to dark places. Which earned a perverted laugh from France.

"Ah China, I see what is going on in that head of yours, non?"

"I am not a pervert like you, aru!" China yelled at him.

"Well honestly, even I would tap that shit." Gilbert piped in, "And I hate him...then again, good revenge."

"Ah, but he looks so much cuter." Antonio said cheerfully.

And they all started fighting. Ivan looked between them, sighing, this was what happened when you got a bunch of people together, still it was fun, he curled his legs up to his chest. It was kind of warm here though...maybe he should take off his jacket. He didn't recognize it, but it didn't have any odor on it that he could pick up, meaning it was probably his own. Strange, but at least he had his sister's scarf. He readjusted that so it could fit properly, oblivious of the argument that was centered around him.

"Wait!" Everybody who was arguing looked towards the usually quite nation, "We're all arguing over who can sleep with Russia...which is um...kind of weird in itself. But shouldn't Russia have a say in this?" Everyone seemed to remember that Russia was still here, they all turned to him. Ivan jumped at the sudden change of attention again. Now everybody was staring at him, what did they want now?

"Alright, Russia...we are sorry. We forgot you were there." Francis said uneasily, how would Russia react? But Russia just blinked up at him, so apparently he was fine with all this, "I suppose you do not mind so much, what with the becoming one and all, oui?"

"One~!" Ivan said happily.

"Yes...but what is your choose?" China asked cautiously. Ivan tilted his head.

"I am sorry but Yao, France and...all you guys know my English is not very good. How about my language, yes?" Ivan asked, smiling up at them. Unknowingly signing his fate.

"What you choose two of us aru?" China asked, a little surprised, and the other was France? Well, at least he was chosen. Though he didn't know why Russia wasn't speaking English.

"Um...hey guys?" America said, speaking up for the first time since Russia had fallen.

"That isn't fair! Look, I want to have my fun with him alright?" Gilbert butted in, "The awesome me deserves it after everything he's done to me!"

"Well, he did choose us Gilbert, try not to be so jealous." Francis said, winking at his friend.

"Really? And what about the sharing your always talking about, amigo?" Antonio said, pouting slightly.

"Ja, really." Gilbert said, "You cannot be such a hypocrite!"

"But he didn't choose you aru, so too bad." China said.

"How about we each get him for a while? I mean this thing might not be permit, but if he does remember all of this then we will deal with that problem." Japan offered, done taking his pictures that nobody noticed. There was a moment of silence when all nations looked at each other, nodding, "Good, we will play quick game to decide who gets him first."

Francis looked back down to see what Ivan's reaction to all this was, only to find nothing there.

"Ah, where did Russia go?" Francis asked, looking around, but he was nowhere in the room. But he did not notice that somebody else was also missing.

"So why can you not walk?" Alfred asked the teenage Russia who he was carrying bridal style while running down the hall. It was a little bumpy for Ivan, but not too bad. Ivan looked over the stranger's shoulder at the hallway. Light came from the ceiling, but it didn't look anything like candles or chandeliers. Ivan blushed, burying his face in his scarf again on instinct.

"W-well my pants are a little big." Ivan muttered, remembering how Alfred had snuck up to him while the other's where arguing and asked him if he could walk. Ivan was happy when Alfred spoke his language, and told him no, expecting the other to leave him alone like France kind of did. Instead, he picked him up and got both of them out of there before anybody noticed.

"Yeah." Alfred laughed a bit, "Alright, we are going to my hote- house to get you some clothes then, okay?" Ivan nodded, still confused as to what was going on. And this blond...he was a nation, but Ivan had never seen him before in his life. What country was he? He would ask once they got to his house. Alfred came to a skidding stop in front of his hotel door, pulling out the key card and opening it. He rushed inside and set Ivan down on the bed.

