Disclaimer: Alas I don't own anything but I love Suits and I have totally been obsessing over one Harvey Specter and Mike Ross (I totally ship them but I don't know if this will be a slash fic in the end or not).

A/N: First attempt ever at writing something that is entirely within the realm of normal, where there is nothing supernatural or magical etc. I also have an extremely limited knowledge of Law so please don't judge me by that - I've tried my best. Mike and Harvey are the real heart of this story anyway. This chapter is gen fic but the story will evolve and develop (hopefully). I guess it is more of an origin/background story - there will be flashbacks.

Enjoy :)

Chapter 1


Mike flicked a pen idly back and forth between his fingers, while swinging his chair slowly from side to side and keeping one eye on the direction of the door. Harvey was late and he was never late. Well sure he was late but not seriously late, not like actual hours late. Not late when he actually needed to be here.

Mike stood up leaning over his desk and the front of his cubical to peer down the corridor towards Harvey's office. Donna was still at her desk, on the phone. Mike squinted at her. Was it just him or did she look slightly ruffled, more tense than usual? Or was it just he, Mike Ross, that was worried?

With a sigh he threw himself down into his chair, which skidded back a few paces. He put one iPod headphone in and was about to put in the other when Harvey strode past.

"Harvey..." he called out but trailed off when Harvey didn't reply.

He leapt up again shrugging on his jacket and smoothing down his tie, wishing not for the first time that he actually remembered to iron his shirts and hurried after him.

By this point Mike was convinced that something was most definitely wrong. Harvey Specter was not a man that hurried anywhere. He skidded to a halt in front of Donna's desk just in time to witness Harvey sweep a whole desk full of files angrily onto the floor.

Catching Donna's eye, he pointed his forefingers towards Harvey's office. "I erm, should I go..."

Donna gave Harvey a quick glance and then looking up biting her lip shook her head.


"What should I do...?" Mike asked awkwardly.

She stood up smoothing down her grey pencil skirt "Nothing you go back to work. I'll handle this".

When he didn't move she made little shooing actions with her hands.

Donna had known Harvey Specter for gone seven years and was more than just his executive assistant; she was also his confidant. But in all that time she had never known him to bring any kind of personal problems to work. He was normally always the epitome of calm and collected; always in control. She knew something was really bothering him to have him this agitated and off kilter. It had been written all over his face.


Harvey stood staring out his office window, hands in his pockets. With back ramrod straight and broad shoulders he cut an imposing figure. But imitation was not how he got things done.

Donna cleared her throat behind him. "Harvey".

Taking a deep breath he turned to face her "Donna," he matched.

She leveled him a look that said cut the crap.

"Sit," she demanded.

He quirked an eyebrow at her but sat anyway, tilting the leather chair backwards and crossing his legs.

She gave a low whistle. "Boy do you look like shit!"

He said nothing as she picked up the scattered files and neatly arranged them in a pile on one of the small tables in his office. He also said nothing as she went to his shelf of records fished out a bottle of whisky and poured a good two maybe three ounces into a glass.

She set it in front of him. "Drink," she commanded, tapping her manicured fingernails on the table.

He grimaced. "Donna..."

"Uh uhh," she interrupted. "Don't you Donna me Harvey Specter! You should know better than that!"

He winced in apology and picked up the glass, knocking back the amber liquor. Donna took the empty glass from his hand and filled it up again, placing it in front of him once more. With a sigh he ran his right hand over his hair and leaned forward. The chair creaked as it popped upright. He rested his elbows on the desk and his forehead between his outstretched fingers.

"Now," Donna said carefully, perching herself on the edge of the desk. "What has your knickers in a twist?"

She watched Harvey's sighed inwardly and the muscles in his chiseled jaw flex. The tension in his usually languid body language was palatable.

"Alex," he finally breathed through his teeth.

He didn't need to say more; Donna knew exactly who Alexander Leeds was and why she drove Harvey absolutely crazy.

