Media: Fic

Title: Skin Has Gotten Thicker (But It Burns the Same)

Disclaimer: Sadly, I own nothing.

Rating: PG-13, but the rating will probably go up in future chapters.

Spoilers: Everything from 2x06 "Never Been Kissed" onward.

Warnings: Badboy!Blaine, so there's a bit of violence and some swearing. There's also the situation with Karofsky, which comes with its own set of warnings.

Word Count: 1,251

Summary: Kurt Hummel is so used to dealing with his problems by himself, he's forgotten how to let someone help him. Good thing Blaine Anderson is as stubborn as he is.

Getting thrown into dumpsters is -without a doubt- unpleasant. But what's worse is having to blink at the blue mess dripping into his eyes and staining his clothes.

Kurt wipes at his face as Karofsky and his accomplice walk away, snickering. He waits until they disappear around the corner before hurrying to the restroom and straight to the sink. Dropping his bag, he digs through it for a towel and his toiletry case. But, when he straightens, he freezes when he catches sight of another boy through the mirror, watching him curiously.

He's pretty sure that he's a new student, because Kurt knows if he had seen this boy around campus before, he wouldn't have forgotten such a face. The boy is gorgeous, with wild curly dark hair and hazel eyes, looking like he just stepped out of a fashion magazine. Kurt swallows hard as the boy continues to stare and raises a cigarette to his lips, taking a long and slow drag. His gaze flickers down to the blue puddle that's forming around Kurt's feet before looking up once more. "Bad day?" he asks, exhaling a cloud of smoke. His voice is pleasant and warm.

Kurt laughs without any real humor and turns on the faucet. "I'm used to it," he says. I suppose I have to be, don't I? He squeezes his facial cleanser in his palms and scrubs at his cheeks. Trying to ignore the presence behind him.

As he washes, he hears the click of footsteps and immediately glances up. The boy stands a short distance away, his eyes lingering on a part of Kurt that is definitely not his face. "My name's Blaine," he says, continuing to puff on his cigarette and ignoring the expression Kurt makes at the smell. "Blaine Anderson. And you are?"

"Kurt. Kurt Hummel," he replies. He pats himself dry with the towel before turning around. Blaine continues to stare and he tries very hard not to blush. "And my eyes are up here."

Blaine hums, unrepentant. But he obligingly takes the hint and backs away. "While I agree blue is your color, I doubt you make a habit of drenching yourself in artificially colored cornstarch and sugar."

That's a huge understatement if I've ever heard one, Kurt thinks. "So, Blaine," he says instead. "I'm assuming you're new here."

"Just transferred in."

Kurt frowns. "Then what are you doing smoking in the bathroom? You're supposed to be in class."

"Oh, Kurt." Blaine grins and shakes his head. "Kurt. Kurt. How are you so adorable?"

Was Blaine patronizing him? Flushing with sudden anger, he sets his jaw and whirls around, ignoring the other boy completely as he scrubs at the blue all over his skin. But it stubbornly clings to him, making him feel sticky all over. There's no choice but for him to head to the shower rooms. He packs up his things and starts to the door. Reluctantly he stops, turning to Blaine. "What's your first class?" he asks.

"Calculus," is the amused reply. Blaine takes out a folder from his bag and hands over a surprisingly unwrinkled paper.

Kurt gingerly takes it and scans the schedule carefully. Calculus with Mrs. Bennett. Room 108. WIth a sigh, he gives it back and beckons the other boy to follow. "I'll show you the way. And I'd appreciate it if you put your cigarette out too."

"Seriously. You're too cute, Kurt," Blaine says, grin widening. He laughs when he receives a scowl in reply, but thankfully tosses the cigarette in the sink -which Kurt has to fish out and dispose of properly. It's just a small mercy that he doesn't say anything else while they walk to the math wing.

"You're about twenty minutes late," Kurt says as they approach the classroom. "But Mrs. Bennett is pretty reasonable, so just tell her you're new and you got lost."

Maybe it's just his imagination, but he's fairly certain Blaine's eyes soften for a brief moment. Then he smiles almost sweetly, murmuring a quiet, "Thanks." It shouldn't make Kurt blush, but the boy is ridiculously attractive and knows how to be vaguely nice when he wants to be. "What about you, Kurt?"

"I need to clean myself up," Kurt points out. In case Blaine has forgotten that he's still wearing blue slushie.

"Will you meet me afterward to help find my next class?" he asks, feigning innocence.

Kurt tries to glare at him but can't fight the urge to smile. "You have to promise to behave yourself."

Blaine leans in very, very close. "I'm always on my best behavior," he whispers and kisses Kurt on the cheek, light and quick. "See you."

Stunned, he can only gape after him as he ducks through the door. Warmth floods into his face when Kurt realizes some of other students saw it, because they're muttering to each other and glancing his way. He ducks his head and hurries down the corridor, trying not to think about how soft Blaine's lips had been pressed against his cheek.

Kurt scrubs furiously at his hair and wonders why Blaine kissed him.

Although Mercedes and the other girls in Glee club shower him with physical affection often enough, the boys avoid touching him like the plague. But then this strange transfer student barges into Kurt's life, kissing him before they know a thing about each other. He has no idea what to make of it.

Perhaps... Blaine is interested in him?

It's a concept Kurt can barely comprehend. He's been unwanted -or wanted in a completely unnerving way- for so long the mere thought of Blaine thinking of him like that is both beautiful and terrifying. It makes him sigh, leaning forward under the shower head and letting the water run over his face and shoulders.

Suddenly, there's a loud clatter and Kurt glances around, entire body locking up when he realizes David Karofsky is standing right there. He tries to remember how to just breathe while Karofsky forces a stranged, "What the hell are you doing?"

Fear is strong, but anger is stronger and Kurt laughs bitterly. "I'm cleaning off the slushie you threw at me," he says, turning the water off and wrapping his towel around himself. Ignoring the pounding of his heart, he clumsily pulls his clothes on and gathers up his things, shoving past Karofsky. "And pick up your football equipment before you trip yourself over it."

"You-..." Karofsky seems to struggle with himself. "You think you can just turn me on with your skin and your face, you homo-..."

"Don't you dare accuse me of anything, Karofsky," Kurt hisses, furious. He never asked for this weird obsession of him and certainly didn't welcome it. He hated Karofsky's attention. It made him feel dirty. "Besides, you're the one who forced a kiss on me."

Karofsky's eyes harden and Kurt feels his blood turn cold when he recognizes that expression. It's the same look he wore just before he stole that kiss. And then Karofsky is lunging forward to grab him and he barely even has time to scream.

Kurt tries to dart out of the way, but when his arm is caught he reacts without thinking, slamming his toiletry bag as hard as he can over Karofsky's head. He's immediately released and Kurt shoves him, causing him to trip over his own football equipment. Sorry,Kurt thinks and doesn't know why, before turning and running away as fast as his legs can carry him.

Note: The title of this story comes from Sara Bareilles' "Bottle It Up".