Title : Guinevere's choice
Author ella_rose88
Rating: PG
Word count: 9,401
Characters/Pairings: Gwen, Igraine, Arthur, Lancelot, Merlin, Arthur/Gwen and Gwen/Lancelot.
Spoilers/Warnings: Some slight character spoilers for series 4 (though no names are mentioned).
Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin. If I did things would be different just a tad. There would be many A/G centred episodes and Gwen would be given a sword and go on adventures to rescue the boys (LOL which might give me an idea for another fic)!
Summary: Gwen gets visited by a ghost who shows her the future.
Author's notes: Set after the events of series 3. This was written for the reel_merlin Challenge. For the challenge I chose to base my fic on the film It's a Wonderful Life. Although, it was also inspired by the One Tree Hill episode, Songs to Love and Die By. The name of the fic was inspired by the Doctor Who episode Amy's choice.

Many thanks to sophielou21 & rubber_glue for helping me by listening to my constant rants when I was having trouble with my muse, giving me advice and reading my many drafts. Love you guys !

A special thanks must go to rainbow_connec for bribing me to sign up to this challenge by giving me some *puppydogeyes* and for beta'ing it for me !

Comments and feedback are always and appreciated!

Gwen is annoyed.

Arthur could always tell when Gwen was annoyed and tonight is no exception.

They are attending the Feast to celebrate the birthday of Arthur's uncle. Everything appears to be going all according to plan, until the noble ladies start their usual ritual of gossiping.

Gwen is making her way to Sir Leon to enquire how his expecting wife is feeling, when she overhears some of their conversation.

"Why on earth is the Prince's mistress attending this feast? A mistress's place is in bed, not in public where people can see her." Lady Beatrice says, looking quite outraged. Her companion Lady Isabel replies, "Well obviously she must have been a good roll in the hay if the prince is determined to have her attend the feast."

Arthur is pleasantly occupied talking to Gwaine and Leon when he overhears some of the conversation. Ignoring his first instinct to go over and put the ladies in their place, Arthur concentrates on Gwen. She looks like she wants to put the noble ladies in their place too, but instead she continues listening to the ladies 'conversation' like it's not her place to defend herself.

Sensing that Gwen is not alright, Arthur politely excuses himself from Gwaine and Leon and starts to make his way over to Gwen to see if she is alright. But it is too late as Gwen discreetly made her way to the exit, picking up an empty plate on her way out.

Arthur immediately follows her and later finds himself in the palace kitchens. Although, Arthur managed to secure Gwen a position of being Gaius's assistant after Morgana fled, there were many times when he found her carrying out her former maid duties. Whenever he asked her about why she was cleaning or helping the cook when she did not need to, she would always sigh and say (sounding slightly annoyed, Arthur might add) "I know I'm not a lady's maid anymore, but I'm not ashamed of doing some work." Arthur learnt that whenever Gwen did this he needed to tread carefully.

He manages to find Gwen. She is standing in front of a bucket with her pale blue velvet sleeves rolled up to her elbows, slightly hunched over, furiously scrubbing at some pots and pans.

"You know if you scrub too hard there won't be any pots or pans left," Arthur jokes to try and lighten the tension in the air. He regrets saying it when all he hears in response is a grunt.

"You okay?" he tries again, hoping this time that Gwen will say something and open up to him.

"Fine, I'm fine. What makes you think I'm not fine?" Arthur walks a little closer to her.

"Because you suddenly walked out of the hall and now you are furiously scrubbing pots and pans?"

"Well Gladys was tired and I offered to help her out." Arthur then grabs the cloth from Gwen's hands, places it on the table before he places he hands on her shoulders and turns her towards him.

"Now I know that you're lying. I overheard some of the ladies' conversation…"
Arthur is about to continue when Gwen cuts him off. "It's okay, Arthur. I don't expect them to accept me after all I'm only a servant to them."

"Well obviously it's not okay because you keep running off and taking your anger out on the poor pots and pans," Gwen giggles a little at this, "Now there's the smile I know and love."

Arthur goes to offer his arm to her. "Now Milady, I believe we have a feast to attend." Instead of taking his arm, however Gwen picks up the cloth on the table and starts scrubbing the half-finished pan.


Gwen cuts him off again, "I have to finish this Arthur. I'll meet you a little later."

"Gwen, I know that what those ladies said was disgraceful and cruel, but you can't let it get to you."

Gwen sighs, "I know it's just I find it hard standing up to them when I will always be a servant in their eyes."

"There's no shame in having been a servant, Gwen. You just need to hold yourself above it. Don't let them get to you. You're nobler than the rest of them put together." Arthur then pauses, looks down at her slightly dirtied sleeves then continues, "Though you might look slightly dirtier…" Arthur giggles, and then stops when he notices that Gwen is not laughing. Once again he has said the wrong thing.

"What's that supposed to mean? Huh… I should be more like the other 'noble' ladies, more concerned with dresses, curtains and finding a husband than helping others who need it. "

"You know that is not what I meant." Arthur points out, "It's just that running away from the feast to clean pots and pans isn't going to change your image in their eyes."

Arthur hopes that this will calm Gwen down a little and make her see reason. Instead it has the opposite effect.

"I can't do this anymore" Arthur hears Gwen say, before she dumps the pot she was scrubbing into the bucket, picks up her skirts, gives him a "don't you dare follow me" look then walks out of the kitchens.