She hopped off the desk, all business once more. "What do you need me to do?"

"Need you to..." Harvey slapped his palms on the desk in exasperation.

He licked his lips swallowing hard before standing up. "This is my problem Donna, I'll deal with it and if I need help I'll ask".

Donna put a hand on her hip narrowing her eyes. She shook a single finger in his direction.

"Go home Harvey, sort yourself out."

Harvey's fists clenched at his side but he didn't say anything for a long moment.


"Don't worry about Jessica I can handle her."


Mike looked up as the door to Harvey's office finally opened and Donna and Harvey emerged. He strained his ears trying to catch the tail end of their conversation but they were speaking too softly. Donna laid a comforting touch on Harvey's forearm; a very maternal gesture. He quickly looked down pretending to busy himself at his computer as Harvey came in his direction.

Harvey stopped in front of his desk. Mike counted to five before looking up. The half-cocked smile on his lips faltered as he swung his chair round and saw Harvey's expression and he quickly rearranged his face.

"Take care of these briefs." Harvey dropped a stack of files onto his desk.

He stared in surprise. "What are they? What do you want me to do with them?"

"You're smart, you figure it out," was the reply he got from the retreating back of his supposed mentor.

"You have a good day too," he called after Harvey.

No answer.

"Great," he muttered under his breath, flicking the first file open as he tapped a highlighter against his front teeth.


After an hour or so of reading this and that, Mike was half-heartedly considering poking his eyes out with his sharpie pen just so he didn't have to read another line. He was only partially concentrating anyway. His thoughts kept drifting to Harvey and his not Harvey like behavior. It was very mysterious.

Perhaps he should try his luck sweet-talking Donna. He pushed himself away from his desk – yes that is what he'd do. As he ambled towards her, the door to one of the conference rooms opened and lawyers began to filter out from the morning meeting that he'd not gone to because he'd supposed to be going to a hearing with Harvey. He quickly diverted his legs towards the drinking fountain, bending over it and forgetting too late to hold his tie so it didn't get wet.

"Shit," he intoned examining the damage just as Jessica Pearson walked past. She gave him a small, amused smile at his flustering before stopping at Donna's desk.

Mike loitered, doing his best not to look like he was eavesdropping.

"Harvey?" Jessica questioned.

Donna didn't skip a beat. She carefully set her phone down before answering in level tones. "He's not coming into the office today, he called in sick. Stomach flu – he'll be taking his calls at home."

Man, Donna was a scarily good liar, Mike noted.

Aware that he was standing there Donna shot him a look over Jessica's shoulder as if to say not a word. Mike hoped that his eyes were conveying the message the secrets safe with me, but it was hard to tell and he wasn't entirely sure what the secret was either.

He was still standing there, probably looking majorly gormless, when Jessica turned round. "Yes?" she looked at him inquisitively.

"I errr...nothing" Mike stammered "I was just um..."

"...waiting for me" Rachel interjected appeared at his side. She held a file up. "Research for a deposition."

Mike nodded in agreement, echoing "Research," as he quickly turned away from Jessica and her calculating eyes.

"Thanks," he muttered to Rachel as they walked together back to his desk. "She scares the bejesus out of me sometimes."

Rachel laughed. "You looked like you needed rescuing." She paused. "So what were you doing? You weren't in the meeting… work for Harvey because he's sick?"

"How did..?"

"I overheard Donna," Jessica answered.

"Oh yeah that's right," Mike grinned at her, nodding even as his stomach sank. "Care to help me with that? I could do with a bit." He pointed to the considerable pile of files on his desk.

No matter what, he couldn't shake that ominous feeling that something was seriously wrong. Nor could he ignore the fact that he was now a willing co-conspirator in covering for Harvey.


A/N Intrigued? What does have Harvey's knickers in a twist eh? You know what to do - reviews are like cookies for me.