Ivan looked around as Alfred started shuffling through the suitcase he got. They were in America, thankfully in no other country that was at the G8 meeting. If they were in like France, well...countries instantly knew where another country were. But, his house was in a different state so Alfred still had to stay at a hotel. "Is this your home?" it was very small, considering how rich the other seemed, going off of the quality of the things he did recognize. If he was rich, why live in such a small place? It did not make sense.

"No erm, no." Alfred corrected himself, pulling out some clothes that would hopefully fit Russia, "Here, hurry up and get changed. You do not want the others finding us." Ivan wondered why that was, but he supposed he could wait a little longer to ask his questions, he had so many of them. The other countries always looked down on him and usually ignored his questions but one day he would be a powerful nation and then they wouldn't ignore him. Ivan noticed how Alfred had his back turned, and was tapping his foot. Ivan wished there was a candle, it was kind of dark. But he supposed they were in a hurry. Ivan stood up and wiggled a little, his pants and underwear coming off easily, he unbuttoned his coat and slipped out of that and his large shirt underneath. Ivan put on the clothes that the other had given him, the pants were lose around his hips but it was much better than the other one. The length seemed to be about right, reaching down to almost engulf his feet, but not quite. The shirt was comfortable though, if not loose around the neck and shoulder area. It also reached down a little past his hips, but it would have to do. Ivan tightened his scarf a bit.

"Okay." Ivan said, figuring that was what the blonde was waiting for. Instantly, Alfred turned around and grabbed a bag with his bathroom stuff, not caring in his haste and shoving Ivan's old clothes in. Alfred handed Ivan a pair of sandals, which he put on as Alfred hurriedly packed his stuff and grabbed all the bags. Alfred opened the window, better safe than sorry.

"Come on, follow me." Alfred instructed, Ivan nodded and followed him down the fire exit in confusion. Alfred went to his car, taking out the keys and opening the doors. Ivan, however, was staring at everything, trying to absorb everything with wide eyes. Alfred smiled, Ivan was kind of cute, even if he was going through the biggest culture shock ever. Alfred put all the bags into the back of the car before going to the passenger side of the car, opening the door, "Alright, come on and get inside here, okay?" Ivan looked at Alfred and then at the car. What was it? It was shiny and he could see the inside, where there were what he could only assume to be some strange seats and strange looking gadgets, some of which light came off of. Ivan did not know if he should trust the strange country, he had simply been literally carried (which was not a pleasant experience, he did not need help) and brought here with no explanation at all. Then again, things here were so strange and confusing. What could he do? Yao looked different, it had been Yao right? Ivan wasn't sure anymore, "Please? I will explain everything in the car." So that's what this was called? Well...if the other was going to explain things to him, might as well. Ivan nodded and cautiously got into the strange contraption. Although as soon as he was in, the exit was closed, leaving him trapped inside. Ivan glared at the blond for tricking him, but Alfred didn't notice as he came around and got into the driver's seat. Ivan relaxed at that, so he wasn't trapped in.

"So...Who are you? You are a country, yes?" Ivan asked, Alfred looked a little surprised, but not much, he smiled sadly before starting the car. Ivan jumped when the thing growled at him, and started koling at it as a threat.

"Um..." Alfred said, raising an eyebrow. But it seemed that Alfred's thought process was right, Ivan was stuck somewhere way in the past. Like stone age or something, Ivan probably wouldn't have even heard of the New World. No, Alfred met Ivan briefly after living with England and Ivan was fully grown then. Still, he didn't want Ivan attacking his car, "Calm down a bit, okay? It is suppose to do that when I start it. It is not going to do anything, so do not touch anything." Might as well have that as a rule. Ivan curled his legs up to his chest, trying to touch as little as possible, it was not comfort to do so, but it would work. Alfred started driving, which made Ivan fascinated by the world that moved by, so unlike his own. It seemed like several hours went by before the blond spoke again, "And to answer your question, yes, I am a country. My full name is the United States of America," Alfred said, saying his country name with the English pronunciation, "But most call me America or Alfred. And you are Ivan. Also a nation, in eastern Asia and Europe."

