A/n: All right a little 2-shot here ^^~. Honestly I got this idea from a Youtube video, so this part is partly based on the song. The other one isn't though. Oh yeah sorry for any OCC…I am still getting used to these characters personalities. I have only seen 10 episodes, which is why. Anyways here we go~

~Little Secret~ 01

Mikado POV:

I sigh as I listen to Kida talk about girls. He never stops talking about them; even though I have already told him at least a million times that I am not interested in them. He doesn't seem to listen and keeps talking and talking. He doesn't even seem to notice that there is a blackette with a smirk on his face waiting outside the school gates for us. I sigh and I am about to tell him that Izaya is there, but Kida seems to finally notice him. He stops walking, and pulls me close protectively. Ever since that day that Kida hadn't been with me when Celty and Izaya showed up, he hadn't left my side, and when we saw Celty, who he still didn't know, and Izaya he became rather protective, even if people called him weird or something. I knew Izaya just got a kick out of it, and well Celty had called it sweet unlike Izaya who had called it weird. I really didn't care what they thought about it, what I thought it was, was annoying. Because now Kida wouldn't leave me alone, not even at my house. He had pretty much started staying over every night, despite me telling him I really didn't want him there every night. I needed my privacy after all, and I had finally convinced him to stay at his home tonight, but now I kind of regretted it.

I knew Izaya had something in mind with that look…and he would get it done no matter what. Kida pulls me the other way, and I know I have to follow, well things don't always go as planned. I felt another arm go around me and lift me up, followed by a yelp from Kida. I see him on the ground, rubbing his head. He looks up and his eyes snap to a red like color. I hear Izaya laugh and then I sigh, knowing he has me over his shoulder. I can't really do anything as he starts to carry me off. If I tell him to stop or something a switchblade will meet my neck, and then things will only get worse. This is one reason I was afraid to be with Izaya, though I had no choice in the matter since he 'insisted' we should go on a date or something. That was when it clicked in my mind. Today was the day I had agreed to go somewhere with Izaya…which meant what just happened was because I had forgotten about it. And well what was going to happen next would also be a result of me forgetting.

It wasn't like Izaya noticed though, since he probably knew I would forget which must be why he came to get me. Though he could have come to my house and not the school. That way nothing would seem out of the ordinary to Kida-kun, annndddd he wouldn't be chasing after us right now. I sigh and shake my head as Izaya just moves even faster. I can tell he has that smirk on his face, and to him this is all a game. I have never understood his thinking, and I know I probably will never understand it. I don't even think Celty-san understands what is going through Izaya's head. Oh well then really…there is no way to find out. I wince as Kida yells for Izaya to set me down, but Izaya-san only complies by turning around, running backwards. He says something that I don't catch then turns the right way again. He keeps running until we come to a familiar place. I know this place by heart by now. It's Izaya-san's house. I don't even know how the hell we got here so quickly, nor do I know why Kida-kun still hasn't stopped following. I honestly couldn't blame him though since it probably looked like Izaya was going to hurt me…, which he might I, sigh and then blink as the door to Izaya's home closes. I hear banging, Kida-kun wanting in. Izaya says nothing before setting me down on the couch and walking somewhere. He comes back not to long after words, and I can tell he has something in mind. Before I can say or do anything he has my pants and boxers removed. I blush, and go to move away only to have him pull me back. I squirm.

"Orihara-san. W-what are you doing?" I stammer. I can just see the smirk that is plastered on his face. I squirmed still as I felt him touch me in different places before feeling something pushed inside of me. I jerked around a bit, not feeling right. He didn't stop though and pushed it in all of the way. I had to wonder what it was, but soon I found out. I squirmed, feeling a vibe coming from my backside. I knew what it was, and I cursed Izaya for putting it inside of me. It felt slightly good, but at the same time it felt really, really weird. I gripped the carpet that was beneath me, and tried to keep my breath straight. He pushed my boxers and pants back up, making it seem like he had done nothing before whispering something to me that made my heart pound and then he stood up and headed for the door.

I got up slowly, shivering as I did, and managed to sit straight up on the couch as I watched him open the door slightly. I felt uncomfortable the whole time while he talked with Kida-kun. There were often times when loud yelling came from the other, which Izaya dismissed and talked in his normal tone. Soon enough the door closed, despite Kida-kun still banding on the door. Izaya came back over to me and smirked. I swallowed, not even wanting to know what he had in mind now. I found out soon enough or course as he started removing my clothing. I blushed slightly, and then gripped his shoulders tightly as he grabbed the vibrator that was inside of me. He slightly moved it and I gripped onto him tighter. He started to move it around inside of me, and I couldn't help but let out a few sounds. I knew he was playing around with me, but at the moment I couldn't do much about it. Then again this was better than the first time when he had tied me up and did as he pleased with me, which made me wonder why the heck I was still in love with him even after he did that to me without thinking about my opinion…then again just as he said he had gotten me to start enjoying this, much to my dislike. I couldn't help but let the sounds out of my mouth, and then before I realized it the door started to open…and Izaya's smirk widened…

A/n: Alright leaving it there. ^^~. The last part should be up soon enough. Man I am being so mean to poor Mikado~