"How do you know that?" Ivan asked curiously, looking back at Alfred curiously.

"Well..." Alfred thought, was it a good idea to tell him the truth? Eh, screw thinking, "England cast a spell on you during the meeting."

"What meeting?" Ivan asked, he recalled no meeting. And magic did this? That could be a problem.

"Right, well it is a long story, so no interrupting." Ivan nodded, falling silent, "Well, I'll make it short, this is the year 2011, there was a meeting being held between some nations, but that ended in favor of a drinking party. I was not really paying attention, anyway! Ivan, you were fully grown until England casted a spell on you that apparently did something so that you from long ago is here now." Ivan blinked, what? 2011? Drinking party? Fully Grown? Ivan tried to make sense of this. So this man was telling him that he was in the future? That was impossible though, especially since England's magic was worthless. Maybe this was all some sort of trick. But everyone had looked different...and his much to big clothes. Still, going through time?

"If that is true, then..." Then what? Ivan didn't know, Alfred seemed to know his name, what else could he know about him? So questioning for personal information would be worthless., "I do not know, never mind. But if you could tell me, why was everybody fighting?"

"Well, they were all talking about who could sleep with you." Ivan blushed darkly.

"W-What?" Had he heard that right? Even Yao? But Yao always avoided him, most did, unless they were trying to invade his land or wanted something which never happened, "You must be mistaken." Ivan said flatly, looking down past his feet on the strange chair.

"Yeah, I wish. I could hardly believe it myself. But you are cuter then you are when your older." Alfred said, "But me being a hero, saved you before anybody could do anything!" Especially Prussia who seemed to be thinking of rape. There was silence in the car for a long time.

"What do I look like when I am older?" Ivan asked curiously, he still did not know if this was all true, but still. Alfred thought for a moment before realizing he had a picture of Ivan on his phone (he had one for every country so their face showed up whenever they called, okay?). Alfred pulled into a parking lot of a cheap motel. He didn't want to use his credit card, those could be tracked easily, so he would have to pay in cash, which he didn't have much of. Alfred turned off the car, which made Ivan relax a little. Alfred fished his phone out of his pocket, flipping through the pictures until he got to Ivan's.

"Here you are." Alfred said, smiling as he handed Ivan the phone. Ivan, not sure what the thing was took it cautiously, wondering if this too would growl at him. But instead he saw somebody very familiar. He stared at it. They looked a lot like him, violet eyes, the scarf his sister gave him. This supposed future him was smiling a bit, but his eyes didn't seem happy at all. Still, it made Ivan proud that he kept his sisters scarf through so many centuries.

"How tall am I?"

"Just because I can talk your language doesn't mean I remember the're a little taller than me. But only by a little!" Alfred said, getting out of the car, Ivan stared, wondering how Alfred had gotten out. Alfred came to his side and opened the door for him. Ivan smiled, getting out of the car. He was happy to know that he would grow taller, his head was only to Alfred's shoulder at the moment, but he would grow more, so that was okay for now. Ivan was about to hand back the portrait of his older self when the phone screamed at him. Ivan dropped it and ran, hiding behind Alfred. Ivan hid behind Alfred's back, holding the other's arm and looking past him at the thing still screaming on the black ground. Why was the ground so black? Alfred smiled, shaking his head as he picked up the phone. Oh, it seemed that the other countries had noticed he was missing. Alfred answered it, "Ello?"

"America! What do you think you are doing aru? Where is Russia?" China's loud voice came from the other end. Ivan was eyeing it cautiously.

"Huh? Oh well, considering you were all talking of raping him, I decided to be the awesome hero and protect him!"

"You probably just want him for yourself!" Francis's voice said.

"Nope, that would be un-heroic, not cool dude. But I don't want you tracing this call. Bye!" Alfred said, hanging up and shutting off his phone. Yeah, he was paranoid, who cares? He wouldn't put it past them. He had never thought they would have ever openly talked about molesting Russia, and in front of Russia none the less, but hey, that happened, "Alright, it is late, we will stay here for tonight at least." Alfred said, closing the door to the car. Alfred grabbed the bags from the back and locked the car before going towards the main building.

"What was that?" Ivan asked.

"It was France and China. They were wondering where we were, but I told them I was being heroic and saved you!" Ivan fell silent for a moment as he followed Alfred, "Oh you mean the phone, people can talk through it, it's pretty cool, huh?" More like strange. Ivan didn't want anything to do with it.

"Why does nobody but you seem to know my language here?" Ivan asked curiously.

"It is not very common. And I think they have forgotten if they ever learned it. I probably would not know it if it was not for the Cold War." Alfred muttered, of course he had been required to learn it then, not that he wanted to. However, it was still with him. Alfred went to the front lady, "A room for the night, please." She gave them each a look.

"One bed?" She asked. Um...

"One!" Ivan said, repeating about one of the only English words he knew with happiness. Hey, if you were stuck in a world in which you only knew about one word, you'd say it a lot too. Alfred felt like face palming. Though Ivan had looked adorable when he said it, Alfred could just barely see the beginning of 'Become one' whenever Ivan said that. The lady handed Alfred a key. Oh well, he would let Ivan have the bed, to make up for the way the others were acting in his time period. And because he was awesome like that! Alfred walked to their room door, it didn't take too long to find, and opened the door. Definitely not first class, but hey, it had a roof, bed and bathroom, so all was good. Alfred ushered Ivan inside and closed the door behind them, dropping the bags near the door.

"So, what happens tomorrow?" Ivan asked, turning to look at Alfred.

"Well, I am kind of hoping that you will regain your memories by then and this spell will wear off." That did happen a lot. Alfred pulled out a sleeping bag he had originally packed for extra warmth in case it got to cold, good thing he had, "Anyway, you can sleep on the bed tonight, I am going to sleep down here."


"Yeah?" Alfred asked, looking up at the other who was sitting in the middle of the bed.

"Can we talk a little more? I am still confused." Ivan asked, hoping the other wouldn't refuse and go to sleep. Alfred nodded, sitting on the edge of the bed, facing the other.

"Ask away." Alfred said, smiling happily at the other.

"Well, it is about when I am older, yes? I was wondering, how large and powerful is my nation?" Ivan asked hopefully. Alfred felt like dying, he wanted to lie and say that Ivan was weak and small and everything he usually did, but...this was little Russia, curious as to how the future looked for him. Not knowing it was filled with insanity and so much pain at every turn. Alfred couldn't find it in himself to lie.

"Well, you are the biggest nation on the face of the Earth I will give you that." Alfred said, "As for power, you are pretty high up there. China, you and I are pretty much the ones way up there." Not a lie really. Ivan's eyes sparkled and he grinned so happily that Alfred was happy that he hadn't chosen to lie.

"So we are all sort of equal?" Ivan asked, that seemed odd.

"Basically, China is mostly economically powerful, you have military and I am kind of in the middle of those two." Then again, things change a lot.

"I am not surprised that China is a main power here. But what about you? You seem around my age."

"Yeah, I know, I'm only a little over 235 years old!" Alfred said, glad he go to brag about himself finally, "But I am very strong. Though, China always makes fun of me being the youngest." Alfred said, pouting slightly at that part. Ivan was shocked, only in the two hundreds? How was that possible?

"Really? That is amazing!" Ivan said, Alfred grinned at that. Everybody always looked down on him for being younger and stupid, but now Alfred was older than Russia. It wasn't so bad having him like this, "How did you do it?"

"I do not know, I have always been strong, at least that is what England says anyway."

"England?" Ivan asked, what did he have to do with this again?

"Oh yeah, he raised me for a while. You know, before I rebelled." Alfred laughed a little, "But best not to mention that to his face. Though it would be kind of funny." Though he wondered what England would do.

"About that...remember when you told me why you were taking me from the...meeting?" It had been a sort of meeting, right? Ivan wasn't sure.

"Yeah, I remember..." Alfred said, wondering where the other was going with this.

"Well, it is strange enough to think that what you said was true." Very, very strange, "But if that is true and I have become more attractive in all your eyes, then how is it that I can trust you?"

"Oh, you mean why am I not trying to have sex with you?" Ivan was a little surprised at how blunt the other could be, but nodded, that was basically it, "Well, I am not saying that you are not attractive, do not get all depressed teen on me." That was the last thing Alfred needed, an emotional teenage Ivan, which he already kind of got he supposed, but Alfred did not want to make it worst, " cannot tell anybody what I am about to tell you." Alfred said seriously, "Nor ever hold it against me." Ivan blinked, nodding in promise that he wouldn't, which made Alfred sigh and relax, shrugging, "My guess is that I found the older you attractive anyway, so I do not see much difference, other than you being cuter. And plus the whole cold war, that was good time to learn how to repress sexual urge." Alfred muttered.

"You keep saying that war, what was it?"

"Well, it was not really a war...just us kind of preparing to go to war with each other. Would have destroyed the entire world between the two of us. So we finally called a truce." Alfred said.

"What does that have to do with sexual urges?" Alfred laughed, he supposed he could see anybody not understand from that explanation.

"You will get it when you get your memories back, alright?" Alfred said, the other nodded, "Anymore questions? Because really, I could go on forever talking about myself." Ivan thought for a moment, it did not seem like they had an alliance with each other than. Ivan thought so when Alfred apparently 'saved' him. But the Cold War thing seemed to cancel out that plan. But they did not seem to be enemies either. Plus Alfred said something about being attracted to the older him. What a strange relationship. Ivan was all mixed up.

"Am I going to go back to how I was before tomorrow?" It seemed strange that there was a possibility of suddenly becoming several years older and getting memories for hundreds of years of experience overnight. Would it hurt? Would he be different? Hopefully the latter.

"Hopefully, and then things will go back to normal." As much as normal was.

"Alfred, I have one more question." Alfred nodded, silently telling Ivan to go ahead, "Do I have a lot of friends now?" Alfred felt a little sad. Alfred understood that this was the time to lie his ass off.

"As close as people can get to being friends and nations. But yeah, we are called the allies we are so close! There is England, China, France, Canada. Canada's my brother you haven't met him yet. Who else? Well me obviously...I think that is it. There is also Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia, they lived with you for a long time." Until they all ran away, but hey, he was lying after all. Ivan smiled, he had so many friends. Though he had to question why most of them would try and have sex with him without permission. How mean, he would have to teach them a lesson next time he saw one of them. Still, America seemed alright, though Ivan was curious about the other.

"That is good." Ivan said, smiling. Though he really did not know what else to ask. There were still so many questions that he did not have the answer too. But if Alfred was right he should be getting his memory back that next morning, so that was alright he guessed, "Okay, I am going to go to sleep then." He felt exhausted in all honesty. Alfred nodded.

"Yeah, me too." Alfred said, he usually stayed up a little later, but he did not really want to see Ivan sleeping. Alfred did not know if he could trust himself then. Sure he was doing good suppressing his teenage hormones, but that did not work for very long. Hopefully tomorrow Ivan would be back to his normal self and they could get back to insulting and fighting each other at every turn. Alfred got off the bed, crawling onto the sleeping bag to fall asleep.

And there you have it! But it is my first time doing any lemony stuff! Please keep that in mind.

Prompt from Kink Meme:

There is a drinking party after a meeting, England casts a spell and Russia turns to about 16 year old teenager. Everybody wants to tap that shit, America is the hero.

Bonus 1: if Russia doesn't know much English.

Bonus 2: If he hides his blush with his scarf.